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资源说明:lsseq command line tool for listing image-sequences in a nice way
# About lsseq

`lsseq` is a Unix/Linux command-line utility that
lists directory contents (akin to `/bin/ls`) while condensing image
sequences (or cache sequences) to one entry each and listing the sequence in
a helpful way. Filenames that are part of sequences are assumed to be of
the form:
where `` is drawn from a default list of image extensions or an
environment variable that can be set to override the default list. (see
`lsseq --help` and in particular `--imgExt`).
Note that `lsseq` can also handle the case that the dot-separator
between the `` and the `` is an underscore
(see `lsseq --help` for `--looseNumSeparator, -l`).

`lsseq` can print the image sequence in a variety of formats useful for `nuke`,
`houdini` or `rv` and can also print a `glob` pattern for use in the shell. It also
has it's own native format which is nicer to read, and also used by another command-line
tool called [`renumseq`](

#### For example:
    $ ls
    aaa.097.tif  aaa.098.tif  aaa.100.tif  aaa.101.tif  aaa.102.tif  aaa.103.tif
    $ lsseq
    aaa.[097-103].tif m:[99]
What `lsseq` tells us here is that there is a sequence of tif files named
`aaa` with frames 97 through 103 (three padded) and frame 99 is missing.

`lsseq` is designed to have the flavor of the unix/linux/osx `ls`
command as much as possible. The idea is to make it easier on the user when
switching back and forth between using `lsseq` and regular `ls` so that the
look of the output as well as several command-line-arguments are the same
(where possible and it makes sense).

Furthermore it was written to be as robust as possible. For example, it
handles negative frames properly and has been extensively tested and used at
several production studios. There is a regression test program included with
the source here on github to help test any changes, additions, bug fixes

Lastly some useful options have been added beyond what `/bin/ls` does that
extend `lsseq's` capability.

#### For example:
    1$ ls -F
    aaa/  bbb/  ccc.0101.exr  nonImage.file

    2$ ls *
    ccc.0101.exr  nonImage.file

    aaa.097.tif  aaa.098.tif  aaa.100.tif  aaa.101.tif  aaa.102.tif  aaa.103.tif  nonImage_A.file

    bbx.0097.tif  bbx.0100.tif  bbx.0103.tif  bby.0199.tif  bby.0202.tif      nonImage_B2.file
    bbx.0098.tif  bbx.0101.tif  bby.0197.tif  bby.0200.tif  bby.0203.tif
    bbx.0099.tif  bbx.0102.tif  bby.0198.tif  bby.0201.tif  nonImage_B1.file

    3$ lsseq *

    aaa.[097-103].tif m:[99]

    nonImage_B1.file  nonImage_B2.file

    4$ lsseq --prependPathRel *
    aaa/aaa.[097-103].tif m:[99]

    5$ lsseq --prependPathAbs --skipMissing --format rv *
The first thing to note above is how close `lsseq` is to mimicking `/bin/ls` in
labelling directories and listing directory contents etc. (compare the
output of command 2 to 3). One difference being that `lsseq` first lists all
non-sequence images in a directory exactly as `ls` would list them (minus the
sequences) then lists all the sequences in their condensed form.

Secondly note the two useful options in commands 4 and 5 above,
`--prependPathRel` and `--prependPathAbs` which can be very useful when creating
lists of sequences to pipe into other scripts.

It's recommended to review the capabilities of lsseq in how it can sort
sequences, especially with respect to how it handles sorting by time. See
`lsseq --help` for `--time, -t and --onlyShow` options.

## Installing lsseq

    python3 -m pip install lsseq

I have written more helpful installation-information below in an addendum.
You may find it helpful when
trying to install this command on your system, be it Linux or macOS.

## Testing lsseq

To test `lsseq`, `cd` into a directory containing frames from an image
sequence then `lsseq` the contents of the directory.

If you don't have one handy you can try this to test it.
    $ cd ~
    $ mkdir tmp
    $ cd tmp
    $ touch aaa.001.tif aaa.002.tif aaa.003.tif aaa.004.tif aaa.005.tif
    $ lsseq
    aaa.[001-005].tif z:[1-5]
Note the `z:[1-5]` which is telling you that the frames `aaa.[001-005].tif`
have zero length, and if you had generated those with a renderer I'm
guessing you'd need to rerender them.

    $ lsseq --help
for much more useful info.

## Addendum - more on installing command-line tools

Here's the process that I've followed to install `lsseq`, as well as my other
python-based command-line
tools (i.e., `expandseq`, `condenseseq` and `renumseq`)
so that they are accessible to all users. This works on both macOS and Linux.

    $ su -
    # cd /usr/local
    # python3 -m venv venv
    # cd venv
    # source bin/activate
    # python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    # deactivate
    # bin/pip install lsseq
    # bin/pip install expandSeq
    # bin/pip install renumSeq
    # ln -s /usr/local/venv/bin/lsseq /usr/local/bin/lsseq
    # ln -s /usr/local/venv/bin/expandseq /usr/local/bin/expandseq
    # ln -s /usr/local/venv/bin/condenseseq /usr/local/bin/condenseseq
    # ln -s /usr/local/venv/bin/renumseq /usr/local/bin/renumseq
    # exit
    $ lsseq --version
At this point any user should be able to run any of the commands linked in the example above.
Note that updates are easy now too. Say there's an update to lsseq that you want to install.

    $ su -
    # cd /usr/local/venv
    # bin/pip install lsseq --upgrade
    # exit
    $ lsseq --version

Just kidding about the version number, maybe in the year 2159? Will Unix still be a thing!?

## Contact

Please contact `j a m e s  a l p h a - e l e v e n . c o m` with any bug
reports, suggestions or praise as the case may be.
