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资源说明:C++ Mathematical Expression Parsing And Evaluation Library
C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library Documentation

  Section 00 - Introduction
  Section 01 - Capabilities
  Section 02 - Example Expressions
  Section 03 - Copyright Notice
  Section 04 - Downloads & Updates
  Section 05 - Installation
  Section 06 - Compilation
  Section 07 - Compiler Compatibility
  Section 08 - Built-In Operations & Functions
  Section 09 - Fundamental Types
  Section 10 - Components
  Section 11 - Compilation Options
  Section 12 - Expression Structures
  Section 13 - Variable, Vector & String Definition
  Section 14 - Vector Processing
  Section 15 - User Defined Functions
  Section 16 - Expression Dependents
  Section 17 - Hierarchies Of Symbol Tables
  Section 18 - Unknown Unknowns
  Section 19 - Enabling & Disabling Features
  Section 20 - Expression Return Values
  Section 21 - Compilation Errors
  Section 22 - Runtime Library Packages
  Section 23 - Helpers & Utils
  Section 24 - Benchmarking
  Section 25 - Exprtk Notes
  Section 26 - Simple Exprtk Example
  Section 27 - Build Options
  Section 28 - Files
  Section 29 - Language Structure

The C++ Mathematical Expression  Toolkit Library (ExprTk) is  a simple
to  use,   easy  to   integrate  and   extremely  efficient   run-time
mathematical  expression parsing  and evaluation  engine. The  parsing
engine  supports numerous  forms  of  functional and  logic processing
semantics and is easily extensible.


The  ExprTk expression  evaluator supports  the following  fundamental
arithmetic operations, functions and processes:

 (00) Types:           Scalar, Vector, String

 (01) Basic operators: +, -, *, /, %, ^

 (02) Assignment:      :=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

 (03) Equalities &
      Inequalities:    =, ==, <>, !=, <, <=, >, >=

 (04) Logic operators: and, mand, mor, nand, nor, not, or, shl, shr,
                       xnor, xor, true, false

 (05) Functions:       abs, avg, ceil, clamp, equal, erf, erfc,  exp,
                       expm1, floor, frac,  log, log10, log1p,  log2,
                       logn, max,  min, mul,  ncdf,  not_equal, root,
                       round, roundn, sgn, sqrt, sum, swap, trunc

 (06) Trigonometry:    acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh,  atan2,
                       cos,  cosh, cot,  csc, sec,  sin, sinc,  sinh,
                       tan, tanh, hypot, rad2deg, deg2grad,  deg2rad,

 (07) Control
      structures:      if-then-else, ternary conditional, switch-case,

 (08) Loop statements: while, for, repeat-until, break, continue

 (09) String
      processing:      in, like, ilike, concatenation

 (10) Optimisations:   constant-folding, simple strength reduction and
                       dead code elimination

 (11) Calculus:        numerical integration and differentiation


The following is  a short listing  of infix format  based mathematical
expressions that can be parsed and evaluated using the ExprTk library.

  (01) sqrt(1 - (3 / x^2))
  (02) clamp(-1, sin(2 * pi * x) + cos(y / 2 * pi), +1)
  (03) sin(2.34e-3 * x)
  (04) if(((x[2] + 2) == 3) and ((y + 5) <= 9),1 + w, 2 / z)
  (05) inrange(-2,m,+2) == if(({-2 <= m} and [m <= +2]),1,0)
  (06) ({1/1}*[1/2]+(1/3))-{1/4}^[1/5]+(1/6)-({1/7}+[1/8]*(1/9))
  (07) a * exp(2.2 / 3.3 * t) + c
  (08) z := x + sin(2.567 * pi / y)
  (09) u := 2.123 * {pi * z} / (w := x + cos(y / pi))
  (10) 2x + 3y + 4z + 5w == 2 * x + 3 * y + 4 * z + 5 * w
  (11) 3(x + y) / 2.9 + 1.234e+12 == 3 * (x + y) / 2.9 + 1.234e+12
  (12) (x + y)3.3 + 1 / 4.5 == [x + y] * 3.3 + 1 / 4.5
  (13) (x + y[i])z + 1.1 / 2.7 == (x + y[i]) * z + 1.1 / 2.7
  (14) (sin(x / pi) cos(2y) + 1) == (sin(x / pi) * cos(2 * y) + 1)
  (15) 75x^17 + 25.1x^5 - 35x^4 - 15.2x^3 + 40x^2 - 15.3x + 1
  (16) (avg(x,y) <= x + y ? x - y : x * y) + 2.345 * pi / x
  (17) while (x <= 100) { x -= 1; }
  (18) x <= 'abc123' and (y in 'AString') or ('1x2y3z' != z)
  (19) ((x + 'abc') like '*123*') or ('a123b' ilike y)
  (20) sgn(+1.2^3.4z / -5.6y) <= {-7.8^9 / -10.11x }


Free  use  of  the  C++  Mathematical  Expression  Toolkit  Library is
permitted under the guidelines and in accordance with the most current
version of the MIT License.



The most  recent version  of the C++ Mathematical  Expression  Toolkit
Library including all updates and tests can be found at the  following

  (a) Download:   https://www.partow.net/programming/exprtk/index.html
  (b) Repository: https://github.com/ArashPartow/exprtk


The header  file exprtk.hpp  should be  placed in a project or  system
include path (e.g: /usr/include/).


