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资源说明:Fork of the bmrm project ( for structured learning on linearly constraint linear models.
Bundle Method for Regularized Risk Minimization (BMRM) version 2.1

BMRM is a library for minimizing a specific type of unconstrained
convex problem which is common in machine learning literature:
   min J(w) := \lambda r(w) + l(w),
where \lambda > 0 is a regularization constant, r(w) is a convex
regularizer and l(w) is the emprical risk function (i.e. average of
sum of loss functions). For example, given a dataset of m
feature-label pairs (x_i,y_i), the linear SVMs can be cast in this
formulation with:
    r(w) := 0.5*w^Tw, and 
    l(w) = 1/m*\sum_{i=1}^m max(0,1-y_i*w^Tx_i).
Minimizing the objective J(w) means training a statistical model. The
output of the minimization is the weight vector "w" of a linear
classifier that will be used for prediction on unseen data or for
evaluation of the performance of the trained model.

This library is modular, i.e. the implementations of regularizer and
loss function are decoupled, hence new problems can be modeled easily
by implementing new regularizer (which usually involves implementation
of a numerical optimizer) and/or new loss function.

In addition, this library provides a parallelization framework which
is ready for use when l(w) is decomposable, i.e., the examples
(x_i,y_i) can be partitioned into some disjoint sets and the
computation of l(w) can be done on these sets independently.

Regularizers and loss functions available in this version are:
1. Regularizer:
   a. L2 norm, i.e. 0.5*w^Tw, with associated solvers:
      i.  Dai-Fletcher (see l2n2_daifletcher.*pp)
      ii. prLOQO (see l2n2_prloqo.*pp)
   b. L1 norm, i.e. sum_{i=1}^d |w_i|, with associated solver:
      i.  COIN-OR Clp (see l1n1_clp.*pp; require installed Clp)
2. Loss functions:
   a. Binary classification:
      - Hinge {HINGE} (hingeloss.*pp)
      - Squared Hinge {SQUARED_HINGE} (squaredhingeloss.*pp)
      - Huber hinge {HUBER_HINGE} (huberhingeloss.*pp)
      - Logistic regression {LOGISTIC} (logisticloss.*pp)
      - F-beta {F_BETA} (fbetaloss.*pp)
      - ROC-score {ROC_SCORE} (rocscoreloss.*pp)
      - Exponential {EXPONENTIAL} (exponentialloss.*pp)
      - Novelty detection {NOVELTY_DETECTION} {noveltyloss.*pp}
   b. Univariate regression:
      - $\epsilon$-insensitive {EPSILON_INSENSITIVE} (epsiloninsensitveloss.*pp)
      - Least squares {LEAST_SQUARES} (leastsquaresloss.*pp)
      - Least absolute deviation {LEAST_ABSOLUTE_DEVIATION} (leastabsdevloss.*pp)
      - Quantile regression {QUANTILE_REGRESSION} (quantileloss.*pp)
      - Poisson regression {POISSON_REGRESSION} (poissonloss.*pp)
      - Huber's robust regression {HUBER_ROBUST_REGRESSION} (huberrobustloss.*pp)
   c. Multi-class classification {WTA_MULTICLASS} (wtamulticlassloss.*pp)
   d. Multi-label classification {MULTI_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION} (multilabelloss.*pp)
   e. Ranking:
      - NDCG ranking loss {NDCG_RANK} (ndcgrankloss.*pp)
   f. Linesearch enhanced loss functions:
      - Hinge {LINESEARCH_HINGE} (linesearch_hingeloss.*pp)
      - Multi- class/label classification {LINESEARCH_MULTI_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION} (linesearch_multilabelloss.*pp) 
   g. Graph matching {GRAPH_MATCH} (graphmatch-bmrm/) [ref 1]
   h. Semi-Markov Models for human action segmentation and recognition {SMM_MULTICLASS} (smmmc-bmrm/) [ref 2]

This version of BMRM consists of 4 variants organized in the folders:
1. linear-bmrm/
   - Solves problems range from binary classification to ranking with
     loss functions listed in A.2.a. - A.2.e.
2. ls-bmrm/
   - Solves binary, multi-class and multi-label classification problem
     with linesearch enhanced loss functions listed in A.2.f.
3. graphmatch-bmrm/
   - Solves graph matching problem with loss listed in A.2.g. [ref 1]
4. smmmc-bmrm/
   - Solves sequence segmentation and classification as a joint
     problem (see A.2.h.) [ref 2]

