Minimum spanning tree.cpp
If You have a connected, undirected graph, a spanning tree
of that graph is a subgraph which is a tree and connects
all the vertices together.
Here You can do it with in C++ Language.
提出一种带边界匹配的基于 Graph Cut 的快速纹理合成算法.通过将纹理样本以不同的位移贴到输出图中完成合成 ,重叠区域的像素取值由 Graph Cut 确定.引入边界图辅助位移搜索 ,以增强合成结果的边界连续性 在预处理过程中计算 2 个相同样本在所有相对位移下的匹配误差 ,选取一部分误差最小的位移组成 “优选位移” 集合 ,合成过程中的块间相对位移仅从此集合中选取 ,大大地提高了合成速度.
This is a set of codes to be copied to the C software and run. It calculates the AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) and show that it is a normal distribution by plotting a graph
使用VC6.0,C++,windows API,写的绘制矩形和直线的小程序,计算机图形学的基础。