  (a) For a complete build: make clean all
  (b) For a PGO build: make clean pgo
  (c) To strip executables: make strip_bin
  (d) Execute valgrind check: make valgrind_check


ExprTk has been built error and warning free using the following set
of C++ compilers:

  (*) GNU Compiler Collection (3.5+)
  (*) Intel C++ Compiler (8.x+)
  (*) Clang/LLVM (1.1+)
  (*) PGI C++ (10.x+)
  (*) Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Compiler (8.1+)
  (*) IBM XL C/C++ (9.x+)
  (*) C++ Builder (XE4+)



(0) Arithmetic & Assignment Operators
| OPERATOR | DEFINITION                                              |
|  +       | Addition between x and y.  (eg: x + y)                  |
|  -       | Subtraction between x and y.  (eg: x - y)               |
|  *       | Multiplication between x and y.  (eg: x * y)            |
|  /       | Division between x and y.  (eg: x / y)                  |
|  %       | Modulus of x with respect to y.  (eg: x % y)            |
|  ^       | x to the power of y.  (eg: x ^ y)                       |
|  :=      | Assign the value of x to y. Where y is either a variable|
|          | or vector type.  (eg: y := x)                           |
|  +=      | Increment x by the value of the expression on the right |
|          | hand side. Where x is either a variable or vector type. |
|          | (eg: x += abs(y - z))                                   |
|  -=      | Decrement x by the value of the expression on the right |
|          | hand side. Where x is either a variable or vector type. |
|          | (eg: x[i] -= abs(y + z))                                |
|  *=      | Assign the multiplication of x by the value of the      |
|          | expression on the righthand side to x. Where x is either|
|          | a variable or vector type.                              |
|          | (eg: x *= abs(y / z))                                   |
|  /=      | Assign the division of x by the value of the expression |
|          | on the right-hand side to x. Where x is either a        |
|          | variable or vector type.  (eg: x[i + j] /= abs(y * z))  |
|  %=      | Assign x modulo the value of the expression on the right|
|          | hand side to x. Where x is either a variable or vector  |
|          | type.  (eg: x[2] %= y ^ 2)                              |

(1) Equalities & Inequalities
| OPERATOR | DEFINITION                                              |
| == or =  | True only if x is strictly equal to y. (eg: x == y)     |
| <> or != | True only if x does not equal y. (eg: x <> y or x != y) |
|  <       | True only if x is less than y. (eg: x < y)              |
|  <=      | True only if x is less than or equal to y. (eg: x <= y) |
|  >       | True only if x is greater than y. (eg: x > y)           |
|  >=      | True only if x greater than or equal to y. (eg: x >= y) |

(2) Boolean Operations
| OPERATOR | DEFINITION                                              |
| true     | True state or any value other than zero (typically 1).  |
| false    | False state, value of exactly zero.                     |
| and      | Logical AND, True only if x and y are both true.        |
|          | (eg: x and y)                                           |
| mand     | Multi-input logical AND, True only if all inputs are    |
|          | true. Left to right short-circuiting of expressions.    |
|          | (eg: mand(x > y, z < w, u or v, w and x))               |
| mor      | Multi-input logical OR, True if at least one of the     |
|          | inputs are true. Left to right short-circuiting of      |
|          | expressions.  (eg: mor(x > y, z < w, u or v, w and x))  |
| nand     | Logical NAND, True only if either x or y is false.      |
|          | (eg: x nand y)                                          |
| nor      | Logical NOR, True only if the result of x or y is false |
|          | (eg: x nor y)                                           |
| not      | Logical NOT, Negate the logical sense of the input.     |
|          | (eg: not(x and y) == x nand y)                          |
| or       | Logical OR, True if either x or y is true. (eg: x or y) |
| xor      | Logical XOR, True only if the logical states of x and y |
|          | differ.  (eg: x xor y)                                  |
| xnor     | Logical XNOR, True iff the biconditional of x and y is  |
|          | satisfied.  (eg: x xnor y)                              |
| &        | Similar to AND but with left to right expression short  |
|          | circuiting optimisation.  (eg: (x & y) == (y and x))    |
| |        | Similar to OR but with left to right expression short   |
|          | circuiting optimisation.  (eg: (x | y) == (y or x))     |

(3) General Purpose Functions
| FUNCTION | DEFINITION                                              |
| abs      | Absolute value of x.  (eg: abs(x))                      |
| avg      | Average of all the inputs.                              |
|          | (eg: avg(x,y,z,w,u,v) == (x + y + z + w + u + v) / 6)   |
| ceil     | Smallest integer that is greater than or equal to x.    |
| clamp    | Clamp x in range between r0 and r1, where r0 < r1.      |
|          | (eg: clamp(r0,x,r1))                                    |
| equal    | Equality test between x and y using normalised epsilon  |
| erf      | Error function of x.  (eg: erf(x))                      |
| erfc     | Complimentary error function of x.  (eg: erfc(x))       |
| exp      | e to the power of x.  (eg: exp(x))                      |
| expm1    | e to the power of x minus 1, where x is very small.     |
|          | (eg: expm1(x))                                          |
| floor    | Largest integer that is less than or equal to x.        |
|          | (eg: floor(x))                                          |
| frac     | Fractional portion of x.  (eg: frac(x))                 |
| hypot    | Hypotenuse of x and y (eg: hypot(x,y) = sqrt(x*x + y*y))|
| iclamp   | Inverse-clamp x outside of the range r0 and r1. Where   |
|          | r0 < r1. If x is within the range it will snap to the   |
|          | closest bound. (eg: iclamp(r0,x,r1)                     |
| inrange  | In-range returns 'true' when x is within the range r0   |
|          | and r1. Where r0 < r1.  (eg: inrange(r0,x,r1)           |
| log      | Natural logarithm of x.  (eg: log(x))                   |
| log10    | Base 10 logarithm of x.  (eg: log10(x))                 |
| log1p    | Natural logarithm of 1 + x, where x is very small.      |
|          | (eg: log1p(x))                                          |
| log2     | Base 2 logarithm of x.  (eg: log2(x))                   |
| logn     | Base N logarithm of x. where n is a positive integer.   |
|          | (eg: logn(x,8))                                         |
| max      | Largest value of all the inputs. (eg: max(x,y,z,w,u,v)) |
| min      | Smallest value of all the inputs. (eg: min(x,y,z,w,u))  |
| mul      | Product of all the inputs.                              |
|          | (eg: mul(x,y,z,w,u,v,t) == (x * y * z * w * u * v * t)) |
| ncdf     | Normal cumulative distribution function.  (eg: ncdf(x)) |
| not_equal| Not-equal test between x and y using normalised epsilon |
| pow      | x to the power of y.  (eg: pow(x,y) == x ^ y)           |
| root     | Nth-Root of x. where n is a positive integer.           |
|          | (eg: root(x,3) == x^(1/3))                              |
| round    | Round x to the nearest integer.  (eg: round(x))         |
| roundn   | Round x to n decimal places  (eg: roundn(x,3))          |
|          | where n > 0 and is an integer.                          |
|          | (eg: roundn(1.2345678,4) == 1.2346)                     |
| sgn      | Sign of x, -1 where x < 0, +1 where x > 0, else zero.   |
|          | (eg: sgn(x))                                            |
| sqrt     | Square root of x, where x >= 0.  (eg: sqrt(x))          |
| sum      | Sum of all the inputs.                                  |
|          | (eg: sum(x,y,z,w,u,v,t) == (x + y + z + w + u + v + t)) |
| swap     | Swap the values of the variables x and y and return the |
| <=>      | current value of y.  (eg: swap(x,y) or x <=> y)         |
| trunc    | Integer portion of x.  (eg: trunc(x))                   |

