资源说明:Galaxy All-Stars gladiator game (fantasy edition)
** GAS fantasy edition ** WHAT GAS IS? GAS fantasy edition is an Areena 5/6 style single and multiplayer manager game spiced with enhanced turn-based battles with time limits. Play against computer or other players online, train best gladiators and relive your most formidable battles in real-time! Gladiator team consists maximum of 8 gladiators. From those player can choose max 4 gladiators to battle. Multiplayer game challenges are made between two players. When challenge is accepted, currently active battle team is sent to fight on that instant from both parties. GAME STATE: MATCH_SYNC message provides a copy of current game state, a snapshot, if you will. History data consists of: 1. base state in the beginning of battle, with tick number. 2. individual commands with ticks when executed. A snapshot of game state will be taken and stored into battledb every X ticks. This snapshot is used to provide a faster access to current game state if connection is lost for player in the middle of battle. SPELLS: Spells consume mana. Each spell drains specific amount of mana. Half of spell mana drain is consumed on preparation, and other half on casting. Spells require a preparation time, which is expressed in ticks. Preparation time may be 0, which means that spell may be cast instantly. COORDINATE SYSTEM: Server holds grid-based coordinates with floating-point values. Integer part contains tile coordinates. Decimal part expresses object transition from one tile to another. Coordinates are converted into pixels by client and therere can be visualized in different manner by different client implementations. Example: pos : [1.05, 3.7] 1.05 = tile x-coordinate 1, with 5% moved over to x-coordinate 2. 3.7 = tile y-coordinate 3, with 70% moved over to y-coordinate 4. Client may choose how transition between tiles is visualized. SERVER: - port 8080 used for websocket communication - maple.js - couchDB SERVER installation (Ubuntu Linux 12.04): ** Execute the following commands from the command line sudo apt-get install npm sudo npm install pathfinding sudo npm install websocket ** start gas server by entering its root folder and type node server/server.js CLIENT: - Game object must contain Body entity (ie. background animation) Head equipment entity (optional) Torso entity (optional) Belt entity (optional) Hands entity (optional) Legs entity (optional) Feet entity (toes) Weapon entity (optional) - Graphics layers (z-indices) Name Z-index Desc ----------------------------- Ground 0 Used for bottom layer in tile maps. Overlay 1 Used for additional overlay in tile maps Behind 2 For some special graphics behind game object (quiver, mostly) Body 3 Basic body animation (human + skeleton) Equipment 4 Additional armor or wear over the body layer. Weapon 5 All weapons stored with this Collision 6 Not rendered, shall contain only transparent tiles that help in tile mouse selection. Mouse 7 For transparent collision layer over all other sprites in game object. Front 8 Used for front layer elements in tile maps (appears over game objects) KNOWN ISSUES: If Crafty is initialized and some component is hidden after that from page, Crafty's mouse related coordinates get busted unless you do window resize. I believe that this is browser-related and _needs_ to be taken into account when designing a page. Crafty entities must have .collision(polygon) defined for all entities that wish to use SAT collision algorithm. Otherwise sprite MBR is used for _both_. ART: http://opengameart.org/content/knights-glove-mouse-cursor http://opengameart.org/content/powers-icons http://opengameart.org/content/modified-and-cliped-magic-skill-item-icons http://opengameart.org/content/extended-lpc-magic-pack http://opengameart.org/content/armor-icons-by-equipment-slot AUDIO All audio filenames will be in lowercase, without underscores and whitespaces. "Soliloquy", soliloguy.ogg Licenced under Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) By Matthew Pablo (http://www.matthewpablo.com) "Gran Batalla", granbatalla.ogg Licenced under Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) By Matthew Pablo (http://www.matthewpablo.com) Battle sounds http://opengameart.org/content/11-male-human-paindeath-sounds http://opengameart.org/content/15-monster-gruntpaindeath-sounds http://opengameart.org/content/swish-bamboo-stick-weapon-swhoshes http://opengameart.org/content/35-wooden-crackshitsdestructions http://opengameart.org/content/37-hitspunches http://opengameart.org/content/battle-sound-effects http://opengameart.org/content/3-melee-sounds http://opengameart.org/content/2-wooden-squish-splatter-sequences http://opengameart.org/content/foot-walking-step-sounds-on-stone-water-snow-wood-and-dirt http://opengameart.org/content/footsteps-leather-cloth-armor