文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:An ircd. In PHP.
phpircd v0.4.15
this readme is a changelog lololol

06/27/2012 -
* Added error code 464: ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH
* Added error code 491: ERR_NOOPERHOST
* Added OPER command functionality, minus userhost-checking and mode stuff.
* Changed opers.ini: 'pass-enc' previously 'enc'
* Removed some lingering single-quites in ircd::error()

01/13/2012 -
* Fixed NAMES not adding prefixes correctly.
* Fixed "Client Exited" not being shown when conditions are right.
* Hushed ircd::write()'s fwrite().
* Added bitwise permissions system.
    - Added Channel::hasPrivs() method.
    - Added Mode::CHANNEL_* constants.
    - Added some hookpoint checks.
* Fixed new channel create giving user +O when they should have +o.
* Changed Channel::getUserPrefix() to use new Mode::$prefix.
* Removed Channel::is[Qop|Aop|Op|Hop]().
* Changed Channel::hasVoice() to use Mode::CHANNEL_VOICE privilege.
* Version is now 0.4.14

01/11/2012 -
* Modes now have one of five types: A (list), B (requires parameter for set/unset), C (requires parameter for set), D (toggle), or P (list, special).
* Converted all channel modes to the new format and added usermodes +is.
* Re-wrote/created user::setModes(), user::setMode(), channel::setModes(), and channel::setMode(). setMode() sets ONE mode, setModes() is passed the mask.
* Fixed issue with channel::getModes().
* Added user::getModes().
* Changed all instances of user::setMode() to user::setModes(), minus the one in user::setModes().
* Added ircd::isupport(). Handles creating and sending of the 005 RPL_ISUPPORT message.
* MODE now works almost to RFC. You can check channel modes and your own user mode, as well as set your own user mode and channel modes (assuming privs).
* Fixed an issue causing hostmasking to be applied twice upon connection.
* Made 004 RPL_MYINFO list actual usermodes available.
* Added missing config options.
* Version is now 0.4.11
(edit 1)
* Added all usermodes that will be used.
* Version is now 0.4.12
(edit 2)
* Fixed hostmasking- now masks IPv4 addresses, short addresses like, and long addresses like differently.
* Fixed ircd::__destruct() still using a socket function.
* Added ircd::$ipv4Regex and replaced faulty IPv4 regex in ircd::createSocket().
* Fixed Channel::hasMode().
* Fixed TYPE_A and TYPE_P modes not ignoring unsetting values that aren't set.
* Version is now 0.4.13

01/10/2012 -
* Cleaned up channel::setModes() a bit.
* Added 'set' and 'unset' hookpoints for channel modes.
* Fixed how modes are announced when doing multiple actions (like +oo-h slo slo2 slo)
* Changed hook parameters. Now takes one array passed by ref. Can contain 'user','chan','extra' at the moment.
(edit 1)
* Added hostmasking
* Added user mode x and connect hook
* Added hostmask* stuff in config.ini

01/09/2012 -
* Slowly working on converting modes to class format
* Added channel::is[Owner|Aop|Op|Hop](), channel::hasVoice(), channel::getUserPrefix()
* Prefix is no longer stored in channel::$users, and is instead calculated by channel::getUserPrefix()
* Made channel modes +qaohbvz work-ish.
* Added channel::isBanned() debug shell function.
* Added channel:nick() to update nicks in any array modes like +qaohv.
* Added checking for unknown mode chars.

01/08/2012 -
* Condense user and channel modes into one file.
* Add new Mode class.
* Add hookpoints for 'connect', 'privmsg', and 'join'.
* Made +m, +R, and +v channel modes, as well as +z user mode, work-ish.
* Fixed mis-spelling of User::disconnect() (was User::diconnect()).
* Fixed ircd::$rnRegex to include the period as an allowed character.
* Added User::hasMode()
* Added testing User::setMode(). Will be fixed in a future push.
* Fixed LUSERS issues.
* Added $override arg to ircd::error() to override messages.
* Fixed (read: silenced) some complaining in Channel::setMode() when un-setting modes.
* Thanks to PwnFlakes for the help testing.