(4) Trigonometry Functions
| FUNCTION | DEFINITION                                              |
| acos     | Arc cosine of x expressed in radians. Interval [-1,+1]  |
|          | (eg: acos(x))                                           |
| acosh    | Inverse hyperbolic cosine of x expressed in radians.    |
|          | (eg: acosh(x))                                          |
| asin     | Arc sine of x expressed in radians. Interval [-1,+1]    |
|          | (eg: asin(x))                                           |
| asinh    | Inverse hyperbolic sine of x expressed in radians.      |
|          | (eg: asinh(x))                                          |
| atan     | Arc tangent of x expressed in radians. Interval [-1,+1] |
|          | (eg: atan(x))                                           |
| atan2    | Arc tangent of (x / y) expressed in radians. [-pi,+pi]  |
|          | eg: atan2(x,y)                                          |
| atanh    | Inverse hyperbolic tangent of x expressed in radians.   |
|          | (eg: atanh(x))                                          |
| cos      | Cosine of x.  (eg: cos(x))                              |
| cosh     | Hyperbolic cosine of x.  (eg: cosh(x))                  |
| cot      | Cotangent of x.  (eg: cot(x))                           |
| csc      | Cosecant of x.  (eg: csc(x))                            |
| sec      | Secant of x.  (eg: sec(x))                              |
| sin      | Sine of x.  (eg: sin(x))                                |
| sinc     | Sine cardinal of x.  (eg: sinc(x))                      |
| sinh     | Hyperbolic sine of x.  (eg: sinh(x))                    |
| tan      | Tangent of x.  (eg: tan(x))                             |
| tanh     | Hyperbolic tangent of x.  (eg: tanh(x))                 |
| deg2rad  | Convert x from degrees to radians.  (eg: deg2rad(x))    |
| deg2grad | Convert x from degrees to gradians.  (eg: deg2grad(x))  |
| rad2deg  | Convert x from radians to degrees.  (eg: rad2deg(x))    |
| grad2deg | Convert x from gradians to degrees.  (eg: grad2deg(x))  |

(5) String Processing
| FUNCTION | DEFINITION                                              |
|  = , ==  | All common equality/inequality operators are applicable |
|  !=, <>  | to strings and are applied in a case sensitive manner.  |
|  <=, >=  | In the following example x, y and z are of type string. |
|  < , >   | (eg: not((x <= 'AbC') and ('1x2y3z' <> y)) or (z == x)  |
| in       | True only if x is a substring of y.                     |
|          | (eg: x in y or 'abc' in 'abcdefgh')                     |
| like     | True only if the string x matches the pattern y.        |
|          | Available wildcard characters are '*' and '?' denoting  |
|          | zero or more and zero or one matches respectively.      |
|          | (eg: x like y or 'abcdefgh' like 'a?d*h')               |
| ilike    | True only if the string x matches the pattern y in a    |
|          | case insensitive manner. Available wildcard characters  |
|          | are '*' and '?' denoting zero or more and zero or one   |
|          | matches respectively.                                   |
|          | (eg: x ilike y or 'a1B2c3D4e5F6g7H' ilike 'a?d*h')      |
| [r0:r1]  | The closed interval [r0,r1] of the specified string.    |
|          | eg: Given a string x with a value of 'abcdefgh' then:   |
|          | 1. x[1:4] == 'bcde'                                     |
|          | 2. x[ :5] == x[:10 / 2] == 'abcdef'                     |
|          | 3. x[2 + 1: ] == x[3:] =='defgh'                        |
|          | 4. x[ : ] == x[:] == 'abcdefgh'                         |
|          | 5. x[4/2:3+2] == x[2:5] == 'cdef'                       |
|          |                                                         |
|          | Note: Both r0 and r1 are assumed to be integers, where  |
|          | r0 <= r1. They may also be the result of an expression, |
|          | in the event they have fractional components truncation |
|          | will be performed. (eg: 1.67 --> 1)                     |
|  :=      | Assign the value of x to y. Where y is a mutable string |
|          | or string range and x is either a string or a string    |
|          | range. eg:                                              |
|          | 1. y := x                                               |
|          | 2. y := 'abc'                                           |
|          | 3. y := x[:i + j]                                       |
|          | 4. y := '0123456789'[2:7]                               |
|          | 5. y := '0123456789'[2i + 1:7]                          |
|          | 6. y := (x := '0123456789'[2:7])                        |
|          | 7. y[i:j] := x                                          |
|          | 8. y[i:j] := (x + 'abcdefg'[8 / 4:5])[m:n]              |
|          |                                                         |
|          | Note: For options 7 and 8 the shorter of the two ranges |
|          | will denote the number characters that are to be copied.|
|  +       | Concatenation of x and y. Where x and y are strings or  |
|          | string ranges. eg                                       |
|          | 1. x + y                                                |
|          | 2. x + 'abc'                                            |
|          | 3. x + y[:i + j]                                        |
|          | 4. x[i:j] + y[2:3] + '0123456789'[2:7]                  |
|          | 5. 'abc' + x + y                                        |
|          | 6. 'abc' + '1234567'                                    |
|          | 7. (x + 'a1B2c3D4' + y)[i:2j]                           |
|  +=      | Append to x the value of y. Where x is a mutable string |
|          | and y is either a string or a string range. eg:         |
|          | 1. x += y                                               |
|          | 2. x += 'abc'                                           |
|          | 3. x += y[:i + j] + 'abc'                               |
|          | 4. x += '0123456789'[2:7]                               |
| <=>      | Swap the values of x and y. Where x and y are mutable   |
|          | strings.  (eg: x <=> y)                                 |
| []       | The string size operator returns the size of the string |
|          | being actioned.                                         |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | 1. 'abc'[] == 3                                         |
|          | 2. var max_str_length := max(s0[],s1[],s2[],s3[])       |
|          | 3. ('abc' + 'xyz')[] == 6                               |
|          | 4. (('abc' + 'xyz')[1:4])[] == 4                        |

