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  • SymbianlistBox.rar 基于Symbian OS的listBox的实现
  • VB.zip ... ListBox 中可显示的项目数量为 5 条,而 ListBox 中的资料总数已超过 5 条,如何让新加入 ListBox 的项目能够马上显示在 ListBox 的最后一条〈画面上显示最后 5 条,含新加入之资料〉? 62、如何事先选定 ListBox 或 ComboBox 的某一个 Item? 63、模拟 IE ... 地址栏:智慧型下拉式 Combo 64、如何让 ListBox 同一列显示二栏以上的栏位? 65、如何控制二栏以上 ListBox 之各栏位宽度? 66、ListBox 选项资料 ...
  • CreateVpnConn.zip Programmatically create VPN connection (c# not find in listbox ((( )
  • projcet2.rar 应用ListBox控件做的一个小软件,内还有完整的源程序和使用的控件。
  • CListBox3.rar VC++可的ListBox的多目标关联演示源程序,没有使用数据库,点击标题可显示出更加详细的内容,像一些简易的数据库程序的功能一样,展示如何使用具备多功能的目标关联的ListBox
  • GUI_2.zip Demonstrate how to delete an entry from a uicontrol string. Creates a listbox with some strings in it and a pushbutton. When user pushes the pushbutton, the selected entry in the listbox will be deleted.
  • GUI_4.zip ... . Produces a GUI with an editbox on the left and a listbox on the right. The user is invited to enter text into ... of text from the editbox is placed as an entry into the listbox. Notice the difference between how a wrapped line is treated and ...
  • GUI_5.zip ... . If the user clicks again, close the GUI. button is pushed, each line of text from the editbox is placed as an entry into the listbox. Notice the difference between how a wrapped line is treated and a returned line is treated in the lisbox.
  • CustomListbox.rar ListBox自绘源码 v1.0,比较不错,可以下载看一下
  • wpf-ListBox_sort.rar 当默认自动排序不合适时,实现listbox中数据的分组与排序