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资源说明:Discover the exciting world of game programming and 3D graphics creation using DirectX 10! "Beginning DirectX® 10 Game Progmramming" is an introductory guide to creating fantastic graphics, amazing creatures, and realistic worlds for games. Written specifically for the beginner programmer, the book uses step-by-step instructions to teach the basics of DirectX 10, introducing skills that can be applied to creating games for both PC and game console platforms. You ll start by learning how to install the DirectX SDK and how to get your first application up and running. From there you ll be introduced to the 2D and 3D graphics components of DirectX allowing you to draw animated sprites and create 3D objects. Put your new skills to the test with a final, hands-on project that shows how to bring together everything you ve learned. If you have a basic knowledge of C++ and 3D math concepts then you are ready to learn how to program amazing 3D game graphics with "Beginning DirectX 10!"
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