(6) Control Structures
|STRUCTURE | DEFINITION                                              |
| if       | If x is true then return y else return z.               |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | 1. if (x, y, z)                                         |
|          | 2. if ((x + 1) > 2y, z + 1, w / v)                      |
|          | 3. if (x > y) z;                                        |
|          | 4. if (x <= 2*y) { z + w };                             |
| if-else  | The if-else/else-if statement. Subject to the condition |
|          | branch the statement will return either the value of the|
|          | consequent or the alternative branch.                   |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | 1. if (x > y) z; else w;                                |
|          | 2. if (x > y) z; else if (w != u) v;                    |
|          | 3. if (x < y) { z; w + 1; } else u;                     |
|          | 4. if ((x != y) and (z > w))                            |
|          |    {                                                    |
|          |      y := sin(x) / u;                                   |
|          |      z := w + 1;                                        |
|          |    }                                                    |
|          |    else if (x > (z + 1))                                |
|          |    {                                                    |
|          |      w := abs (x - y) + z;                              |
|          |      u := (x + 1) > 2y ? 2u : 3u;                       |
|          |    }                                                    |
| switch   | The first true case condition that is encountered will  |
|          | determine the result of the switch. If none of the case |
|          | conditions hold true, the default action is assumed as  |
|          | the final return value. This is sometimes also known as |
|          | a multi-way branch mechanism.                           |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | switch                                                  |
|          | {                                                       |
|          |   case x > (y + z) : 2 * x / abs(y - z);                |
|          |   case x < 3       : sin(x + y);                        |
|          |   default          : 1 + x;                             |
|          | }                                                       |
| while    | The structure will repeatedly evaluate the internal     |
|          | statement(s) 'while' the condition is true. The final   |
|          | statement in the final iteration will be used as the    |
|          | return value of the loop.                               |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | while ((x -= 1) > 0)                                    |
|          | {                                                       |
|          |   y := x + z;                                           |
|          |   w := u + y;                                           |
|          | }                                                       |
| repeat/  | The structure will repeatedly evaluate the internal     |
| until    | statement(s) 'until' the condition is true. The final   |
|          | statement in the final iteration will be used as the    |
|          | return value of the loop.                               |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | repeat                                                  |
|          |   y := x + z;                                           |
|          |   w := u + y;                                           |
|          | until ((x += 1) > 100)                                  |
| for      | The structure will repeatedly evaluate the internal     |
|          | statement(s) while the condition is true. On each loop  |
|          | iteration, an 'incrementing' expression is evaluated.   |
|          | The conditional is mandatory whereas the initialiser    |
|          | and incrementing expressions are optional.              |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | for (var x := 0; (x < n) and (x != y); x += 1)          |
|          | {                                                       |
|          |   y := y + x / 2 - z;                                   |
|          |   w := u + y;                                           |
|          | }                                                       |
| break    | Break terminates the execution of the nearest enclosed  |
| break[]  | loop, allowing for the execution to continue on external|
|          | to the loop. The default break statement will set the   |
|          | return value of the loop to NaN, where as the return    |
|          | based form will set the value to that of the break      |
|          | expression.                                             |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | while ((i += 1) < 10)                                   |
|          | {                                                       |
|          |   if (i < 5)                                            |
|          |     j -= i + 2;                                         |
|          |   else if (i % 2 == 0)                                  |
|          |     break;                                              |
|          |   else                                                  |
|          |     break[2i + 3];                                      |
|          | }                                                       |
| continue | Continue results in the remaining portion of the nearest|
|          | enclosing loop body to be skipped.                      |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | for (var i := 0; i < 10; i += 1)                        |
|          | {                                                       |
|          |   if (i < 5)                                            |
|          |     continue;                                           |
|          |   j -= i + 2;                                           |
|          | }                                                       |
| return   | Return immediately from within the current expression.  |
|          | With the option of passing back a variable number of    |
|          | values (scalar, vector or string). eg:                  |
|          | 1. return [1];                                          |
|          | 2. return [x, 'abx'];                                   |
|          | 3. return [x, x + y,'abx'];                             |
|          | 4. return [];                                           |
|          | 5. if (x < y)                                           |
|          |     return [x, x - y, 'result-set1', 123.456];          |
|          |    else                                                 |
|          |     return [y, x + y, 'result-set2'];                   |
| ?:       | Ternary conditional statement, similar to that of the   |
|          | above denoted if-statement.                             |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | 1. x ? y : z                                            |
|          | 2. x + 1 > 2y ? z + 1 : (w / v)                         |
|          | 3. min(x,y) > z ? (x < y + 1) ? x : y : (w * v)         |
| ~        | Evaluate each sub-expression, then return as the result |
|          | the value of the last sub-expression. This is sometimes |
|          | known as multiple sequence point evaluation.            |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | ~(i := x + 1, j := y / z, k := sin(w/u)) == (sin(w/u))) |
|          | ~{i := x + 1; j := y / z; k := sin(w/u)} == (sin(w/u))) |
| [*]      | Evaluate any consequent for which its case statement is |
|          | true. The return value will be either zero or the result|
|          | of the last consequent to have been evaluated.          |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | [*]                                                     |
|          | {                                                       |
|          |   case (x + 1) > (y - 2)    : x := z / 2 + sin(y / pi); |
|          |   case (x + 2) < abs(y + 3) : w / 4 + min(5y,9);        |
|          |   case (x + 3) == (y * 4)   : y := abs(z / 6) + 7y;     |
|          | }                                                       |
| []       | The vector size operator returns the size of the vector |
|          | being actioned.                                         |
|          | eg:                                                     |
|          | 1. v[]                                                  |
|          | 2. max_size := max(v0[],v1[],v2[],v3[])                 |

