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  • publisher.zip ... ) in separate library files (say, dll files) At run time, your framework will read the list of available plug-ins from a configuration file (most probably, an XML file) You load those plug-in classes using Reflection mechanism (System.Reflection in . ...
  • 2005431414227918.rar 视频线效果滤镜,在平面设计中,处理背景,然背景区别与前景的一种很常用的方法。 解压后拷贝到photoshop所在目录的 plug-ins的目录下就可以了
  • BumpTexture.rar ... allows users to add bump and displacement textures to imagery, making it more realistic. The tools are Adobe Photoshop™ plug-ins - which means they work inside Photoshop as menu options - thus offering the user the full power of Photoshop while ...
  • VE-Automated-Tests-1.2.3_jem.zip The terms and conditions governing Plug-ins and Fragments should be contained in files named "about.html" ("Abouts"). The terms and conditions governing Features and Included Features should be contained in files named "license.html" ("Feature Licenses"). ...
  • AnalyzingtheImpactofIntegratingPseudoliteObservabl ... with the issue of incorporating pseudolite measurements into an integrated Global Positioning System/ Inertial Navigation System ~GPS/INS! positioning and attitude system with a view to improving signal availability, solution reliability, and accuracy ...
  • SourceCodeLineCounter.zip ... While updating my cv, I wanted a quick way of seeing how many lines of code my application contained (160,430 lines!). I haven t looked into Visual Studio Add-ins too much so I wrote a simple stand-alone application that has a few nice features.
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