... 1 user with spreadsheet with coarse
and fine granularity:
Generate a csv file with Change Id, Originator, Responsible, System,
CR Reference, I2 Reference, Topic, Item System, Item Subsystem, Path,
File Name
3. If a 3D view is to be used it is necessary ...
... start maxima and load ibuild.mac. Eg
(%i1) load("./ibuild.mac");
Use the package as follows:
(%i1) showtime:true$
(%i2) load(mext);
Evaluation took 0.0500 seconds (0.0480 elapsed) using 5.215 MB.
(%o2) ...
... of the sphere, and computing the surface area and volume.
283. [i2\_binary\_to\_ascii](i2_binary_to_ascii/i2_binary_to_ascii.html), a program which converts a file of short int (I2) data from binary to ASCII format.
284. [i4lib](i4lib/i4lib.html ...
... /05
- Added additional AI level
- Fix for small screens : gracefully adapting the bottom pieces stores to be single-line
- Fix bug : I2 and I4 moves happened not to be displayed as valid at the very border (according to orientation).
## v0.5, 2011/05
... -unofficial-builds/tree/master/obf) into `c:\obf` and run `bootstrap.bat` - SSH server ([copssh GPL](https://www.itefix.no/i2/content/copssh-free-edition)), and `obf_build` windows service will be set up
* _linux/mac only_: install build dependencies as ...