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资源说明:Common Lisp implementations of heap data structures (a binary heap and a Fibonacci heap) as well as an efficient priority queue

This library is no longer maintained. 

CL-HEAP is a Common Lisp library that provides efficient priority
queue and heap implementations. Heaps are tree data structure in which
any child, c, of a parent, p, obeys the relation p R c, for some
relation R (often less-than or greater-than). Heaps can be used
directly as priority queues, and are important components of many
algorithms, like those for finding shortest paths and calculating
minimum spanning trees.

The library is simple to use. Here's an example covering most of the
priority queue functionality:

(defparameter *queue* (make-instance 'cl-heap:priority-queue))

(cl-heap:enqueue *queue* 'test 15) ; Enqueue the item with the priority of 15.
(cl-heap:enqueue *queue* 'this -5)
(cl-heap:enqueue *queue* 'a 10)
(cl-heap:enqueue *queue* 'is 5)

(cl-heap:peep-at-queue *queue*) => 'this

(cl-heap:dequeue *queue*) => 'this
(cl-heap:dequeue *queue*) => 'is
(cl-heap:dequeue *queue*) => 'a
(cl-heap:dequeue *queue*) => 'test

The library provides an implementation of an array-based binary heap -
offering O(log(n)) times for most operations - and the Fibonacci
heap. While any sequence of arbitrary operations on a Fibonacci heap
occur in amortised logarithmic time, many common operations occur in
constant and amortised constant time. See below for further
details. The Fibonacci heap should generally be your heap of choice
from this library.

Installation and Usage

CL-HEAP depends on XLUNIT, which is used to perform unit
testing. CL-HEAP has been tested and is known to run on SBCL. If
you've tried this on other compilers and it runs successfully, please
let me know. The library can be installed using either ASDF-INSTALL or

(require 'asdf-install)
(asdf-install:install 'cl-heap)

(quicklisp:quickload 'cl-heap)
(quicklisp:quickload 'cl-heap-tests) 

After which, the library can then be loaded using either ASDF or

(asdf:load-system 'cl-heap)

Test Suite

CL-HEAP comes with a test suite. The tests for the various classes can
be performed as follows:

(xlunit:textui-test-run (xlunit:get-suite cl-heap:fibonacci-test))
(xlunit:textui-test-run (xlunit:get-suite cl-heap:binary-test))
(xlunit:textui-test-run (xlunit:get-suite cl-heap:priority-queue-test))


This priority queue is a container for items in which all the items
are sorted by some given priority. We implement the priority queue
using a Fibonacci heap.

*MAKE-INSTANCE* accepts the argument :sort-fun to provide the function
which the items' priorities are sorted by. This defaults to #'<, which
will cause the queue to always return the item of lowest priority.

(ENQUEUE queue item priority)
Adds the item to the queue at the given priority. Returns a
list containing first the item's priority, then the item
itself. Running time: O(1)

(DEQUEUE queue)
Removes the item of lowest priority from the queue. Running
time: amortised O(log(n))

Returns the item of lowest priority from the queue, without
modifying the queue. Running time: O(1)

Removes all items from the queue. Returns the heap. Running
time: O(1)

(QUEUE-SIZE queue)
Returns the number of items in the queue. Running time: O(1)

The HEAP Class

HEAP provides functionality common to the two heap classes implement
by CL-HEAP. Each heap implementation accepts at least two arguments to
MAKE-INSTANCE: :key and :sort-fun. 

:sort-fun supplies the function to
be used when comparing two objects to each other, and defaults to #'<.

:key gives a function which should be first applied to the elements in
the HEAP before comparing them using the sorting function. :key
defaults to #'identity.  The function designated by :key will be used
as a reader to obtain a prioritization value; but if DECREASE-KEY is
used the function designated by :key will be called with a second
argument, in which case the function is expected to be a setter.  See
the documentation for DECREASE-KEY below.

An additional restriction on the :key function is that CL-HEAP assumes
it can re-call the function on a queued object at any time and
retrieve the same value, for example when items are added to, removed
from, or shuffled in the heap.  It is the responsibility of the client
program to assure this invariant.  The following usage is not valid.

