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  • ldpc_decoder_802_3an_latest.tar.gz 802.3an ldpc decoder verilog 源码
  • checkcycle6.rar 查找ldpc校验矩阵中的6环,并将其记录到txt文件中
  • 79419129decode_ldpc_APP_LLR.rar This a software runing on the Matlab. it is used in the channel coding simulation. It i nclude DVB-S2 LDPC and turbo Covolution. and block turbo code, You can choose which channel coding to run. it ru n the encoder and add white noise in the channel. then ...
  • 25811261ldpc_toolkit_1_1.tar.rar ... have some problems,this program can provide a good DVB-S2 LDPC code without cascaded BCH codes. [1] Yang Xiao, Kiseon Kim, "Alternative good LDPC codes for DVB-S2", 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, 2008 (ICSP 2008), Beijing, ...
  • 21840295ldpc_decode_MacKay_Neal.rar AWGN channel in the LDPC decoding algorithm for binary BP
  • LDPC_codes.rar 介绍LDPC码编译码方法,对了解ldpb码有一定帮助。
  • Improved-parallel-weighted-bit-flipping.rar LDPC码的并行加权比特翻转算法,能够达到不错的译码性能,是一篇很好的文章
  • Variable-to-check_residual_belief.rar 关于ldpc码的改进算法,基于校验节点到变量节点的信息,从而实现很好的译码性能,是篇不错的文章
  • mackay1.rar document about LDPC codes
  • encoding.rar encoding of LDPC codes