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  • 20063914274000.rar ... 支持静音检测) g.723.1 6.4kbps发送,6.4/5.3kbps接收 g.729a 8kbps发送,8kbps接收(仅在单一模式下可用) gsm 6.10 10kbps lpc 10 3kbps g.711 uLaw/aLaw 64kbps 视频codec(动态流量控制) h.261 支持QCIF(176*144)/CIF(352*288) h.263 支持QCIF(176*144)/CIF(352*288) -- 需要VISh263m ...
  • MC03.rar AbS-LPC is better compression performance can be obtained by careful design of 􀂄 LPC filter
  • MC054.rar ... 􀂄 Each frame is divided into 4 subframes. In each subframe, the codebook contains 512 codevectors. 􀂄 The gain is quantized using 5 bits per subframe. 􀂄 The LSP parameters are quantized using 34 bits similar to the LPC Vocoder
  • LPCcoder.rar 简单LPC-n声码器与声激励LPC声码器语音编码合成;
  • LPCfin.rar this is code for lpc front end processing of a speech signal.
  • lpcprocessing.rar this programme shows that how to calculate the autocorrelation and lpc coeffecients of a speech signal..
  • lpc-p2129-RevA-schematic.zip lpc2129 dev board schematics
  • lpc-p2106-schematic.zip lpc2106 dev board schematic
  • RTC_UART1.zip RTC UART in lpc 2148
  • RF_TEST.zip RF tag interface with lpc 2148