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资源说明:Assembler/disassembler targeting emu10k1 DSP chip

Author: Nicola Orru' 


This project aims at supplying a sort of 
emu10k1-swiss-army-knife for the ALSA project. The core 
of emufxtool is an assemble/unassemble engine that can 
convert the program and data contained in the DSP 
memory in and an human-readable form and vice-versa.


The emu10k1 DSP chip is the core of the creative SB 
Live!, Audigy, PCI 512 and other sound cards.

  Version: 0.2

  Parent-Project: ALSA

  Based-on: as10k1 A0.99

  Keywords: Linux, Sound, ALSA, Creative, emu10k1, 
  fx8010, SoundBlaster, assembler, effects

  Original-Author: Daniel Bertrand 
  , Jaroslav Kysela .

1 Project History 

I know I ought not start this document from the history 
of a project that has no history, yet. You may ask why. 
Or you may not. However, you'll find an answer at the 
end of this section. 

This project got life the minute I felt the need for 
chorus and reverbBy the way, the tool still CAN'T enable chorus and midi 
reverb : (
 to be enabled in my SoundBlaster Live! WaveTable midi 
synthesiser, just like the Creative Driver does under 
Windows 2000, so I subscribed immediately to alsa-devel 
and asked the list about what to do to join in.

Someone (maybe Takashi Iwai or Jaroslav Kysela, I don't 
remember -Yes, I know I should peek at the archives, 
but let me tell the rest of the story-) wrote me in 
response that I (or anyone else) had to sew a patch to 
the kernel driver in order to enable the FX_BUSes for 
chorus and reverb, and to write the loader code, while 
an assembler program that appeared to be suitable for 
ALSA had already been provided by Daniel Bertrand and 
Jaroslav Kysela (thanks!).

This is the way my odyssey started: I downloaded all 
the docs I was able to find about the DSP, the 
assembler code, the driver source, then I began to try 
and experiment with them... just to discover that a 
loader based on an OSS-oriented assembler couldn't 
work, first of all because of the completely different 
patch management mechanisms and effect routing inside 
the drivers. So I had to start again. Fortunately, most 
of the code that I wrote to perform microcode 
unassembly was useful, thus it was immediately embedded 
in the new version of the tool.

Trying to expand my horizons, I moved the project's 
objective, from a simple loader to the aforementioned 
"swiss knife" for the fx8010 DSP processor. What was 
originally thought as "ld10k1" (loader for emu10k1) 
became "emufxtool". 

That's where I am: I managed to implement a beta 
version of a tool that can

* assemble DSP code, featuring a powerful one-pass 
  macro preprocessor, an expression parser/evaluator, 
  and typed variable declarations

* unassemble contents of the DSP registers and code in 
  an human-readable format, that can be easily 
  modified, recompiled and reloaded.

* unassemble compiled DSP patches 

* load compiled DSP patches into the emu10k1 iron (with 
  a relocation mechanism, designed but still to be implemented)

and, meantime, there's where I got stuck. My 
comprehension of how the fx8010 (the core of the 
emu10k1) works is far from complete, neither my 
knowledge of ALSA internals is. I have to go and study 
some more (and more), assuming I will be able to obtain 
more documentation about the chip.

Now you have the answer to the initial question: I need 
help. If you reached this very word, maybe you're 
interested in giving me a hand. If not... Well, who am 
I supposed to be speaking to? : )

Anyway, what I need the most is feedback from experts 
in the ALSA architecture and, particularly, in the 
emu10k1 driver. Feedback from testers and users is also vital.

2 Installation

2.1 Requirements

What you do need are:

* GCC 3.2

* the C++ standard template library (installed in 

* ALSA 0.9.0rc7 (or later?)

* GNU make

Soon (or later) I will provide an autoconf/automake 
makefile generator and installer. Once I learn autoconf 
and automake...

2.2 Building

You can make and run this program by the canonical sequence:

tar -xvzf emufxtool-version.number.tar.gz

cd emufxtool-version.number


make install (as root)

make test (as root)

If make terminates successfully, you will end up with a


binary executable in /usr/local/bin.