01/04-05/2012 -
* Fixed MODE #channel outputting array modes.
* LUSERS now reports half-decent information
* Fixed issue #2. The server now doesn't assume line-buffering on the client side.
* Added User::readBuffer

11/08/2011 -
* Fixed user disconnect- using socket function on a stream.
* Fixed user QUIT not being acknowledged due to not calling User::writeBuffer() before disconnect.

7/24/2011 -
* Half of MODE works- at least the mode-setting part. Only for channels, too.
* WHO now works.
* Fixed bug where users attempting to join a channel they were already joined to was not ignored.

7/22/2011 -
* SSL works now.
* Switch to all stream_* functions. No more socket_*.
* Probably going to do some fancy branching things in the future.
(edit 1)
* Work on channel modes.
* MODE for channels works now- will display modes and created time.
* MODE is very granular right now and only works for modes not requiring extra stuff likl +l or +L.
* MODE still does nothing for user modes. Need to find a way to set mode related stuff- such as restricted (+aoO) and whatnot.
(edit 2)
* Unknown channel mode now throws error.
* New file for storing channel modes and properies.
* Channel mode missing extra (like +l, +L) is ignored.
* Going to do regex checking for extra.
(edit 3)
* Added WHO support for channels.

7/21/2011 -
* Fixed PRIVMSG when PMing (Issue #1).
* Removed extraneous (and bugged) strpos in file 'ircd' (Issue #3).
* Fixed posible issue when writing to sockets- now uses user::$buffer and user::writeBuffer() (Issue #4).
* More core::* to ircd.
* core::init is now ircd::__construct.
* Moved on-die code to ircd::__destruct.
* Trying to clean up the main file as much as possible.

7/20/2011 -
* Cleaned up the main file (ircd) a bit- compiled an un-needed foreach into another, amongst other things.
* Fixed checking for 'Client Exited' socket status when quitting spontaneously.
* Fixed possible but in regex (sytax error?).
* Using ircd::$allowed instead of ircd::$forbidden.
* Cleaned up some stuff in the ircd class
* Added ircd::nickInUse() for better nick checking.
* Did away with core::$_nicks.
* I don't remember what else :(
(edit 1)
* Fixed some bugs with PHP 5.1.6 - Regex escaping and finding users with keys (not preserved)
* Added ircd::getUserBySocket()
(edit 2)
* Removed double read-loop in file 'ircd'- now all processed by 1.
* Moved accept code to ircd::accept().
* Fixed NAMES- was trying to access Channel::$nick which does not exist.
* Various bugfixes.

7/19/2011 -
* Thanks again to cedr and Kuro for testing.
* QUIT now works as expected. Need to tweak it for ping timeouts/etc.
* TOPIC now properly announces.
* NAMES fixed again.
* More later!
(edit 1)
* Added fix for ipv6-enabled boxes with ipv4 addresses (adds ::ffff:).
* Changed config.ini to all double-qoutes, as the single quotes broke everything on some boxes.
* Changed core::close() to ircd::quit() when server full.
(edit 2)
* Fixed issue with NICK where leading colon was not stripped.
* Added utility method ircd::stripColon
* Added utility method ircd::checkRealName
* Object-ized users. Each user is now stored as an object so it's cleaner (and easier) to do things. Will move methods later.
* Added messages for being disconnected on Ping Timeout/etc.
* New versioning concept: (major).(minor).(build). Still in major version 0 as we're not even a complete IRCd yet. Minor will change whenever I feel like flexing my version-changing muscle.
(edit 3)
* Thanks to Pedrobear for some pointers.
* Class ircd now extends core. No more `global $core;'!
* Added Channel class and methods.
* Added methods to User class.
* Almost all sending is now done through User::send() or Channel::send().
* Channel::send(msg[, excl]) accepts optional 'excl'- a User object to exclude in sending (as in PRIVMSG).

7/18/2011 - 
* Thanks for all the help from #Frantech: cedr, InsDel, Corbin, and others!
* NAMES now announces on join and tracks nick changes properly
* Fixed part of TOPIC having a wrong variable name, however TOPIC is still broken.
* PART now announces, and passes through custom PART mesages
* Some work on QUIT, however it's still hopelessly broken as well.
* NICK now announces properly to the whole channel, instead of announcing to you once for everyone in the channel (oops).
* NICK now ignores you when "changing" your nick to what it already is.
* Removed NAMESX from message 005 since we don't actually support it, yet.