Note: In  the  tables  above, the  symbols x, y, z, w, u  and v  where
appropriate may represent any of one the following:

   1. Literal numeric/string value
   2. A variable
   3. A vector element
   4. A vector
   5. A string
   6. An expression comprised of [1], [2] or [3] (eg: 2 + x / vec[3])


ExprTk supports three fundamental types which can be used freely in
expressions. The types are as follows:

   (1) Scalar
   (2) Vector
   (3) String

(1) Scalar Type
The scalar type  is a singular  numeric value. The  underlying type is
that used  to specialise  the ExprTk  components (float,  double, long
double, MPFR et al).

(2) Vector Type
The vector type is a fixed size sequence of contiguous scalar  values.
A  vector  can be  indexed  resulting in  a  scalar value.  Operations
between a vector and scalar will result in a vector with a size  equal
to that  of the  original vector,  whereas operations  between vectors
will result in a  vector of size equal  to that of the  smaller of the
two. In both mentioned cases, the operations will occur element-wise.

(3) String Type
The string type is a variable length sequence of 8-bit chars.  Strings
can be  assigned and  concatenated to  one another,  they can  also be
manipulated via sub-ranges using the range definition syntax.  Strings
however can not interact with scalar or vector types.


There are three primary components, that are specialised upon a  given
numeric type, which make up the core of ExprTk. The components are  as

   (1) Symbol Table  exprtk::symbol_table
   (2) Expression    exprtk::expression
   (3) Parser        exprtk::parser

(1) Symbol Table
A structure that is used  to store references to variables,  constants
and functions that are to  be used within expressions. Furthermore  in
the context  of composited  recursive functions  the symbol  table can
also be thought of as a simple representation of a stack specific  for
the expression(s) that reference it. The following is a list of the
types a symbol table can handle:

   (a) Numeric variables
   (b) Numeric constants
   (c) Numeric vector elements
   (d) String variables
   (e) String constants
   (f) Functions
   (g) Vararg functions

During the compilation  process if an  expression is found  to require
any  of  the  elements   noted  above,  the  expression's   associated
symbol_table  will  be  queried  for  the  element  and  if  present a
reference to the element will be embedded within the expression's AST.
This allows for the original  element to be modified independently  of
the  expression  instance  and  to also  allow  the  expression  to be
evaluated using the current value of the element.

Note:  Any  variable  reference  provided  to  a  given   symbol_table
instance, must have a life time  at least as long as the  life-time of
the  symbol_table instance.  In the  event the  variable reference  is
invalidated  before  the  symbol_table  or  any  dependent  expression
instances  have  been  destructed,  then  any  associated   expression
evaluations or variable referencing via the symbol_table instance will
result in undefined behaviour.

The following bit of  code instantiates a symbol_table  and expression
instance,  then  proceeds  to   demonstrate  various  ways  in   which
references to  variables can  be added  to the  symbol_table, and  how
those  references are  subsequently invalidated  resulting in  various
forms of undefined behaviour.

   typedef exprtk::symbol_table symbol_table_t;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;
   expression_t expression;

      double x = 123.4567;
      symbol_table.add_variable("x", x);
   }             // Reference to variable x has been invalidated

   std::deque y {1.1, 2.2, 3.3};

   symbol_table.add_variable("y", y.back());

   y.pop_back(); // Reference to variable y has been invalidated

   std::vector z {4.4, 5.5, 6.6};

   symbol_table.add_variable("z", z.front());

                 // Reference to variable z has been invalidated

   double* w = new double(123.456);

   symbol_table.add_variable("w", *w);

   delete w;     // Reference to variable w has been invalidated

   const std::string expression_str = "x + y / z * w";

                 // Compilation of expression will succeed

                // Evaluation will result in undefined behaviour

   symbol_table.get_variable("x")->ref() = 135.791;
                // Assignment will result in undefined behaviour

The  example  below demonstrates  the  relationship between variables,
symbol_table and expression. Note  the variables are modified  as they
normally would in a program, and when the expression is  evaluated the
current values assigned to the variables will be used.

   typedef exprtk::symbol_table symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser       parser_t;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;
   expression_t   expression;
   parser_t       parser;

   double x = 0;
   double y = 0;

   std::string expression_string = "x * y + 3";



   x = 1.0;
   y = 2.0;
   expression.value(); // 1 * 2 + 3

   x = 3.7;
   expression.value(); // 3.7 * 2 + 3

   y = -9.0;
   expression.value(); // 3.7 * -9 + 3

   // 'x * -9 + 3' for x in range of [0,100) in steps of 0.0001
   for (x = 0.0; x < 100.0; x += 0.0001)
      expression.value(); // x * -9 + 3