3 Usage

3.1 Invocation

emufxtool action [-o asmoptions] [-d device, defaults 
to hw:0,0] \

[-y additional_sYmbol_table] [dsp patch files...]


'-l' load patches into emu hardware

'-t' test patches sanity, useful with -oa, see later

'-a' assemble patches

'-h' help

'-v' version

'-u' unassemble patch found in emu hardware

'-s' save hardware contents in a patch file


(multiple options allowed, latest override earliest):

'a' all options on (default all off)

'v' enables 

'V' disables patch dump to stdout

't' enables 

'T' disables token analysis dump to stdout

'p' enables 

'P' disables parsing only (no files generated during compilation)

'm' enables 

'M' disables macro expansion to stdout


* Every compilation process generates a 
  "patch_name.emufx" file for each assembled patch, 
  overriding any previously existing file named that way.

* Every compilation process generates an additional 
  "patch_name.sym" containing the symbols, that can be 
  used later to unassemble the same patch or the DSP 
  contents properly, overriding existing files.

3.1.1 Examples

emufxtool -a default.as10k1

compiles "default.as10k1", creating the binary patch 

emufxtool -a -oa *.as10k1 

compiles any patches found in the current path, 
creating a *.emufx for each file, dumping a very 
verbose list of messages to stdout

emufxtool -t -ov default.emufx -y reverse.sym

dumps all the contents of the binary patch 
default.emufx to stdout, using the symbols contained in 

emufxtool -l -d hw:0,0 default.emufx

loads default.emufx into the DSP memory and registers 
through the hw:0,0 interface

emufxtool -h


emufxtool -u -ov

dumps the contents of the DSP memory onto stdout

emufxtool -s dump.emufx

dumps the contents of the DSP memory to a binary patch 
file called dump.emufx

4 Language Syntax 

4.1 Meta-Language

The language structure is described by the following 
BNF-like rules, where

"string" is a fixed literal string

'expr' is a regular expression

{} means zero or more items,

[] means zero or one item

::= means "means"

 represent an empty string, i.e. nothing

bare-words represent language elements

4.2 Basic Rules

The language is "free form", meaning you can insert any 
number of spaces, tabs and newlines between elements as 
you prefer (except inside strings).

The assembler applies no limits to line length or word 
length. All identifiers and keywords are case 
sensitive. The syntax was chosen with an eye to the 
preservation of compatibility with the original as10k1 
project, in order to ease the porting of existing OSS 
patches to ALSA.

4.2.1 Patch structure

A so called "assembly patch" must be written in an 
ASCII text file. In a patch, you can mix, as you like, 
instructions and declarations. You can use PREPROCESSOR 
DIRECTIVES whenever you like, for both instructions and 
declarations. Preprocessor directives will be described 
aside, as they don't represent language statements.

patch ::= {element [";"]}

element ::= instruction | declaration | 

4.2.2 instructions

All instructions require 4 operands. The format is:

instruction ::= [label] opcode expression "," 
expression "," expression "," expression [";"] | 

label ::= identifier":"

opcode ::= "MACS" | "MACS1" | "MACW" | "MACW1" | 
"TSTNEG" | "LIMIT" | "LIMIT1" | "LOG" | "EXP" | 
"INTERP" | "MAC0" | "MAC1" | "MAC2" | "MAC3" | "MACNS" 

where expressions mean operands in the following order: 
R, A, X, Y. Note that some documentation out there call 
the R operand Z and the A operand W.

Later in this document you can see what an "expression" is.


Here are 16 opcodes.