(defun invalid-heap-usage ()
  (let ((hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    (setf (gethash "a" hash) 10
          (gethash "b" hash) 11
          (gethash "c" hash) 9)
    (flet ((my-key (obj &rest values)
             (if values
                 (setf (gethash obj hash) (car values))
                 (gethash obj hash))))
      (let* ((heap (make-instance 'cl-heap:fibonacci-heap :key #'my-key))
             (index-a (nth-value 1 (cl-heap:add-to-heap heap "a")))
             (index-b (nth-value 1 (cl-heap:add-to-heap heap "b")))
             (index-c (nth-value 1 (cl-heap:add-to-heap heap "c"))))

        (setf (gethash "b" hash) 5) ;; ATTENTION (my-key "b") now returns something different than cl-heap has assumed!

        (cl-heap:decrease-key heap index-b 5)))))

A call to such a function (in SBCL) will result in the following error:

The given value (5) must be less than the current value (5).
   [Condition of type KEY-ERROR]

 0: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.
 1: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
 2: [ABORT] abort thread (#)

  0: ((:METHOD DECREASE-KEY (FIBONACCI-HEAP CL-HEAP::NODE T)) # # 5) [fast-method]

The :key and :sort-fun functions can be accessed using HEAP-KEY and

Both of the heap implementations obey the same interface:

(HEAP-KEY heap)
Returns the function passed as the :key argument to the heap.

Returns the function used to sort the elements in the heap.

(HEAP-SIZE heap)
Returns the number of elements in the heap.

Removes all items from the heap, and returns the heap.

Returns true iff the heap contains no elements.

(ADD-TO-HEAP heap item)
Adds the given item to the heap. Returns two values: first the item
itself, and then some index-key which can be used by DECREASE-KEY and
DELETE-KEY to identify which values should be affected by these
operations. See below for an example.

(ADD-ALL-TO-HEAP heap items)
Adds all items in the list to the heap, as if by repeated calls to
ADD-TO-HEAP. ADD-ALL-TO-HEAP can often be implemented more
efficiently, though, than by merely executing consecutive calls to
ADD-TO-HEAP directly. Returns the heap object.

Returns the minimum item in the heap, without modifying the heap.

(POP-HEAP heap)
Removes the smallest item in the heap, and returns it.

(MERGE-HEAPS first second)
Returns a new heap which contains all the items in both heaps. Only
heaps which use the same HEAP-KEY and HEAP-SORTING-FUNCTION can be
merged, otherwise a HEAP-ERROR is signalled.

(NMERGE-HEAPS first second)
Destructively creates a new heap which contains the items in both
heaps. Only heaps which use the same HEAP-KEY and
HEAP-SORTING-FUNCTION can be merged, otherwise a HEAP-ERROR is

(DECREASE-KEY heap item-index value)
Allows you to specify an item in the heap whose value should be
decreased. ITEM-INDEX is the second value returned by ADD-TO-HEAP, and
VALUE should be smaller than the items current value, or a KEY-ERROR
will be signalled. Returns the heap. See below for an example.

DECREASE-KEY requires that HEAP-KEY is either the function IDENTITY,
or a function that accepts an optional second argument, which will be
the value of the new key. For instance, if the elements in the heap
are lists, and they are to be sorted by the first element in the list,
an appropriate HEAP-KEY could be:

(lambda (item &optional new-value)
    (if new-value
        (setf (first item) new-value)
	(first item)))
Of course, if DECREASE-KEY is not going to be used, then #'first
itself could simply be used as the HEAP-KEY.
(DELETE-FROM-HEAP heap item-index)
Allows you to specify an arbitrary item to remove from the
heap. ITEM-INDEX is the second value returned by ADD-TO-HEAP.


BINARY-HEAP is constructed in the typical fashion, using an array. The
BINARY-HEAP MAKE-INSTANCE call accepts an extra argument, :size, which
sets the data array's initial size.

Note that DECREASE-KEY and DELETE-FROM-HEAP are not very useful
operations on this heap: while they work, the required index-keys may
be invalidated as soon as any heap operation is performed. If you do
want to make use of DELETE-FROM-HEAP or DECREASE-KEY, consider using

BINARY-HEAP provides an extra function to the above API:

The percentage at which the space allocated for data in the heap
should grow at once that space has been exceeded. This defaults to 50.

Here are the Big-Oh running times for the heap API, where n and m are
the sizes of various heaps.

