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资源说明:A plugin for MuseScore to change the temperament of the score
    S C A L E S  -  A plugin for MuseScore

    version 0.7 - 11May2014

    MuseScore version: 0.9.5 or greater (with limitations)
                       0.9.6 rev. 2705 or greater (full support)

This plugin allows to manage temperaments (i.e. fine tuning of individual notes)
and apply them to scores, taking advantage of the MuseScore tuning feature
(since version 0.9.5).

'Scales' allows to differentiate up to 35 tones per octave, distinguishing among
all the enharmonic variants (Gbb from F from E#, etc.).

CREDIT: Scales is a modification of a plugin originally made by 'lasconic'.

Copyright: Scales has been made by Maurizio M. Gavioli. Do with it whatever
    you like. The author cannot be held responsible of ANYTHING in ANY way!
    You have been warned.


1) Extract the archive into the "plugins" sub-folder of the
	main folder where your copy of MuseScore is installed in. This creates
	a sub-sub-folder "scales" where all the files of the plugin are.
2) Start or re-start MuseScore.


1) Delete the folder "scales" of the folder "plugins" of the main folder
    where your copy of MuseScore is installed in.


1) Select the required temperament in the combo box.
2) Press "OK"

The selected temperament will be applied to EACH note of the WHOLE score.

In addition, it is also possible to shift all notes of a given value up or down
(tuning to a different diapason). There are two ways to enter this datum:

A) Entering a new A as a frequency:

  1) Select the "frequency" radio button.
  2) Enter the reference A frequency, i.e. the standard (un-tuned) frequency
     of your sound card or MIDI instrument; this frequency is almost always
     440Hz and it is already set in the "from" edit box; change it only if you
     know your equipment has a different standard.
  3) Enter the new A frequency in the "to" edit box (by default it is set to
     the standard 440Hz, meaning "no change").

B) Entering a cent difference:

  1) Select the "cent" radio button.
  2) Enter a cent difference in the "cent" edit box: a negative value will lower
     the tuning and a positive value will raise it. A value of 100 cent will
     shift the tuning of a whole semitone.

When you will apply the temperament, all notes will turned up or down by this
amount IN ADDITION to applying to each note the correction due to the temperament.


1) Small notes (acciaccaturas and appoggiaturas) are not reported to the plugin
	by MuseScore and will be left untuned.

2) ONLY FOR VER. 0.9.5 OR 0.9.6 (REV. LESS THAN 2705):
    Only the following 12 notes are correctly reported to the plugin by MuseScore:
        C, C#, D, Eb, F, F#, G, G#, A, Bb, B.
	All other 23 altered notes are reported enharmonically as one of the above
	12 notes (for instance a Db is reported as a C#) and will be tuned as such.

	Ver. 0.9.6 from rev. 2705 onward correctly report all the 35 tones.


The plugin has no data hidden INSIDE the code. Rather, it reads a textual file
named "scales.tmpr" from the same folder where the plugin is.

The "scales.tmpr" file is automatically updated after each operation (import,
add, edit, delete).

A default "scales.tmpr" is supplied with the plugin, containing 5 well-known

The format of the file is documented later.


1) Press the "Add " button: a dialogue box will appear (see "Editing" below)
2) Enter in this dialogue box a name for the new temperament; try to choose
	a descriptive name which explains the nature of the temperament.
3) Enter the value (in cent) of tuning to be applied to each note (or to each
	note you care of: not EACH value box should be necessarily filled).
4) Press "Ok": the new temperament will be added to the temperament combo box
	and saved to the "scales.tmpr" data file.


1) Select the required temperament in the combo box
2) Press either the "Edit as a scale" or the "Edit as fifths" button.

Both editing modes (as a scale and as circle of fifths) give access to the
full temperament range of data and work in much the same way; they differ
only for the order in which tones are listed:

"Edit as scale" lists the 35 tones in scale order from C to B, with
enharmonic alternatives in the same line.

"Edit as (circle of) fifths" lists the same 35 tones as a sequence of fifths
from Fbb to B##.

Each form may display:
* the full 35-value list (the default)
* a 17-value list with the twelve chromatic notes plus the 5 most 'regular' enharmonic pairs
* a 12-value list with the twelve chromatic notes
* a 7-value list with only the diatonic notes

Enter a value in cent for each of the tone you want to tune (accepted values
go from -999 to +999 cents). Enter 0 for a tone which should keep the equal
temperament value. When all the required values are set, press OK: the temper-
ament and the "scales.tmpr" data file will be updated.

It is also possible to edit the temperament name.


1) Select one of the temperaments listed in the combo box.
2) Press the "Delete" button.

The temperament is deleted and the "scales.tmpr" file updated.

CAUTION: there is no way to restore the deleted temperament: you have to import
or manually add it again.


1) After starting the plugin, press the "Import Scala file" button.
2) Navigate to the folder where the file you want to import resides.
3) Press OK: if possible, the scale will be imported in the plugin.

Given the amazing variety Scala scales can have, only SOME Scala files can
be imported; in particular, only files with 7, 12 or 17 values are accepted:

* 7-value files: each value is mapped to the tuning for a diatonic note
    ('white' keys); tunings for alterations ('black' keys) are set to 0.

* 12-value files: each value is mapped to the tuning for one chromatic note
    (both 'white' and 'black' keys); enharmonic variants (like D#-Eb, or
    B#-C-Dbb) receive the same tuning.

* 17-value files: each value is mapped to the tuning for one chromatic note
    AND the 5 'simple' enharmonic pairs (C#-Db, D#-Eb, F#-Gb, G#-Ab, A#-Bb)
    are distiguished.

    This type of Scala file has a potential problem:

    values in Scala files are sorted by magnitude; values for D, E, F,...
    always occupy the same place and are easy to map; on the other hand,
    values for C# and Db, for D# and Eb, etc., in theory, can occur either with
    the # variant before or with the b variant before, depending on which is
    lesser, without any way to know which is which.

    The plugin assumes the lesser of the two is for the b variant and the
    greater is for the # variant (for instance, it assumes the value for Eb
    comes first and the value for D# second), because this is the most common
    case. There may be cases in which this assumption is wrong and the values
    will be swapped!

Other types of Scala files cannot be mapped easily to the MuseScore
infrastructure and are rejected by the plugin.

A HUGE collection of Scala temperament files (3000+) can be found at:


where the Scala program itself can also be found. If you are seriously
interested in musical scales and temperaments, you might find Scala quite


0.3 Support for additional plugin API of rev. 2705
    While adding a new temperament, 5 notes were occasionally set to
        meaningless values: corrected.
    Improved layout of main dialog box

0.4 process all 4 possible voices, not just 1-3.

0.5 test for curScore

0.6 fix chord().notes is a property not a function

0.7 avoid collisions with other plugins that deal with the tuning of notes

 - THE scales.tmpr DATA FILE - 

This file defines the temperaments known to the plugin. It is a textual file:

* The first line contains a single number:
    the number of temperaments defined in the file
* Then for each temperament, there are:
  * 1 line with the name (a string)
  * 1 line with the type of the temperament (only type "1" is currently defined)
  * 35 lines with a value for each note tuning following the order of the
        circle of the fifths:
    Fbb, Cbb, Gbb, Dbb, Abb, Ebb, Bbb, Fb, Cb, Gb, Db, Ab, Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D,
    A, E, B, F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#, B#, F##, C##, G##, D##, A##, E##, B##

The syntax is quite rigid:
* no empty lines
* no leading or trailing blanks
* nothing in each line, but what it is expected to be there

So, manual editing of this file IS possible, but NOT ENCOURAGED.

	Maurizio M. Gavioli
