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资源说明:AEFS, a cryptographic filesystem for Linux
þtitle AEFS Read Me

þif text
þh= Table of Contents

þh1 Introduction

  AEFS is a cryptographic file system for OS/2 and Unix-like operating
  systems.  It allows transparent access to encrypted files stored on
  any file system -- it's not necessary to dedicate disk partitions.
  Several block ciphers are currently supported (Rijndael and
  Twofish).  Extended attributes are supported under OS/2.

þh2 Changes in version 0.2.1

  This is a bugfix release.  The following bugs were fixed:



  A bug was fixed in the treatment of paths relative to the current
  directory (except the root directory) of the form þtt{X/filename},
  where þtt{X} is a one-character file name.  Such paths would
  incorrectly refer to the current directory.  For example, þtt{touch
  X/bla} would create a file called þtt{bla} in the current directory
  instead of in þtt{X}.  Thanks go to Max Alekseyev for discovering
  this bug.


  Various fixes in the NFS server, which now seems to be reasonably


  AEFS now works properly on systems that don't support growing
  truncates (e.g., Linux on some file systems).  Because of this the
  csAllocated field has been removed from the on-disk file info
  structure.  The csAllocated field wasn't actually used by the file
  system anyway, but you may receive minor warnings (complaining about
  an inconsistency between the csAllocated field and the actual
  allocation of a file) when you run an older version of þtt{aefsck}
  against a file system created or modified by the current version of


  Furthermore, there is a new utility þtt{aefsutil} that allows access
  to unmounted file systems (i.e., list directories, extract files,

þh2 Changes in version 0.2

  There are a few improvements:



  AEFS now works under other (read: Unix-like) operating systems as
  well.  I've implemented an NFS server frontend to AEFS, so in
  principle any system that can mount NFS file systems can mount an
  AEFS file system.  It has been tested on Linux and IRIX, and it at
  least compiles on FreeBSD and Solaris.


  Autoconf configuration.


  Utilities like þtt{aefsck} should produce better error messages in
  case of a low-level (corefs) error.


  Rijndael is the default cipher (instead of Twofish) now that it has
  been selected as the AES.


  Syslog support.  The OS/2 daemon now logs to syslog instead of to a


  Performance improvements in the OS/2 daemon with regard to directory


  Rijndael and Twofish now work on big-endian systems.


  Storage files are now locked when they are being accessed.  Notably,
  the superblock is locked for the entire time that the file system is
  being used.  This prevents e.g. þtt{aefsck} from messing with a file
  system that is currently mounted.


  I fixed the following bugs:



  The FSD didn't correctly deal with interrupted client processes.
  If a process waiting for the FSD to complete a request would receive
  a signal (e.g. break or kill), then the daemon might corrupt the
  next request or even crash.


  Seeks relative to the end of the file didn't work properly because
  the FS_WRITE operation forgot to update the size field of the
  kernel's sffsi data structure.  This caused e.g. gnutar to fail.


  Setting file info on an open file (DosSetFileInfo) would
  reset the file position to 0.


þh2 Requirements

  This software requires the EMX runtime.  It can be downloaded from:

þh2 Installation

  Unzip the zip-file to any place on your hard disk.  You only need
  the files in the þtt{bin} subdirectory; all other files are source
  code and may be deleted.  Then add the following lines to

  IFS=\stubfsd.ifs AEFS

  where þsy{} is the path of the þtt{bin} subdirectory.  The
  first line loads the FSD (file system driver), which is really a
  stub that passes requests to the daemon, which is started in the
  second line and does the real work.  You may also want to add
  þsy{} to the PATH environment variable, but that's merely
  a convenience.  After making these changes, reboot the system.

þh2 Overview

  To create an AEFS volume using the default block cipher algorithm
  (Rijndael, with a 128-bit key size), type


  which will create a volume in þsy{} (that is, the ciphertext
  will be stored in þsy{}).  It will ask you to (twice) enter
  the encryption key to be used for this volume.  Don't forget the
  key!  The key should be sufficiently hard to guess and may be of any
  length.  (The key you enter is not actually the encryption key: it
  is hashed using SHA-1 into a key with the length expected by the
  block cipher).

  For example,

  mkaefs c:\crypto

  will make a volume in þtt{c:\crypto}.

  To access the volume, you must attach (`mount') it to a drive
  letter.  This can be done by typing

  mntaefs : 

  The program will then ask you to enter the encryption key.

  For example,

  mntaefs x: c:\crypto

  will attach the volume created in the previous example to the drive
  letter X.  You can now access the encrypted data in þtt{c:\crypto}
  through drive X.  Any data you write to or read from drive X will be
  encrypted and decrypted transparently by AEFS.

  When you are done using the encrypted volume, you can type 

  umntaefs :

  to detach it.

þh1 Command reference

  All programs use the GNU getopt syntax.  They all
  support the following options:


þitem þsy{--help}

  Print help and exit.

þitem þsy{--version}
  Print version information and exit


  For all programs that allow you to enter a key, you may set the
  environment variable þtt{AEFS_ECHO} to þtt{1} to have them echo the
  key you type to the screen; otherwise, user input it is not echoed.
  Also, for programs that allow you to enter a key, you may use the
  environment variable þtt{AEFS_PASSPHRASE} to pass the key
  non-interactively.  This is safer than using the þsy{--key} option.

þh2 mkaefs

  The þtt{mkaefs} program creates an AEFS file system.  The syntax is:  

