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资源说明:PEG parser generator in php
##Goat parser generator

Sorta like bison, but smaller, dumber, and less powerful

Goat is a badly-named program for creating parsers in PHP.

It takes a grammar, and gives you a parser. That's it.

Goat uses a parsing-expression-grammar style format, although unlike some PEG parser implementations, goat does allow *some* left recursion (see the example below).


A grammar is a set of rules. A rule is defined like this:

`RuleName = [expression...]`


Types of expressions are:
`"im a string!"`

(match the characters ['i', 'm', ' ', 'a', ...] exactly)

Single and double quoted strings are allowed, and follow the standard PHP string escaping conventions.


(match a single character - either 'a', 'b', 'w', 'x', 'y', or 'z')


(match any character NOT 'a', 'b', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z')


(match any single character)


(the rule named "RuleName")

There are also expressions that modify other expressions:
(*, +, and ? - you know these from regular expressions)


(match 0 or more 'a's, 'b's, and 'c's)

If the quantified expression returns a value, then the quantifier will return an array of those values.

###Assertions (!, &)

(succeed only if the next character IS an 'a', 'b', or 'c' - but don't change the parser's position either way)


(succeed only if the next character ISN'T an 'a', 'b', or 'c' - but don't change the parser's position either way)

There are also ways to combine multiple expressions:
`Expression1 Expression2`

(do Expression1, then do Expression2)

`Expression1 | Expression2`

(do Expression1, and if that fails then do Expression2...)

Finally, there are two types of expressions for making your parser actually do something
`{ /* PHP expression (not statement - no semicolons allowed here) */ }`

(evaluate the expression inside the brackets, and return the result)


(evaluate the rule named RuleName, and store the returned value in $v)
(you can use this value in any actions that follow $v)


`$name:Name Whitespace	{ $name }`

(take the result of Name, then match the rule "Whitespace", then return the value returned by "Name")

If "RuleName" does not explicitly return a value, then the variable will be set to the complete text matched by "RuleName".

There are a few different options you can set for your parser

The syntax for setting an option in the grammar is:
`%optionName (optionValue...)`

Note, the option has to all be on one line. You can't do

The options are as follows:

- `%global VarName [, VarType]`

	Creates an additional parser argument that will be available
	from each of your actions. If you include the variable type,
	it will be type-hinted each place it is passed.

- `%class ClassName`

	Set the class name of the generated parser.

- `%namespace NamespaceName`

	Set the namespace of the generated parser.

- `%top RuleName`

	Create a public parser method, named "parse" + RuleName, for parsing a string beginning from
	the named rule.

These options can also be set from the command line.

##Example grammar
# An example grammar for parsing and evaluating basic arithmetic

%class ArithmeticParser
%top Arithmetic

	= Space		# leading whitespace
	  !.    	# make sure we parsed the whole string; otherwise, there was an error somewhere
	  { $e }	# return $e

Expr    = $s:Sum                                { $s }
Sum     = $a:Sum Plus $b:Product                { $a + $b }
        | $a:Sum Minus $b:Product               { $a - $b }
        | $a:Product                            { $a }
Product = $a:Product Times $b:Value             { $a * $b }
        | $a:Product Div $b:Value               { $a / $b }
        | $a:Value                              { $a }
Value   = $n:Number Space                       { intval ($n) }
        | Open $e:Expr Close                    { $e }

Number  = [1-9] [0-9]*
        | '0'

Plus    = '+' Space
Minus   = '-' Space
Times   = '*' Space
Div     = '/' Space

Open    = '(' Space
Close   = ')' Space

Space   = Space1*
Space1  = "\n" | "\r" | "\t" | " "

# (this would generate a class named ArithmeticParser, which could be used like this)
# $parser = new ArithmeticParser;
# $result = $parser -> parseArithmetic ("33 + (49 * 25 / 5) + 44 - 20");



php src/app/main.php --help

There is also a script for building an executable phar archive, if you want.

php src/gen/makePhar.php -o build/goatp

For another example, see src/gen/goat.peg for goat's own grammar.
