On Lisp中文版
《On Lisp》不是一本Lisp 的入门教材,它更适合读过《ANSI Common Lisp》或者《Practical Common
Lisp》的Lisp 学习者。它对Lisp 宏本身及其使用做了非常全面的说明,同时自底向上的编程思想贯穿全
Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.9 for Windows
Clozure CL (often called CCL for short) is a free Common Lisp implementation with a long history. Some distinguishing features of the implementation include fast compilation speed, native threads, a precise, generational, compacting garbage collector, and ...
Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.9 for Linux x86
Clozure CL (often called CCL for short) is a free Common Lisp implementation with a long history. Some distinguishing features of the implementation include fast compilation speed, native threads, a precise, generational, compacting garbage collector, and ...