Note: It is possible to register multiple symbol_tables with a  single
expression  object. In  the event  an expression  has multiple  symbol
tables,  and  where  there  exists  conflicts  between  symbols,   the
compilation stage  will resolve  the conflicts  based on  the order of
registration  of  the  symbol_tables to  the  expression.  For a  more
expansive  discussion  please  review section  [17  -  Hierarchies  Of
Symbol Tables]

   typedef exprtk::symbol_table symbol_table_t;
   typedef exprtk::expression   expression_t;
   typedef exprtk::parser       parser_t;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table0;
   symbol_table_t symbol_table1;

   expression_t   expression;
   parser_t       parser;

   double x0 = 123.0;
   double x1 = 678.0;

   std::string expression_string = "x + 1";




   expression.value(); // 123 + 1

The symbol table supports  adding references to external  instances of
types  that  can  be accessed  within  expressions  via the  following

   1. bool add_variable (const std::string& name,       scalar_t&)
   2. bool add_constant (const std::string& name, const scalar_t&)
   3. bool add_stringvar(const std::string& name,    std::string&)
   4. bool add_vector   (const std::string& name,    vector_type&)

Note: The 'vector' type must  be comprised from a contiguous  array of
scalars with a size that is  larger than zero. The vector type  itself
can be any one of the following:

   1. std::vector
   2. scalar_t(&v)[N]
   3. scalar_t* and array size
   4. exprtk::vector_view

When  registering  a variable,  vector,  string or  function  with  an
instance of a symbol_table, the call to 'add_...' may fail and  return
a false result due to one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Variable name contains invalid characters or is ill-formed
  2. Variable name conflicts with a reserved word (eg: 'while')
  3. Variable name conflicts with a previously registered variable
  4. A vector of size (length) zero is being registered
  5. A free function exceeding fifteen parameters is being registered
  6. The symbol_table instance is in an invalid state

(2) Expression
A structure that holds an Abstract Syntax Tree or AST for a  specified
expression and is used to evaluate said expression. Evaluation of  the
expression is accomplished by performing a post-order traversal of the
AST.  If  a  compiled  Expression  uses  variables  or  user   defined
functions, it will have an associated Symbol Table, which will contain
references  to said  variables, functions  or strings. An example  AST
structure for the denoted expression is as follows:

Expression:  z := (x + y^-2.345) * sin(pi / min(w - 7.3,v))

        ________/        \_____
       /                       \
 Variable(z)            [Multiplication]
                ____________/      \___________
               /                               \
              /                      [Unary-Function(sin)]
         [Addition]                            |
      ____/      \____                    [Division]
     /                \                 ___/      \___
 Variable(x)   [Exponentiation]        /              \
              ______/   \______  Constant(pi) [Binary-Function(min)]
             /                 \                ____/    \____
        Variable(y)        [Negation]          /              \
                               |              /           Variable(v)
                        Constant(2.345)      /
                                   ____/      \____
                                  /                \
                             Variable(w)      Constant(7.3)

The above denoted AST will be evaluated in the following order:

   (01) Load Variable  (z)        (10) Load Constant  (7.3)
   (02) Load Variable  (x)        (11) Subtraction    (09 & 10)
   (03) Load Variable  (y)        (12) Load Variable  (v)
   (04) Load Constant  (2.345)    (13) Min            (11 & 12)
   (05) Negation       (04)       (14) Division       (08 & 13)
   (06) Exponentiation (03 & 05)  (15) Sin            (14)
   (07) Addition       (02 & 06)  (16) Multiplication (07 & 15)
   (08) Load Constant  (pi)       (17) Assignment     (01 & 16)
   (09) Load Variable  (w)

Generally an expression in ExprTk can be thought of as a free function
similar to those  found in imperative  languages. This form  of pseudo
function will have a name, it may have a set of one or more inputs and
will return at least one value as its result. Furthermore the function
when invoked, may  cause a side-effect  that changes the  state of the
host program.

As an  example the  following is  a pseudo-code  definition of  a free
function that performs a computation taking four inputs, modifying one
of them and returning a value based on some arbitrary calculation:

   ResultType foo(InputType x, InputType y, InputType z, InputType w)
     w = 2 * x^y + z;        // Side-Effect
     return abs(x - y) / z;  // Return Result

Given the above definition the following is a functionally  equivalent
version using ExprTk:

   const std::string foo_str = " w := 2 * x^y + z; "
                               " abs(x - y) / z;   ";

   T x, y, z, w;

   symbol_table_t symbol_table;

   expression_t foo;

   parser_t parser;
   if (!parser.compile(foo_str,foo))
      // Error in expression...

   T result = foo.value();

(3) Parser
A  component  which  takes  as input  a  string  representation  of an
expression and attempts to compile said input with the result being an
instance  of  Expression.  If  an  error  is  encountered  during  the
compilation  process, the  parser will  stop compiling  and return  an
error status code,  with a more  detailed description of  the error(s)
and  its  location  within  the  input  provided  by  the  'get_error'

Note: The exprtk::expression  and exprtk::symbol_table components  are
reference counted entities. Copy constructing or assigning to or  from
either component will result in  a shallow copy and a  reference count
increment,  rather  than  a  complete  replication.  Furthermore   the
expression  and symbol_table  components being  Default-Constructible,
Copy-Constructible  and  Copy-Assignable  make  them  compatible  with
various  C++  standard  library   containers  and  adaptors  such   as
std::vector, std::map, std::stack etc.

