文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:A very basic (and not particularly convincing) emulation of a classic bassline synthesizer, for Linux/Curses
toy303 is a simple Curses-based program that (partly) simulates 
(something vaguely like) a Roland TB-303.  At present, accents aren't 
implemented, there are only three knobs (cutoff, resonance and decay), 
the interface is fairly crude, and there is no provision for saving or 
loading patterns (not to mention writing audio, interfacing with other 
software, or indeed working with any output device other than Linux-style
/dev/dsp, &c), which is why it's called toy303.

The keys are:

 left, right:	move the cursor left or right across the sequencer
 space:		toggle note/rest at cursor position
 't':		set note at cursor to tie (continuation of previous note)
 '~':		toggle slide at cursor position
 'o'/'O':	change octave of note at position

 '[', ']':	tempo up/down

 '1'/'!':	decrease/increase filter cutoff
 '2'/'@':	decrease/increase resonance
 '3'/'#':	decrease/increase filter decay time

 'w':		toggle square/sawtooth waveform

 delete: 	clear sequence
 'r':		randomise notes in sequencer
 'q': 		exit the sequencer

The actual note values are set with the bottom row of the QWERTY keyboard,
which is mapped like a piano keyboard, looking like so, with 'z' being C:

 s d   g h j
z x c v b n m

toy303 is a test of a C++-based audio generation object system, and of a 
303-style bassline sequencer object.  This framework, which is being 
developed for building virtual instruments and the like, is rather rough 
and will change over time, and will most probably be integrated into more 
complete and mature software than this little toy program.  

The 303 engine contains portions of Lars Hamre's 303 emulator and borrows
snippets of code from the 3MU batch-mode 303 emulator.

toy303 is distributed under the GPL.

Have fun,

 -- acb

