Yuri Boykov s and Vladimir Kolmogorov s work on graph cuts and MRF optimization has been extensively cited in the academia, and their maximum flow implementation is widely used in computer vision and image processing research.
"Graph Editor" is application for work with vector graphics. It allow to create and modify vector primitives for pictures creation.
matlab simulink to draw 3D graph. It is very useful to know how sfunction works. Also, you can see how multiplexer is connected to draw a graph of 3 axises x y and z.
It is a very useful matlab program to plot a 3D graph by using sfunction and it shows how to use multiplexur for x, y and z signals. Enjoy it and good luck.
image segmentation: introduction of graph cut, grab cut, normalize cut,...
This is a GUI component in CSharp.
it draw some continuous signal graph very fast.
sorry by my english