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资源说明:Reverse translate a Profam-like protein motif

Reverse translate a Profam-like protein motif

This script takes a protein motif as input and returns a degenerate
oligonucleotide sequence corresponding to it. The main reason for doing this
is to design degenerate primers that amplify a given sequence pattern.

The input motif consists of a string of one-letter residues, with any of
the following syntactic elements:

* `[...]`: **Redundant position.**

A position in which more than one residue is allowed. Example: 

     ^^    ^^^^

* `[^...]`: **Negated position.**

A position in which any residue is allowed, saved for those between
brackets. Example:


* `(...){n,m,...}`: **Repeated motif.**

A motif that is repeated **n** or **m** times. It can have any of the previous
syntactic elements. Example:


The allowed letters are those that correspond to the 20 natural aminoacids,

    B = N + D
    Z = Q + E
    X = All

### Dependencies

This module depends on the following:

- Test::More
- List::MoreUtils
- Bio::Tools::CodonTable
- Bio::Seq
- Pod::Usage
- Getopt::Long
- Sub::Exporter

### Installation

To install this module, run the following commands:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make test
	make install

### Support and Documentation

After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the
perldoc command.

    perldoc revtrans-motif

### Copyright and Licence

Copyright (C) 2009 **Bruno Vecchi**

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
