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  • OGNL.rar OGNL是Object-Graph Navigation Language的缩写,它是一种功能强大的表达式语言(Expression Language,简称为EL),通过它简单一致的表达式语法,可以存取对象的任意属性,调用对象的方法,遍历整个对象的结构图,实现字段类型转化等功能。
  • floyd_warshall.c.rar It is the source code of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for finding the shortest path between all nodes. The shortest path between two nodes of a graph is a sequence of connected nodes so that the sum of the edges that inter-connect them is minimal
  • vesa.zip ... was written in old Borland C++ IDE. Archive also consists library graphx.cpp thats is the same as old Borland standard graph library for C++ and pascal. There is also library for BGI (Borland Graphics Interface) fonts vizualization with graphx library. ( ...
  • 01_FlutterFlag.rar C++ directx openGl game graph 2D 3D
  • graph_gui.rar simple application , which accept user input for various kind of equation and draw the graph of the given input
  • dd.rar program representing a communication network using graph terminology
  • dijks.rar implementing dijkstra algorithm using graph terminology
  • linkedlists.rar graph reprsentation of a communication network using linked lists
  • ginput2.zip a function that draw graph in matlab with supported zoom options
  • L1General2.zip Solving graph optimization problems. Fast and support sparse constraint