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  • Galleger.zip Gallerger LDPC book,
  • ldpcdecode.rar 使用链表编写的LDPC码的和积译码算法,经本人亲自验证,非常好用
  • ldpc_decode0.zip LDPC编码方法,解码程序,适用于1008长度的码字
  • MATLAB.rar this is an example of LDPC code in which after encoding i have added AWGN(Additive white Gaussian noise) and bsc(binary symmetric channel). then i hav performed decoding operation. one can easily devloped different BER vs Eb/N0 graph of different channel. ...
  • aca.zip matlab program for ldpc code development
  • LDPC510_ZHM.rar 产生长度为510的LDPC码,同时给出误码率,仅供参考。
  • generateGF(1057-813).rar 生成有限域LDPC码的生成矩阵。一共有三种
  • Adaptive-Quantization-in-Min-Sum-Based-Irregular- Adaptive Quantization in Min-Sum based Irregular LDPC Decoder. this is a good method for LDPC decoder
  • LDPC_precode.rar LDPC 预编码,用于构造Raptor码
  • ldpc_generate.rar LDPC码即低密度奇偶校验码(Low Density Parity Check Code,LDPC),这是LDPC仿真中稀疏矩阵生成程序,我花了好几天的时间搞懂,并做了注释。