(HEAP-SIZE heap)    	    	      => O(1)

(EMPTY-HEAP heap)		      => O(1)

(IS-EMPTY-HEAP-P heap)		      => O(1)

(ADD-TO-HEAP heap item)		      => O(log(n))

(ADD-ALL-TO-HEAP heap items)	      => O(n)

(PEEP-AT-HEAP heap)   		      => O(1)

(POP-HEAP heap)			      => O(log(n))

(MERGE-HEAPS first second)	      => O(n + m + log(n + m))

(NMERGE-HEAPS first second)	      => O(m + log(n + m))

(DECREASE-KEY heap item-index value)  => O(log(n))

(DELETE-FROM-HEAP heap item-index)    => O(log(n))


The details of the Fibonacci heap are given in "Fibonacci Heaps and
Their Uses in Improved Network Optimization Algorithms", by Fredman
and Tarjan (see references below).

The Fibonacci heap has some interesting time constraints, and should
generally be used instead of BINARY-HEAP.

Here are the Big-Oh running times for the heap API, where n and m are
the sizes of various heaps.

(HEAP-SIZE heap)    	    	      => O(1)

(EMPTY-HEAP heap)		      => O(1)

(IS-EMPTY-HEAP-P heap)		      => O(1)

(ADD-TO-HEAP heap item)		      => O(1)

(ADD-ALL-TO-HEAP heap items)	      => O(n)

(PEEP-AT-HEAP heap)   		      => O(1)

(POP-HEAP heap)			      => amortised O(log(n))

(MERGE-HEAPS first second)	      => O(m + n)

(NMERGE-HEAPS first second)	      => O(1)

(DECREASE-KEY heap item-index value)  => amortised O(1)

(DELETE-FROM-HEAP heap item-index)    => amortised O(1), except where
		       		         the deleted item was the minimum
		       		         item, in which case it is
				         amortised O(log(n))

Examples of Use

A heap can be created quite simply:

(defparameter *heap* (make-instance 'cl-heap:fibonacci-heap))

This will create a heap where the elements are ordered using #'<.
Elements can be added one at a time using ADD-TO-HEAP:

(cl-heap:add-to-heap *heap* 1)

or, in a batch.

(cl-heap:add-all-to-heap *heap* '(6 4 7 3 2 0))

The minimum item in this heap can easily by seen using PEEP-AT-HEEP,
which will not modify the heap in any way:

(cl-heap:peep-at-heap *heap*) => 0

The minimum item can be removed from the heap using POP-HEAP:

(cl-heap:pop-heap *heap*) => 0

Heaps can be used to sort items:

(let ((heap (make-instance 'cl-heap:fibonacci-heap)))
  (cl-heap:add-all-to-heap heap (loop for i from 1 upto 10 collect (random 100)))
  (loop while (not (cl-heap:is-empty-heap-p heap)) collect (cl-heap:pop-heap heap)))

=> (14 19 30 32 38 64 74 90 96 98)

A max-heap can be constructed as follows:

(defparameter *heap* (make-instance 'cl-heap:fibonacci-heap :sort-fun #'>))

And this will order things from most to least:

(let ((heap (make-instance 'cl-heap:fibonacci-heap :sort-fun #'>)))
  (cl-heap:add-all-to-heap heap (loop for i from 1 upto 10 collect (random 100)))
  (loop while (not (cl-heap:is-empty-heap-p heap)) collect (cl-heap:pop-heap heap)))

=> (69 68 64 60 37 34 30 7 6 1)

The heaps can contain arbitrary items. For instance, a heap whose
elements are all lists can be constructed as follows:

(defparameter *heap* (make-instance 'cl-heap:fibonacci-heap :key #'first))
(cl-heap:add-to-heap *heap* (list 5 'some 'arbitrary 'data))
(cl-heap:add-to-heap *heap* (list 4 'other 'data))
(cl-heap:pop-heap *heap*) => (4 other data)

DECREASE-KEY and DELETE-FROM-HEAP can be used as follows:

(defparameter *heap* (make-instance 'cl-heap:fibonacci-heap))
(cl-heap:add-all-to-heap *heap* '(5 3 4 2 1))
(let ((item-index (second (multiple-value-list (cl-heap:add-to-heap *heap* 10)))))
     (format t "Smallest item: ~A~%" (cl-heap:peep-at-heap *heap*))
     (cl-heap:decrease-key *heap* item-index 0)
     (format t "Smallest item: ~A~%" (cl-heap:peep-at-heap *heap*)))

=> nil     
Smallest item: 1
Smallest item: 0


CL-HEAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see .

M. L. Fredman and R. E. Tarjan. 1987. "Fibonacci Heaps and Their Uses
in Improved Network Optimization Algorithms". Journal of the
Association for Computing Machinery, Vol 34, No 3. pp 596 - 615