The following is  an example of  two unique expressions,  after having
being instantiated and  compiled, one expression  is  assigned to  the
other. The diagrams depict  their initial and post  assignment states,
including  which  control  block each  expression references and their
associated reference counts.

   exprtk::expression e0; // constructed expression, eg: x + 1
   exprtk::expression e1; // constructed expression, eg: 2z + y

  +-----[ e0 cntrl block]----+     +-----[ e1 cntrl block]-----+
  | 1. Expression Node 'x+1' |     | 1. Expression Node '2z+y' |
  | 2. Ref Count: 1          |<-+  | 2. Ref Count: 1           |<-+
  +--------------------------+  |  +---------------------------+  |
                                |                                 |
    +--[ e0 expression]--+      |    +--[ e1 expression]--+       |
    | 1. Reference to    ]------+    | 1. Reference to    ]-------+
    | e0 Control Block   |           | e1 Control Block   |
    +--------------------+           +--------------------+

   e0 = e1; // e0 and e1 are now 2z+y

               +-----[ e1 cntrl block]-----+
               | 1. Expression Node '2z+y' |
  +----------->| 2. Ref Count: 2           |<----------+
  |            +---------------------------+           |
  |                                                    |
  |   +--[ e0 expression]--+  +--[ e1 expression]--+   |
  +---[ 1. Reference to    |  | 1. Reference to    ]---+
      | e1 Control Block   |  | e1 Control Block   |
      +--------------------+  +--------------------+

The reason for  the above complexity  and restrictions of  deep copies
for the expression and symbol_table components is because  expressions
may include user defined variables or functions. These are embedded as
references into the expression's AST. When copying an expression, said
references  need to  also  be  copied. If  the references  are blindly
copied,  it  will then  result  in two  or more  identical expressions
utilizing the exact same  references for variables. This  obviously is
not the  default assumed  scenario and  will give  rise to non-obvious
behaviours  when  using the  expressions in  various contexts such  as
multi-threading et al.

The prescribed method for cloning an expression is to compile it  from
its string  form. Doing so will allow the 'user' to  properly consider
the exact source of user defined variables and functions.

Note:  The  exprtk::parser  is  a  non-copyable  and  non-thread  safe
component, and should only be shared via either a reference, a  shared
pointer  or  a  std::ref  mechanism,  and  considerations  relating to
synchronisation  taken  into  account  where  appropriate.  The parser
represents an object factory,  specifically a factory of  expressions,
and generally should  not be instantiated  solely on a  per expression
compilation basis.

The  following  diagram  and  example depicts  the  flow  of  data and
operations  for  compiling  multiple expressions  via  the  parser and
inserting  the  newly  minted  exprtk::expression  instances  into   a

                      |   Expression Factory  |
                      | parser_t::compile(...)|
                    +--> ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ->--+
                    | +-----------------------+  |
 Expressions in     |                            |  Expressions as
 string form        A                            V  exprtk::expression
                    |                            |  instances
 [s0:'x+1']--->--+  |                            |  +-[e0: x+1]
                 |  |                            |  |
 [s1:'2z+y']-->--+--+                            +->+-[e1: 2z+y]
                 |                                  |
 [s2:'sin(k+w)']-+                                  +-[e2: sin(k+w)]

   const std::string expression_str[3]
                       = { "x + 1", "2x + y", "sin(k + w)" };

   std::vector expression_list;

   parser_t             parser;
   expression_t     expression;
   symbol_table_t symbol_table;


   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
      if (parser.compile(expression_str[i],expression))
        std::cout << "Error in " << expression_str[i] << "\n";

   for (auto& e : expression_list)


The exprtk::parser  when being  instantiated takes  as input  a set of
options  to be  used during  the compilation  process of  expressions.
An  example instantiation  of exprtk::parser  where only  the  joiner,
commutative and strength reduction options are enabled is as  follows:

   typedef exprtk::parser::settings_t settings_t;

   std::size_t compile_options = settings_t::e_joiner            +
                                 settings_t::e_commutative_check +

   parser_t parser(compile_options);

Currently  seven  types of  compile  time options  are  supported, and
enabled by default. The options and their explanations are as follows:

   (1) Replacer
   (2) Joiner
   (3) Numeric Check
   (4) Bracket Check
   (5) Sequence Check
   (6) Commutative Check
   (7) Strength Reduction Check

(1) Replacer (e_replacer)
Enable replacement of specific  tokens with other tokens.  For example
the token  "true" of  type symbol  will be  replaced with  the numeric
token of value one.

   (a) (x < y) == true   --->  (x < y) == 1
   (b) false == (x > y)  --->  0 == (x > y)

(2) Joiner (e_joiner)
Enable  joining  of  multi-character  operators  that  may  have  been
incorrectly  disjoint in the  string  representation  of the specified
expression. For example the consecutive tokens of ">" "=" will  become
">=" representing  the "greater  than or  equal to"  operator. If  not
properly resolved the  original form will  cause a compilation  error.
The  following  is  a listing  of the  scenarios that  the joiner  can

   (a) '>' '='  --->  '>='  (gte)
   (b) '<' '='  --->  '<='  (lte)
   (c) '=' '='  --->  '=='  (equal)
   (d) '!' '='  --->  '!='  (not-equal)
   (e) '<' '>'  --->  '<>'  (not-equal)
   (f) ':' '='  --->  ':='  (assignment)
   (g) '+' '='  --->  '+='  (addition assignment)
   (h) '-' '='  --->  '-='  (subtraction assignment)
   (i) '*' '='  --->  '*='  (multiplication assignment)
   (j) '/' '='  --->  '/='  (division assignment)
   (k) '%' '='  --->  '%='  (modulo assignment)
   (l) '+' '-'  --->  '-'   (subtraction)
   (m) '-' '+'  --->  '-'   (subtraction)
   (n) '-' '-'  --->  '+'   (addition)
   (o) '<=' '>' --->  '<=>' (swap)

An example of the transformation that takes place is as follows:

   (a) (x > = y) and (z ! = w)  --->  (x >= y) and (z != w)

(3) Numeric Check (e_numeric_check)
Enable validation of tokens representing numeric types so as to  catch
any errors prior  to the costly  process of the  main compilation step

(4) Bracket Check (e_bracket_check)
Enable  the  check for  validating  the ordering  of  brackets in  the
specified expression.

