halcon 8 用MATROX METEORII采集卡采集时的接口
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资源说明:halcon 8 用MATROX METEORII采集卡采集时的接口,基于MIL-LITE9。0 System Requirements Intel compatible PC with Windows XP/Vista or Windows XP/Vista x64. Successfully installed Matrox board driver. Matrox DLLs mil.dll, milmet2.dll, milsolios.dll. These DLLs must be within your search path %PATH% (typically, they reside in the directory C:\Winnt\system32). If you do not have these DLLs, please contact Matrox or the vendor from which you bought the frame grabber board. Note that this interface requires the Matrox DLLs version 9.0, i.e., MIL-Lite 9.0.. HALCON image acquisition interface hAcqMILLite.dll or parhAcqMILLite.dll, respectively. If you have properly installed the interface, both DLLs should reside in bin\%HALCONARCH% within the HALCON base directory %HALCONROOT% you have chosen during the installation of HALCON. Features Support of Matrox Meteor-II, Meteor-II/1394, Meteor-II/CL, Meteor-II/DIG, Meteor-II/MC, Helios eA/XA, Helios eCL/XCL, Solios eA/XA, Solios eCL/XCL, Solios eCL/XCL-B, Solios eV-CL, Odyssey eA/XA, Odyssey eCL/XCL, Odyssey eD/XD, and Vio frame grabber boards. Multiple compatible cameras per board (port switching). Synchronous and asynchronous grabbing. External trigger (with software override of the camera configuration file). Support of multiple analog and digital cameras based on camera configuration files. Limitations Only one image acquisition instance per frame grabber board for Meteor-II, Meteor-II/cl, and Metor-II/dig boards. However, multiple compatible cameras can be accessed using port switching. No support of onboard image preprocessing capabilities. No support of Solios GigE boards. grab_data and grab_data_async not supported. No LUTs. ,供全球各大品牌工业相机,欢迎垂询13823365382