4/18/2011 -
* Bored in Java class
* Fixed some weird spacing
* Added die() for config parse failure
* Fixed core::write(): was turncating at 513, not 512, characters. Derp.
* Hopefully I can make some headway on this soon

7/20/2010 -
* JOIN progress. Error checking, you can now `join' a channel, +k doesn't work yet, you can't chat on the
  channel, no topic, no names etc.. but it's progress. 40+ hour work weeks have me a bit tied up so I'm
  doing what I can with the time I have available.
(edit 1)
* Added client field for ip address.
* JOIN now creates the channel in $core->_channels if it doesn't exist.
* TOPIC added, minus support for chaning the topic (so far).
* PRIVMSG now supports sending messages to channels (YAY). Bug needs to be fixed: users remain in the
  channel array when disconnected, casuing errors galore.
(edit 2)
* Fixed issue with NICK where users were told their nick was erroneous if it was too long (instead of just
  shortening it for them).
* NAMES support added. Splits messages that are >510 characters.
* $core->write() automatically turncates strings at 512 characters (including \r\n) per rfc requirements.

7/17/2010 -
* PRIVMSG works for inter-user communication on the same server only.
* $core->_nicks array for keeping track of in-use nicks more efficiently.
* More error codes added.
* Fixed the PING timeout error for reals this time.
* Typo fixes.
(edit 1)
* Fixed missing leading colon on PRIVMSG commands.
* Made last activity (lastpong) update on every command, valid or not.
* Fixed asthetic error where command errors were not returned uppercase.

7/13/2010 -
* NICK command now works, minus sending it to channels, seeing as JOIN hasn't been made yet.
* QUIT command also works, with the same current caveats of NICK.
* Fixed space in 005 message after PREFIX
* Fixed PING issue where command were not being treated as activity.
* Version is now 0.2b because I have no scheme to the version numbers and like to change them frequently.

7/12/2010 -
* Sorta-finished welcome sequence. MOTD displays, if there is one (motd.txt), if not it throws ERR_NOMOTD.
* Working on NOTICE AUTH to make the welcome complete. Not implementing ident, for reasoning read here:
* More configuration options added to config.ini, not implemented yet.
* opers.ini added with example syntax, though also not implemented yet.
* fixed an error with the socket becoming unavailable for re-use if the program is inturrupted
  mid-communication with a client or shut down with clients still connected.
(edit 1)
* PING/PONG works now. Or at least the important parts (making sure the user still responds to PING).
* Users can also now PING the server.
* Pingfreq and pingout variables in the conf now utilized.
* Fixed a bug where sending multiple commands in one message (i.e. NICK slowbro\r\nUSER h h h :Real Name)
  would cause immense amounts of errors and headaches.
* Fixed MOTD display to remove extra newlines.
* Fixed post-registration USER command; it now throws ERR_ALREADYREGISTERED.
* NOTICE AUTH functionality complete, and working 100%.
* Fixed an bug causing external networks to not be able to remain connected to the server due to using
  PHP_NORMAL_READ instead of PHP_BINARY_READ on the socket_read() function.
* Version is now 0.2a

7/11/2010 -
* Fixed security hole (already) in ircd.class.php that would allow clients to call functions they
  weren't supposed to such as newConnection().
* Fixed a performance issue with socket_select() and its if bracket.

7/10/2010 -
* Error handling function introduced.
(edit 1)
* Welcome message(s) progress. Need to figure out the 005 numeric which is now RPL_ISUPPORT, probably 
  going to just fill it with nonsense for now until the server is more complete and it is needed.
* More error checking added on initial connect, check for parameter amount, and checks params against
  some regex.
* Dicks everywhere.

7/9/2010 -
* Basically a plain socket server at the moment.
(edit 1)
* Babysteps towards actual irc stuff. Closes link on ping timeout, working on initial connect sequence.
* Expect ircd.class.php rolled out within a day or so.
(edit 2)
* Initial ircd class release.
* NICK error checking working for initial connect. USER next.
* Still need to legitimately NOTICE AUTH instead of just sending that junk.

7/8/2010 -
* Initial alpha-absolutely-nothing-is-done-at-all release.