MACS: R = ASpecial note on the accumulator: MAC* instructions with 
ACCUM as A operand use Most significant 32 bits. 
MACINT* instructions with ACCUM as A operand use Least 
significant 32 bits.
 + (X * Y >> 31) ; saturation

MACS1: R = A + (-X * Y >> 31) ; saturation

MACW: R = A + (X * Y >> 31) ; wraparound

MACW1: R = A + (-X * Y >> 31) ; wraparound

MACINTS: R = A + X * Y ; saturation

MACINTW: R = A + X * Y ; wraparound (31-bit)

ACC3: R = A + X + Y ; saturation

MACMV: R = A, acc += X * Y >> 31

ANDXOR: R = (A & X) ^ Y

TSTNEG: R = (A >= Y) ? X : ~X

LIMIT: R = (A >= Y) ? X : Y

LIMIT1: R = (A < Y) ? X : Y

LOG: ... /* FIXME: how does it work? */

EXP: ... /* FIXME: how does it work? */

INTERP: R = A + (X * (Y - A) >> 31) ; saturation


several of these have predefined aliases:

MACS is aliased by MAC0

MACS1 is aliased by MAC1 or MACNS

MACW is aliased by MAC2

MACW1 is aliased by MAC3 or MACNW

MACINTS is aliased by MACINT or MACINT0

MACINTW is aliased by MACINT1

LIMIT is aliased by LIMIT0 or LIMITGE

LIMIT1 is aliased by LIMITL

For more details on the emu10k1 see the dsp.txt file 
distributed with the linux driver.

You may optionally terminate an instruction by a ";". 
You can chain more than one instruction on the same 
line or subdivide one instruction into many lines.


are always specified as expressions. The assembler 
evaluates the expression, then compiles the result into 
an address of a register (as the operands for emu10k1 
instructions are always addresses of registers), 
according to the expression operands type.

expression ::= "(" expression ")" | expression operator 
expression | literal_constant | identifier | 
unary_operator expression | array_element | label_reference

operator ::= "+" | "-" | "^" | "<<" | ">>" | "==" | ">" 
| "<" | "<=" | ">=" | "|" | "&" | "||" | "&&" | "*" | 
"%" | "/"

unary_operator ::= ~ | ! | - | + 

identifier ::= '[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\.]+'

array_element ::= identifier "[" expression "]"

literal_constant ::= decimal_constant | hex_constants | 
binary_constant | 

floating-point_constant | octal_constant | time_constant

label_reference ::= ":" identifier

decimal_constant ::= '[0-9]+'

hex_constant ::= '0x[0-9a-fA-F]+' | '\$[0-9a-fA-F]+'

octal_constant ::= '@[0-7]+'

binary_constant ::= '%[01]+'

floating-point_constant ::= 


time_constant ::= 



* Floating point values are always (and immediately) 
  converted to fixed point numbers.

* Time constants are expressed in seconds and 
  immediately converted to samples (integer). So, for 
  instance, &1.0 (one second) is converted to 48000; 
  #1.0 is converted to 0x00010000.

* All arithmetic is performed in fixed point/integer 
  space. If you are looking for examples, look at 

4.2.3 Declarations

you can declare variables, symbolic constants, 
controls, TRAM lines, and TRAMs


An initialiser is either a constant, a variable, a 
control, a TRAM or a line that is bound to an unique 
name. To declare one or more variables you should use 
the following syntax (refer to the expression syntax):

declaration ::= var_declaration | const_declaration | 
control_declaration | tram_declaration | 
tram_line_declaration ";"

var_declaration ::= "var" ["absolute"] ["export"] 
[var_type] var_initialiser {, var_initialiser}

const_declaration ::= "const" ["export"] 
var_initialiser {, var_initialiser}

control_declaration ::= "control" [control_type] 
[control_value] atom_initialiser {,atom_initialiser}

tram_line_declaration ::= "line" atom_initialiser 

tram_declaration ::= "tram" identifier attribute_list

control_type ::=  | "mono" | "stereo"

control_value ::=  | "onoff" | "range"

var_initialiser ::= atom_initialiser | array_initialiser

var_type ::=  |"register" | "fxbus" | "extin" | "extout"

atom_initialiser ::= identifier [ "=>" hex_constant ] [ 
"=" expression ] [ attribute_list ];

array_initialiser ::= identifier [ "[" expression "]" ] 
[ "=>" hex_constant ] [ "=" expression_list ]

expression_list ::= "{" expression {,expression} "}"

attribute_list ::= "{" [attribute_definition] 
[,attribute_definition] "}"

attribute_definition ::= identifier "=" expression | 
identifier "=" string

string ::= "\"" '[^\"]*' "\""


  const When a CONSTANT is declared, using "const", it 
  is inserted in a temporary symbol table, and its 
  value used in expression. A GPR is allocated only if 
  necessary; multiple constants can share the same GPR 
  or use an hardware constant.

