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  • GNU-Linux-Application-Programming.zip ... . Tim Jones Charles River Media © 2005 (512 pages) ISBN:1584503718 Using a holistic approach to teaching developers the ins-and-outs of GNU/Linux programming using APIs, tools, communication, and scripting, this book introduces programmers to ...
  • GPS_SINS-shenzuhe.rar 本文是关于GPS-INS深度组合的文章,系统的介绍了深度组合的原理,并进行了仿真。
  • aided_ins_15_state.zip GPS/INS组合导航Matlab仿真程序
  • GPS_SINS-integrated-navigation.zip 高动态惯导GPS组合导航,是一个高动态条件下GPS/INS组合导航的仿真程序
  • ToolbarResizer1.0.zip vb6 add-ins for resizing toolbar easy
  • Manifest-Creator.zip vb6 add-ins for make your manifest easy, just one click
  • AddInEditorExtension.rar This sample demonstrates how to create a custom editor extension using add-ins.
  • GPS-MATLAB.rar GPS惯性导航MATLAB工具箱-MATLAB源代码,适合于惯性导航的初学者研究,有利于初学者掌握INS/GPS组合导航
  • INS-toolbox-3.0.zip matlabINS toolbox 3.0
  • 16_Vershinin_05.rar Introduction • System overview • Automotive Telemetry System • Tracking System - GPS based system - INS based system • Wireless data communication between a car and ground station • Integration of digitized road data ...