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  • LTE-source.zip 主要根据3GPP的LTE标准,编写并实现了LTE信号源的编程。涉及到OFDM,瑞利信号,高斯白噪声。模拟的是从基站发射到中继或UE接收到的信号
  • LTE-simulation.rar LTE基带仿真系统(设计文档及源代码) 很强大的一个平台
  • LTE-R9-directory.rar LTE R9的目录,在网上找不到后我自己一点点编写的,含部分中文解释,对于检索LTE标准很有帮助。
  • LTE-main-technology.rar LTE(long term evolution)main technology :MIMO and OFDM
  • LTE-ebook.rar Ebook describing LTE technology form a state of the art point of view.
  • 3GPP-LTE-basic-knowledge.rar 3GPP LTE 基础知识,便于刚接触LTE的同学学习。
  • Carrier-Aggregation-in-LTE-A.zip This is a report of introducing carrier aggregation in LTE-Adavnced Mobile Communication Systems
  • On-the-Impact-of-Inter-Cell-Interference-in-LTE.r On the Impact of Inter-Cell Interference in LTE
  • inter-carrier-interference-in-LTE.rar inter carrier interference in LTE
  • MIMO-OFDM-for-LTE-WIFI-and-WIMAX.rar ... to the OFDM philosophy, which has found its way into virtually all recent wireless systems, such as the Wi-Fi, WiMAX, LTE and DVB as well as DAB broadcast standards. Although MIMO techniques are significantly ‘younger’ than OFDM, they also reached a ...