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  • HIDTestSource.zip This program exercises the HID API of Windows for a specific device. It calls the relevant HID functions and shows the results. The extended test calls the HID functions with unusual but valid parameters.
  • 01163a.rar ... Embedded Device This application note discusses and provides a HID device function driver that can be integrated with almost ... -bit PIC® microcontroller products with USB peripheral. The HID function driver uses the Microchip PIC32 USB device stack ...
  • rej06b0898_sh7216ap.rar SH7216 Group USB Function Module: USB HID Class This application note describes how to use the USB function module of the SH7216 and examples of creation of firmware conforming to the USB Human Interface Devices (HID) Class.
  • Use_HID_design_USB_device.rar HID类型开发USB设备,有兴趣的朋友可以改为VC,BCB代码。
  • MicroUSB_How+to+write+a+USB+Driver.rar How to write a USB HID driver
  • wt.rar HID灯压检测 点亮HID灯过程、外加电压变化对灯压变化的影响
  • HID_RW_Test.rar VC++6.0对Hid设备读写的一个例子
  • USBHID.rar LPC17开发板的USB-HID例程代码
  • usb1.1.rar 简单的usb-hid设备通信实例,处理主机的hid设备请求.
  • nrCommLib.rar ... voice modems), Text to speech conversion, access to LPT port, barcode readers, Bluetooth connections and devices, work with GSM (sms send receive, access to phonebook etc.), ZModem file transfer protocol, HID devices, Terminal, logging and other more.