资源说明:DrawStateMoveGraphs is for drawing state and move graphs of Markov chains
A sample from a Markov chain on N states is simply a sequence(word) of numbers from 1,...,N. Under the time homogeneous model the sufficient statistics are given by the number of transitions from i to j. So, given a word 1231121, the sufficient statistics would be 11 1 12 2 13 0 21 1 22 0 23 1 31 1 32 0 33 0 The sufficient statistics of a word w can naturally be represented by the state graph which is a multi graph on N nodes with x directed arcs from i to j if there are x transition from i to j in the word w. The program drawstategraph reads in words, or the sufficient statistics, and draws the state graph in latex using the pstricks package. ## Example ![](https://github.com/dchaws/DrawStateMoveGraphs/raw/master/StateMoveGraphEx.png) ## Compiling make DrawSateMoveGraphs has been successfully compiled on linux and Mac OS. ## How to run To run, type the following $ ./drawstategraph S T < input.file > output.file where S and T are integer numbers and the input file contains an even amount of words of length T in S letters Here S is the number of nodes (N above) and T is the length of the word. By default if the program reads in m words, then the first m/2 words are drawn in red and the last m/2 words are drawn in blue. The reason for this is we were studying Markov bases of the toric ideal of the design matrix. The output is a TeX code that draws the State Graph and requires the package `pstricks` * -H will print out latex document and pstricks headers. * -P will print out just pstricks headers. * -I will draw a symbol for the initial state. * -C will read in the counts instead of a path * -L will assume loopless when reading in counts * -D will print the degree counts. * -Awill be arrowSep ## Usage: * drawstategraph 3 4 -H < (file with strings) * drawstategraph 3 4 -P < <(echo 1231 1212) * drawstategraph 3 4 -C < <(echo 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2) * drawstategraph 3 4 -C -L < <(echo 0 1 0 2 1 0 ) the option - P adds the \begin{pspicture} and \end{pspict} $ ./drawstategraph 3 4 -P < testinput3.txt The option -H creates a self contained LaTeX file starting with the \documentclass, \begin{document} and so $ ./drawstategraph 3 4 -H < testinput3.txt The option -I is for including the initial states in the graph by making a larger node on the initial state $ ./drawstategraph 3 4 -I < testinput3.txt The program `drawmovegraph` will instead draw the move graph and is called the same as `drawstategraph`.