文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:AWS S3 hot file transfer utility
# Update AWS S3 content from local directory tree #

This project was sponsored by [Micronautics Research Corporation](

## Use Case ##
 1. Not using source control.
 2. Storing content on AWS S3 (CDN).
 3. AWS S3 serves a static web site from the content.

## To Build ##

### Start Script ###

The compiled program needs to be run from a script. `xsbt-start-script-plugin` creates that script.
See [my pull request]( that improves the generated script.
If you install my modified version of `xsbt-start-script-plugin` then you should be able to run the script from any directory.
To do that:

mkdir ~/work
cd ~/work
git clone git://
cd xsbt-start-script-plugin
sbt compile publish-local

### Building AwsMirror ###

 1. This program requires Java 7 or later.
 1. Point `JAVA_HOME` to a Java 7 JDK.
 1. Type the following into a bash console:
git clone
cd AwsMirror
sbt compile start-script

 1. Add  `AwsMirror/target` to the `PATH` or write a script like this bash script to launch the program.
    The remainder of these instructions assume that a similar script exists somewhere on the path called `aws`:
# Ensure that Java 7 is on the classpath; best if JAVA_HOME is also set
# Must set SBT_HOME to directory where sbt-launch.jar resides
export SBT_HOME=/opt
~/work/AwsMirror/target/start $*

## To Run ##

aws subcommandsGoHere

The help message shows all the subcommands:

Usage: aws 
