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  • lda.zip lda 源码。用来为数据降维,使得识别率有所提高。
  • lda.rar lda线性特征提取,用于人脸识别,首先进行小波特征提取后用lda提取特征。
  • LDA.zip Complete Face Recognition System using LDA (with visiable training image set and testing image set
  • lda-0.1-matlab.rar lda是一个集合概率模型,主要用于处理离散的数据集合,目前主要用在数据挖掘(dm)中的text mining和自然语言处理中,主要是用来降低维度的
  • 28846876-Comparative-Study-of-PCA-ICA-and-LDA-for PCA ICA and LDA for Face-Recognition this document helps you understand the main idea in PCA ICA and LDA algorithms and their differences
  • lda.rar 一个基于人耳模式识别的lda算法,可实现对高维矩阵的降维。
  • LDA.rar LDA MATLAB的算法,可以加入iris数据,并且直接可以使用的
  • LDA.zip 一个LDA的算法,可以实现对实现基于LDA的人脸识别
  • lda.rar This code is LDA base face recognition programme. It reads nots faces from ORL database a
  • lda.rar lda face recgnition...............matlab