这是我看了一位朋友用c++ builder写的dll部分的代码后,自己用vc++6.0写的完整的窗口化外挂,目的只有一个就是满足渴望学习外挂制作的朋友的愿望,我也是刚开始写外挂,写的不好的地方还请包涵,我们大家多多交流交流. 附件说明: 国人当自强.rar是界面程序,负责启动和hook奇迹. ChinarenMU.rar是dll源程序,
There are numerous codes in the www to explain how to hook API functions inside a remote process. So, why creating another one ? This article is the first (I) part of a tool I m working on. This tools won t be too complex, so there is no need for a huge ...
请先编译DLL文件,并将DLL文件拷贝至call Hook目录, 调用CallDll程序加载外挂前,应先运行IE