... graph drawing algorithms. Starting from a hierarchical graph we create a population of chromozoms that will be used in ... is the most important aspect in aesthetic graph drawing(planar drawing). Hierarchical graph with a hierarchical drawin using multiple ...
Hierarchica graph drawing using genetic algorithms. We start with a hierarchical graph containing multiple layers and we create a group of chromozoms from the input layered graph. We have inter-layer and intra-layer crossing. We use the minimum ...
Dijkstra s algorithm, conceived by Dutch computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra in 1959, is a graph search algorithm that solves the single-source shortest path
基于图论的图片显著性分析算法。详细可参见NIPS08 paper: a graph-based saliency
图的大部分实现 图的深度优先周游 图的广度优先周游 由队列方式实现的拓扑排序 由深度优先搜索方式实现的拓扑排序 单源最短路径(Dijkstra算法) 每对顶点之间的最短路径(Floyd算法) 最小支撑树(Prim算法) 最小支撑树(Kruskal算法)