(5) Sequence Check (e_sequence_check)
Enable the  check for  validating that  sequences of  either pairs  or
triplets of tokens make sense.  For example the following sequence  of
tokens when encountered will raise an error:

   (a) (x + * 3)  --->  sequence error

(6) Commutative Check (e_commutative_check)
Enable the check that will transform sequences of pairs of tokens that
imply a multiplication operation.  The following are some  examples of
such transformations:

   (a) 2x             --->  2 * x
   (b) 25x^3          --->  25 * x^3
   (c) 3(x + 1)       --->  3 * (x + 1)
   (d) (x + 1)4       --->  (x + 1) * 4
   (e) 5foo(x,y)      --->  5 * foo(x,y)
   (f) foo(x,y)6 + 1  --->  foo(x,y) * 6 + 1
   (g) (4((2x)3))     --->  4 * ((2 * x) * 3)
   (h) w(x) + (y)z    --->  w * x + y * z

(7) Strength Reduction Check (e_strength_reduction)
Enable  the  use  of  strength  reduction  optimisations  during   the
compilation  process.  In  ExprTk  strength  reduction   optimisations
predominantly involve  transforming sub-expressions  into other  forms
that  are algebraically  equivalent yet  less costly  to compute.  The
following are examples of the various transformations that can occur:

   (a) (x / y) / z        --->  x / (y * z)
   (b) (x / y) / (z / w)  --->  (x * w) / (y * z)
   (c) (2 * x) - (2 * y)  --->  2 * (x - y)
   (d) (2 / x) / (3 / y)  --->  (2 / 3) / (x * y)
   (e) (2 * x) * (3 * y)  --->  (2 * 3) * (x * y)

When using  strength reduction  in conjunction  with expressions whose
inputs or sub-expressions may result  in values nearing either of  the
bounds of the underlying numeric  type (eg: double), there may  be the
possibility of a decrease in the precision of results.

In  the following  example the  given expression  which represents  an
attempt at computing the average  between x and y will  be transformed
as follows:

   (0.5 * x) + (y * 0.5) ---> 0.5 * (x + y)

There  may be  situations where  the above  transformation will  cause
numerical overflows and  that the original  form of the  expression is
desired over the strength reduced form. In these situations it is best
to turn off strength reduction optimisations  or to use a type with  a
larger numerical bound.


Exprtk supports mathematical expressions in numerous forms based on  a
simple  imperative  programming  model. This  section  will  cover the
following  topics  related  to general  structure  and  programming of
expression using ExprTk:

   (1) Multi-Statement Expressions
   (2) Statements And Side-Effects
   (3) Conditional Statements
   (4) Special Functions

(1) Multi-Statement Expressions
Expressions in ExprTk can be  comprised of one more statements,  which
may  sometimes  be  called  sub-expressions.  The  following  are  two
examples of expressions stored  in std::string variables, the  first a
single statement and the second a multi-statement expression:

   std::string single_statement = " z := x + y ";

   std::string multi_statement  = " var temp := x; "
                                  " x := y + z;    "
                                  " y := temp;     ";

In a  multi-statement expression,  the final  statement will determine
the overall result of the expression. In the following multi-statement
expression, the result of the expression when evaluated will be '2.3',
which will also be the value stored in the 'y' variable.

   z := x + y;
   y := 2.3;

As  demonstrated  in  the  expression  above,  statements  within   an
expression are  separated using  the semi-colon  ';' operator.  In the
event  two  statements are  not  separated by  a  semi-colon, and  the
implied multiplication  feature is  active (enabled  by default),  the
compiler  will  assume  a  multiplication  operation  between  the two

In the following example we have a multi-statement expression composed
of two variable definitions and initialisations for variables x and  y
and two seemingly separate mathematical operations.

   var x:= 2;
   var y:= 3;
   x + 1
   y * 2

However the result of  the expression will not  be 6 as may  have been
assumed based on  the calculation of  'y * 2',  but rather the  result
will be 8. This  is because the compiler  will have conjoined the  two
mathematical statements into one  via a multiplication operation.  The
expression when compiled will actually evaluate as the following:

   var x:= 2;
   var y:= 3;
   x + 1 * y * 2;   // 2 + 1 * 3 * 2 == 8

In ExprTk any valid statement  will itself return a value.  This value
can  further  be  used  in  conjunction  with  other  statements. This
includes language structures such as if-statements, loops (for, while)
and the switch statement. Typically the last statement executed in the
given construct  (conditional, loop  etc), will  be the  value that is

In the following example, the  return value of the expression  will be
11, which is the sum of the variable 'x' and the final value  computed
within the loop body on its last iteration:

   var x := 1;
   x + for (var i := x; i < 10; i += 1)
         i / 2;
         i + 1;

(2) Statements And Side-Effects
Statements themselves may have side effects, which in-turn effect  the
proceeding statements in multi-statement expressions.

A statement is said  to have a side-effect  if it causes the  state of
the  expression to  change in  some way  -  this  includes but  is not
limited to the  modification of the  state of external  variables used
within the expression. Currently  the following actions being  present
in a statement will cause it to have a side-effect:

   (a) Assignment operation (explicit or potentially)
   (b) Invoking a user-defined function that has side-effects

The following are examples of expressions where the side-effect status
of the  statements (sub-expressions) within the expressions  have been

  |#|      Expression      |      Side Effect Status      |
  |0| x + y                | False                        |
  |1| z := x + y           | True - Due to assignment     |
  |2| abs(x - y)           | False                        |
  |3| abs(x - y);          | False                        |
  | | z := (x += y);       | True - Due to assignments    |
  |4| abs(x - y);          | False                        |
  | | z := (x += y);       | True - Due to assignments    |
  |5| var t := abs(x - y); | True - Due to initialisation |
  | | t + x;          
