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  • Fisher.rar Fisher LDA 实现了FisherLDA,大家可以看看,参考下。
  • hythlastlda.rar this code use to to make recognition for face using PCA+LDA by opencv
  • projlda.rar this function projection lda
  • test.rar this function test lda
  • LDA.zip data from x per x matrices that i found, i do not know what is this about.
  • JavaLDA.rar Java LDA, 计算Lda参数,用EM算法
  • projekt.rar Implement two methods face recognition: PCA and LDA for ORL face base
  • RunFaceRecog.rar 基于matlab的人脸识别程序,可以实现简单的人脸识别功能,算法基于LDA(linear discriminant analysis)
  • DiaLDA.zip 是关于对角LDA算法的matlab代码,包含对角化代码和对角化LDA代码
  • LDAandPCA.zip 包含PCA和LDA的matlab代码,希望对大家有用