文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Intelligent procedural makefile replacement based on
== Purpose ( is awesome, and I have yet
to find something better at automatically determining dependencies- leaving you
with pretty much the simplest "make" files you could imagine. But it's
currently missing some basic plumbing that makes it really useful for me and
the projects I'm involved in.  This is an attempt to rectify that. Some basic

* Easy to install.
* Automatically looks for a 'construction' file.
* Easily add addons for language-specific or project-specific
  construction/build commands.
* Easily customize per-project.
* Like fabricate, automatically detect dependencies and only run commands when
* Procedural, like fabricate, with all the power of Python if you need it.
* Intuitive current-working-directory / change-working-directory, etc.
* Won't "double-memoize" if you call construct on another construction file
  from a construction file- automatically handles current-working-directory as
  per the principle of least surprise.

== Operational Overview

==== Usage

construct [options] construction-files

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --time            use file modification times instead of MD5 sums
  -d DIR, --dir=DIR     add DIR to list of relevant directories
  -c, --clean           autoclean build outputs before running
  -q, --quiet           don't echo commands, only print errors
  -D, --debug           show debug info (why commands are rebuilt)
  -k, --keep            keep temporary strace output files
  -A, --no-addons       do not load any construct addons
  -P, --no-parent-addons
                        ignore .construct files in parent directories
  -s DEPS_STORE, --deps-store=DEPS_STORE
                        use a different .deps file to store and recover

==== Basic sequence of events
1. Load addons (unless -A which disables addons)
   * Loads from '$CONSTRUCT_ADDONS/*' first
   * Then loads from '~/.construct/'
   * Then loads from any '.construct' files in the current directory
   * Then loads from any '.construct' files in any parent directories unless -P
   * If any files have the same name it loads the most local of them.
2. Look for appropriate construction-file
   * If file(s) are specified on the command-line, runs them.
   * If directories are specified on the command-line, looks for construction
     files within them to run.
   * Otherwise looks for 'construction' in the current directory
   * If not found, it expects instructions to be piped in (?)
3. Run construct instructions
   * Construction instructions are always run relative to the location of the
     construction file unless the directory is changed manually.
   * The .deps file is stored in the same directory as the construction file
     unless '-s'

==== Files
  command-line command. Either specify a rule file(s) or it looks for
  construction file in current directory.
  global addons (python files that get imported)
  user-local addons
  local/project addons (you'll probably want these included in any source
  control repository)
  Automatically created dependency tree. Don't add it to your repository unless
  you know what you're doing.

(This is just a list for me and it is in flux. Please feel free to ignore)

* Much better failure - don't dump stack or anything - be python-ignorant
* Directory push/pop
* Figure out how to sanely automate which directories to monitor
  - Start parsing some standard ones like 'cp' and 'mv'?
* Hook for determining if a command should be run- for example, if it's looking
  for an update on a remote machine...
* "Children" construct instantiations that aren't really separate
  instantiations (construct_load ... or something)
* Refactor optparse to argparse
* Installable modules for erlang, haXe, and Go (because I need them :P) Ideally
  able to do just about everything rebar can do as far as Erlang is concerned.
* Test on windows?
* Debian package
* Macports and homebrew packages
