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资源说明:awesome window manager config files
Hi! This project grows from my attempt to setup awesome.


The directory structure of config:
|-- README                          This file
|-- freedesktop                     Freedesktop-menu from Gustavo Dutra.
|-- icons                           Some common icons for theme
|-- myrc                            Directory with my config libs
|   |-- keybind.lua                 Library for defining key sequence
|   |-- mainmenu.lua                Main menu generator
|   |-- memory.lua                  Registry routines (client states are saved here)
|   |-- tagman.lua                  Tag routines (renaming, adding, deleting, ...)
|   `-- themes.lua
|-- rc.lua                     		This is main config
|-- pipelets.lua                    Piplets library
|-- themes                          Theme collection
|   |-- blue-black-red              My current theme files are here
|   |   |-- theme.lua               My current theme config
|   |   `-- titlebar
|   |-- default -> /usr/share/awesome/themes/default
|   |                               Default theme
|   `-- sky -> /usr/share/awesome/themes/sky
|                                   Another default theme
|-- pipelets
|   |-- date                        Russian-language date pipelet
|   |-- mmount                      Mount info pipelet
|   `-- batmon                      Battery info pipelet
|-- tsave.lua ->
|                                   Main thing for registry to work
`-- wallpapers                      Wallpaper collection
    `-- vladstudio-1.jpg


This config uses pipelets to post some information into widgets.
pipelet is a program (sh script), which is "conected" 
with widget via pipe. 

All plumbery is hidden in pipeman script. It translates stdout
of its children into awesome calls.

See rc.lua for details.


Here are some default bindings:

Client keys

altkey+` - show client context menu
Ctrl+modkey+d - start client settings chord
Ctrl+modkey+d,c - Center client
Ctrl+modkey+d,l - Toggle client to be floating
Ctrl+modkey+d,d - Rename a client (set new title)
and so on (read tooltip)

altkey+1 - prev client
altkey+2 - next client
altkey+tab - toggle last 2 active clients

Tag keys

altkey+F1 - jump to one tag left
altkey+F2 - jump to one tag right
modkey+F1 - move focused client one tag left
modkey+F2 - move focused client one tag right
modkey+tab - switch to previous tag

Crtl+modkey+s - begin tag manipulation chord (tooltip will appear)
Crtl+modkey+s,s - rename current tag
Crtl+modkey+s,c - create a tag
Crtl+modkey+s,d - delete current tag
and so on


altkey+Esc - show main menu
altkey+` - show client menu

There are vim keybindings defined for menus 
(hjkl - move, o - open, x - back, Enter - open)

Mail bugs/patches to


*) Add client reordering
*) Add google/wiki search bar
*) Add mpd controls
*) Implement M$Windows alt+tab functionality (don't know how to 
   capture altkey release event)
*) Add some online translator support

Thanks for your interest! 
Mail bugs and questions to