  var When a VAR is declared, by means of "var", a GPR 
  is allocated for each element if the var is not 
  assigned a GPR directly. If a var is givenone or more 
  values, they can be used as constants during assembly 
  times. Arrays are always allocated contiguously. GPRs 
  are assigned in declaration order (earlier declared 
  vars are given the lowest addresses), starting from 
  the first GPR available (usually 0x100 for the 
  Live!). Vars can be declared "absolute" and thus an 
  address can be assigned to the variable. This way, no 
  GPRs are allocated for the variable. An example follows:

  var absolute VARIABLE_NAME => 0x1ee; 

  Vars and constants always have empty attribute lists.

  control When a "control" is declared, it can be 
  either MONO or STEREO. Mono is a single value, whilst 
  stereo means a vector (array) of two distinct values, 
  to be used for left and right channels. This means a 
  MONO control uses a GPR, and stereo control uses two 
  GPRs. Valid attributes for controls in an attribute 
  list are:

  * "name" (string): contains the name of the control

  * "min" and "max" (numeric): define the control's range

  * "index" (numeric): assigns an internal index to the 
    control (FIXME: let me understand this first!)

  * "translation" (string): can be "t100" (default for 
    "range" controls), 

  * "bass", "treble" or "onoff" (default for "onoff" 
    controls). Sets the translation table inside the 
    driver (FIXME: understand this, too...) 

  when a "stereo" control is declared, for instance as 
  VOLUME, three variables are actually created:

  VOLUME, that is an array of two elements, VOLUME[0] 
  and VOLUME[1]

  VOLUME.left, that aliases VOLUME[0]

  VOLUME.right, that aliases VOLUME[1]

  The control initial value can be assigned by "=" in 
  the declaration

  tram declarations define the amount of TRAM memory to 
  allocate, for being used by "line" declaration.

  line A "line" is meant to be a "point" where you can 
  access tram memory, for reading and/or writing. The 
  emu10k1 DSP reserves a different address space to 
  lines, which is used to assign address to these 
  variables. When you declare a "line" initialiser, 
  actually three variables are created:

  LINE, that points to the first "data line register" available

  LINE.data that aliases "LINE"



control stereo range VOLUME = {100,100} {name="Main 
Volume", min = 0, max = 100};

declares a GPR stereo control called "Main Volume", 
with an initial value of 100, with range between 0 and 100

control stereo onoff VOLUME_SWITCH = 1 {name="Main 
Switch", index=0};

declares a GPR switch-type volume called "Main Switch", 
initially on

4.3 Macro preprocessor

The so-called preprocessor is not actually a 
preprocessor, as it works in "real time" during 
compilation with no need for a second-pass, but it 
performs the same way: you can write "parametric" 
constructs that can "expand" to actual code, preventing 
you from rewriting entire blocks that are alike. In a 
system like the emu10k1 DSP, where you can't use calls 
or loops, a macro system is the only way to emulate 
subroutines and structures.

But I guess that you already know what a preprocessor 
is, so let's go on.

Macro preprocessing allows you to write comments in 
"c-style" /* */. When a comment is encountered, its 
contents are unconditionally discarded. Nested comments 
are not allowed.

Macro blocks may contain everything, including other 
preprocessing directives, that should expand correctly. 
This behaviour lets you compose quite weird structures, 
like nested loops or even recursive macros (beware of 
infinite recursion!).

The directives start with a dotted ".keyword" and can be 
used everywhere in the code, being possible to declare 
them everywhere in the middle of a line, too.

.include "filename"

This directive substitutes itself with the contents of 
the included "filename"

.define macro_name(param1, param2...) { block }

.macro macro_name(param1, param2...) { block }

creates a macro called "macro name". 

