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资源说明:Unofficial repo for software vendoring or packaging purposes

1. Introduction

BSMAP is a short reads mapping program for bisulfite sequencing in DNA methylation study.  Bisulfite treatment coupled with next generation sequencing could estimate the methylation ratio of every single Cytosine location in the genome by mapping high throughput bisulfite reads to the reference sequences.

Bisulfite mapping is different from usual sequence mapping in two aspects: 1) The additional C/T mapping is asymmetric, a T in the read could be aligned to C in the reference but not vice versa. 2) The Watson and Crick strand are not complimentary after bisulfite treatment.  Each read need to be compared with 4 reference sequences, namely BSW(bisulfite Watson), BSWC(reverse complimentary of BSW), BSC(bisulfite Crick) and BSCC(reverse complimentary of BS).

BSMAP is designed to be a general-purpose mapping program to handle these special characteristics of bisulfite mapping.  It is based on the open source program SOAP (Short Oligo Alignment Program).  

Main features: 
	read length up to 144nt, allow up to 15 mismatches
	support pair end mapping, support parallel mapping, support SAM format inout/output
    support both whole genome (WGBS) and reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS)
    support trimming adapters and low quality sequences from 3'end of reads
    allow different running modes with flexible speed/memory/sensitivity to run on different hardware configurations
    include script to extract methylation ratios

BSMAP is under GNU Public License (GPL).

2. Installation

BSMAP is designed for linux64 platform. 
First unpackage the source code:
    $ tar zxfv bamsp-2.4.tgz

Make executable binary:
    $ make

Install the binary into system default path: (optional)
    $ make install
The following parameters could be modified in the makefile to achieve better mapping_speed/memory_usage under different situations:

OLIGOLEN: max read length, options: -DREAD_48, -DREAD_80, -DREAD_144(default)
	smaller max readlen will be faster.

3. Usage

