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envytools - Tools for people envious of nvidia's blob driver.

The canonical repo is at: http://github.com/pathscale/envytools/

= Contents =

 * rules-ng-ng.txt, rules-ng-ng.xsd, example.xml: Description of the
   rules-ng-ng [rnn] XML register database format.
 * nv*.xml: rnn database of nvidia MMIO registers, FIFO methods, and memory
 * rnn*.c/librnn: Library for accessing and using the rnn database
 * headergen: Generates .h files from rnn
 * lookup: Looks up address/value in rnn
 * demmio: Decodes mmiotraces using rnn
 * *dis.c/envydis/libenvy: Disassembler for various ISAs found on nv cards
 * nvbios: Decodes various stuff in nvidia VBIOS binaries 

= Building, installing =

You'll need: cmake, libxml2, libxml2-dev, libpciaccess-dev, flex, bison

To build, use

 $ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/local .
 $ make

To install, use

 $ make install

= Using envydis =

envydis reads from standard input and prints the disassembly to standard
output. By default, input is parsed as sequence space- or comma-separated
hexadecimal numbers representing the bytes to disassemble. The options are:

 input format
  -w Instead of sequence of hexadecimal bytes, treat input as sequence of
     hexadecimal 32-bit words
  -W Instead of sequence of hexadecimal bytes, treat input as sequence of
     hexadecimal 64-bit words
  -i Treat input as pure binary
 input subranging
  -b  Assume the start of input to be at address  in code segment
  -d  Skip/discard that many bytes of input before starting to read code
  -l  Don't disassemble more than  bytes.
 variant selection
  -m  Select the ISA to disassemble. One of: 
     nv50: nv50 [tesla] CUDA/shader ISA [****]
     nvc0: nvc0 [fermi] CUDA/shader ISA [**  ]
     ctx: nv40 and nv50 PGRAPH context-switching microcode [**  ]
     fuc: fifo microcode, used to power various engines on nv98+ cards [*** ]
     pms: PBUS power management scripts [*   ]
     vp2: video processor 2 [nv84-gen] code, an xtensa variant [*** ]
     vp3m: video processor 3 [nv98-gen] master/mocomp microcode [*   ]
     macro: nvc0 PGRAPH macro method ISA [****]
     [    ]: Bare beginnings
     [*   ]: Knows a few instructions
     [**  ]: Knows enough instructions to write some simple code
     [*** ]: Knows most instructions, enough to write advanced code
     [****]: Knows all instructions, or very close to.
  -V  Select variant of the ISA.
     For nv50:
       nv50: The original NV50 [aka compute capability 1.0]
       nv84: NV84, NV86, NV92, NV94, NV96, NV98 [aka compute capability 1.1]
       nva0: NVA0 [aka compute capability 1.3]
       nvaa: NVAA, NVAC [aka compute capability 1.2]
       nva3: NVA3, NVA5, NVA8, NVAF [aka compute capability 1.2 + d3d10.1]
     For ctx:
       nv40: NV40 generation cards
       nv50: NV50 generation cards
     For fuc:
       nv98: NV98, NVAA, NVAC
       nva3: NVA3 and up
  -v [nv50/nvc0 only] Disassemble vertex program ISA
  -g [nv50/nvc0 only] Disassemble geometry program ISA
  -f/-p [nv50/nvc0 only] Disassemble fragment program ISA
  -c [nv50/nvc0 only] Disassemble compute program ISA
  -s [nv50/nvc0 only] Disassemble vertex, geometry, or fragment program ISA
 output format
  -n Disable output coloring
  -q Disable printing address + opcodes.

envydis can also be invoked under one of the alternative names, which imply
-m and sometimes -w options:
  - nv50dis: -m nv50 -w
  - nvc0dis: -m nvc0 -w
  - ctxdis: -m ctx -w
  - fucdis: -m fuc
  - pmsdis: -m pms
  - vp2dis: -m vp2
  - vp3mdis: -m vp3m
  - macrodis: -m macro -w
