文件大小: unknow
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资源说明:Mathematical Recreations container build and packaging
This is a collection of X11 clients written by Ron Record (
To compile, simply run the following commands from this directory :

	% xmkmf (or "imake -DUseInstalled -I/usr/lib/X11/config")
	% make Makefiles
	% make depend
	% make
	% make install (as root)

To install by hand :
    1) copy the executable binaries (endo/endo, lyap/lyap, stars/stars, ...)
       to /usr/bin/X11 or /usr/local/bin/X11 or any directory 
	   in your execution path. 
    2) copy the stars resource file stars/ to
       /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Stars or the X11 system app-defaults directory.
    3) copy the man pages endo/, lyap/ and stars/ to
	   the appropriate unformatted man page directory (e.g. /usr/man/man.8).
    4) You may also want to install the sample shell scripts used to front-end
       endo and lyap. If so, copy endo/params/*/* and lyap/params/* to a system

Known Limitations
These programs were originally written for 8-bit PseudoColor X11 displays.
I have modified them so that they work on a TrueColor visual but many of
the features are not present without a PseudoColor display. For instance,
the installation of a private colormap and the spinning of the color map
are features available only on a PseudoColor display visual.


What follows is a brief description of several of the programs,
separated by ==============.

Endo - iterate an endomorphism of the plane

Written by Ronald Joe Record ( 17 Jan 1992


The basic idea is to iterate an endomorphism of the plane (R x R).
Each point (x,y) is mapped to (f(x,y),g(x,y)). The new point is
then mapped to (f(f(x,y),g(x,y)),g(f(x,y),g(x,y))) and so on. Each
point is then colored according to how many iterates it took to get
within some "delta" of a previous iterate (e.g. a periodic orbit is
detected). Lyapunov exponents can be calculated and displayed for a 
region of parameter space. Phase portraits can be constructed and
histographic data displayed. Finally, critical curves and their iterates
may be displayed (curves for which the determinant of the Jacobian is zero).


The Winter 1992 seminar at UCSC led by Dr. Ralph Abraham was the
inspiration for the study of iterated endomorphisms of the plane.
The 3-D transformation routines were ported to X from CGI routines
developed by Hiram Clawson.

Techniques for calculating the critical arcs and absorbing regions
were drawn from Laura Gardini of the Istituto di Scienze economiche,
Universita' di Urbino. Studies of various maps of the plane were used
including papers by Jon von Neumann, Graciela Chichilnisky, John 
Guckenheimer, G. Oster, A. Ipaktchi, Wulf Gaertner, Jochen Jungeilges,
Ralph Abraham, B. P. Wood, A. J. Lichtenberg, Z. You, E.J. Kostelich,
J. A. Yorke, R. Brown, L. Chua, K. Judd, A. I. Mees, K. Aihara, and
M. Toyoda.

Some "interesting" runs of endo are included as simple shell scripts in the
"params" subdirectory.


To add a map to the array of selectable endomorphisms, follow the following
steps :

	1. Edit endo.h and add the pair, double, PFP, PFD, and Mapnames
	   declarations. Follow the example set by the "standard" map.
	2. Edit maps.c and add the map and derivative function definitions.
	   Again, you can follow the example set by standard() and dstandard().
	3. Edit params.h adding the numerical values to use in the 
	   amins, aranges, bmins, branges, pmins, pmaxs, and defparms arrays.
	   In each case, when adding the nth map, you will be adding the nth
	   value in the array (which may itself be an array).
	4. Edit defines.h, incrementing NUMMAPS and increasing NUMDEFS by 2.
	5. Edit info.c, adding a string representation of the function to
	   Mapdefs[] and an entry in the numparams array indicating how many
	   parameters the map has.
	6. make clean; make tags; make


Lyap - Calculate and display Lyapunov exponents of an iterated map

Written by Ronald Joe Record ( 03 Sep 1991


The idea here is to calculate the Lyapunov exponent for a periodically
forced logistic map (later i added several other nonlinear maps of the unit
interval). In order to turn the 1-dimensional parameter space of the
logistic map into a 2-dimensional parameter space, select two parameter
values (a and b) then alternate the iterations of the logistic map using
first a then b as the parameter. This program accepts an argument to 
specify a forcing function, so instead of just alternating a and b, you
can use a as the parameter for say 6 iterations, then b for 6 iterations
and so on. An interesting forcing function to look at is abbabaab (the
Morse-Thue sequence, an aperiodic self-similar, self-generating sequence).
Anyway, you step through all the values of a and b in the ranges you want,
calculating the Lyapunov exponent for each pair of values. The exponent
is calculated by iterating out a ways (specified by the variable "settle")
then on subsequent iterations calculating an average of the logarithm of
the absolute value of the derivative at that point. Points in parameter
space with a negative Lyapunov exponent are colored one way (using the
value of the exponent to index into a color map) while points with a
non-negative exponent are colored differently. 


The algorithm was taken from the September 1991 Scientific American article
by A. K. Dewdney who gives credit to Mario Markus of the Max Planck Institute
for its creation. Additional information and ideas were gleaned from the
discussion on alt.fractals involving Stephen Hall, Ed Kubaitis, Dave Platt
and Baback Moghaddam. Assistance with colormaps and spinning color wheels
and X was gleaned from Hiram Clawson. Rubber band code was adapted from 
Stacey Campbell's xmandel source.

Some "interesting" runs of lyap are included as simple shell scripts in the
"params" subdirectory.


Stars - simulate a star field

Stars is a simulation of a star field as you are moving through space.

Written long ago and far away by


libXrr - collection of routines used in endo and lyap including useful 
		 routines to calculate splines, install and spin color maps, 
		 line clipping ...


Ideas, comments, additions, deletions, suggestions, bug reports, code review,...
e-mail Ronald Joe Record at 