It substitutes itself with a null string, but whenever 
the defined symbol is found in the code, from now on, 
it will be expanded to "block". Parameter substitution 
is performed inside the "block". That is, if the macro 
is invoked as


the invocation is substituted with "block". Whenever 
"param1" is found in the block (as a distinct token) it 
is substituted by "a", param2 is replaced by "b" and so 
on. The number of arguments during invocation must be 
equal to the number of parameters the macro has been 
declared with.

Parameter-less macros can be declared (and invoked) as


with a null list of parameters. Parentheses are always 
mandatory (but this may change in the future). An 
alternative way to invoke a macro and perform 
substitution is:

macro_name a, b... ;

In this condition, the final ";" is mandatory, but this 
syntax is deprecated (although included) because it may 
lead to ambiguities.

.if expression { block }

This directive evaluates the expression using literal 
constant and initialisers defined before, and 
substitutes itself to "block" if the expression is not zero.

.if expression { block1 } else { block2 }

This directive evaluates the expression using literal 
constant and initialisers defined before, and 
substitutes itself to "block1" if the expression is not 
zero or "block2" if the expression evaluates to zero.

.eval expression

evaluates "expression" and substitutes itself to the 
result. Useful, in combination with ".define" if you 
have very complex constant expression often used in the 
code and you want to avoid re-evaluating them lots of 

.defined symbol

replaces itself with "1" if the symbol is a defined 
initialiser or macro, or with "0" otherwise.

.undefined symbol

like the latter, with meaning inverted. 

.for identifier = start:end { block }

start and end are expression that must evaluate to 
integer values and express a sequence (ascending or 
descending) of numbers. For each number in this 
sequence, the directive replaces itself with the 
"block", replacing the token "identifier" inside the 
block with the current value of the sequence number.


replaces itself with the name of the file currently 
being read


replaces itself with the line number currently being read

.warn { message }

replaces itself with nothing, expands "message" using 
the current macro definition and outputs it to stderr.

.err { message }

behaves like .warn, but generates an user error that 
leads to a failure of the compilation process. if a 
.err is encountered, the current compilation does not 
create an output file.


  code style. At this stage, code actually works, 
  although not perfectly, but not enough effort was 
  spent to make the code readable, understandable or coherent.

  documentation. No comment. The only existing 
  documentation is this README. More documentation will 
  be available as soon as possibile. I just started 
  experimenting with doxygen.

  TRAM setup support. Support for internal and external 
  TRAM must be improved 

  PCM setup support. PCM setup is not supported yet

  More sound cards. The only card tested and "fully" 
  supported is the SoundBlaster Live! 256, as I haven't 
  got other emu10k1 cards on my system. Other cards 
  will be easily supported, as all card parameters are 
  "modularized" in a single class.

  automake/autoconf build system. I am not acquainted 
  enough with autotools.

  cvs support. As this project was intended to be a part 
  of a largest one, I think the better choice I can 
  take is delegating to ALSA maintainers the decision 
  about where to store its files. They may be merged 
  into the ALSA repository, so I guess it will be 
  included in the "alsa-tools" cvs, or it survive as a 
  standalone project. In the latter case, an autonomous 
  repository will be set up.

6 How to contribute

You can help me in the development of this project by:

* Testing the program, submitting bug reports and wish lists

* Submitting patches or fragments of code

* Proofreading and reviewing code and documentation

* Sending me corrections and advices that can help me 
  to improve my writing (english is not my first language)

* Any Other Business

6.1 Contact

You can contact me (Nicola Orru') for any reason, by 
email (of course), at the following addresses:

nigu@itadinanta.it (personal email)

no@energit.it (office email)

If you write me about this project, the email subject 
should start with the word [emufxtool]

Table of Contents

1 Project History 
2 Installation
    2.1 Requirements
    2.2 Building
3 Usage
    3.1 Invocation
        3.1.1 Examples
4 Language Syntax 
    4.1 Meta-Language
    4.2 Basic Rules
        4.2.1 Patch structure
        4.2.2 instructions
        4.2.3 Declarations
    4.3 Macro preprocessor
6 How to contribute
    6.1 Contact