The training and prediction/evaluation executables in
{linear,ls,graphmatch,smmmc}-bmrm/ can be compiled with default
setting  by issuing the following GNU make command:
   > make all
in the folders, respectively. The default setting provides only L2
norm regularization and does not support parallelization; all above
mentioned variants/loss functions work well under this setting. For
advanced setting, i.e., with support of L1 norm regularization and/or
parallelization, the following libraries must be installed with
environment variables set properly:

1. COIN-OR Clp []
   - Once this library is installed, do the following to activate
     support of L1 norm regularization for the variants
     a. Set environment variable COIN_INC_DIR to the include/ folder
        of COIN-OR Clp.
     b. Set environment variable COIN_LIB_DIR to the lib/ folder
        of COIN-OR Clp.
     c. Set the makefile variable COIN_CLP_AVAILABLE to "1" in the
        Makefile under the folders {linear,graphmatch,smmmc}-bmrm/.

2. MPICH2 []
   - Once this library is installed, do the following to activate the
     support of parallelization for the variant linear-bmrm (except
     the loss functions F-beta and ROC-score which are not
     a. Set the makefile variable MPI_AVAILABLE to "1" in the
        Makefile under the folders {linear,graphmatch,smmmc}-bmrm/.

3. Bundle Trust Region Method Implementation (BT)
   - Request this software from Dr. Jiri Outrata of Institute of
     Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences
     (UTIA CAV). Then change the original file bt.f to bt_orig.f and
     put it under the folder solver/.
   - Note that GNU gfortran is required to compile this code properly
     with BMRM.
   - Do the following to activate the support of using BT as the
     a. Set the makefile variable BT_AVAILABLE to "1" in the Makefile
        under the folders {linear,graphmatch,smmmc}-bmrm/.

Issue the following GNU make command under *-bmrm/:
   > make clean
to erase the prevous built in current folder.

For serial computation, the command for training is:
   VARIANT-bmrm> ./VARIANT-bmrm-train configfile
where VARIANT is one of {linear,ls,graphmatch,smmmc}.
Similarly, the command for prediction/evaluation is:
   VARIANT-bmrm> ./VARIANT-bmrm-predict configfile

For parallel computation, the commands for training is:
   VARIANT-bmrm> mpirun -machinefile ML -np NM VARIANT-bmrm-train configfile  
where ML is a file with names of machines available for the parallel
computation and NM is the number of such machines.  Note that the
prediction/evaluation is not parallelized so the command remains the
same as in serial computation.

The configfile contains hyper-parameter/configurations/options for
training and prediction/evaluation. The format for an option is as
where DATATYPE is one of {bool, string, int, double} for booleans
(i.e. "true" or "false"),strings, integers, and floating-point
numbers, respectively. NAME is the name of the variable and VALUE is
the value assigned to NAME.

Below is a list of common options and their descriptions:
1.  string  Solver.type
    - Type of minimization framework to use. Currently, there are
      only two choices, namely, "BMRM" and "BT". BMRM is the framework
      described in Part A, whereas BT is a framework where extra
      Moreau-Yoshida regularization is used.

2.  int     BMRM.verbosity
    - Level of verbosity of the main program output/display/log. The
      smaller the value the less verbose the program log is.

3.  double  BMRM.lambda
    - Regularization constant mentioned in Part A. Must be larger
      than 0.

4.  double  BMRM.epsilonTol
    - One of the termination criteria; the training terminates at
      iteration t when the quantity:
         min_t J(w_t) - J_t(w_t)
      is less than the positive value specified. Here, w_t is the
      weight vector obtained in iteration t and J_t(w) is the convex
      linear lower bound of J(w) at iteration t. Check [ref 3,4,5] for
      further details.

5.  double  BMRM.relEpsilonTol
    - One of the termination criteria; the training terminates at
      iteration t when the quantity:
         (min_t J(w_t) - J_t(w_t)) / J(w_t)
      is less than the positive value specified.

6.  double  BMRM.gammaTol
    - One of the termination criteria; the training terminates at
      iteration t when the quantity:
         J(w_t) - J_t(w_t)
      is less than the positive value specified.

7.  double  BMRM.relGammaTol
    - One of the termination criteria; the training terminates at
      iteration t when the quantity:
         (J(w_t) - J_t(w_t))/J(w_t)
      is less than the positive value specified.

8.  int     BMRM.maxNumOfIter
    - Maximum number of iterations allowed for the training. Must be
      larger than 0.

9.  string  BMRM.innerSolverType
    - Type of numerical optimizers used for the
      minimization/training. For BMRM, this is closely associated to
      the regularizer used: for L1 norm regularization, available
      inner solver is L1N1_Clp which requires COIN-OR Clp library; for
      L2 norm regularization, available inner solvers are
      L2N2_DaiFletcherPGM, L2N2_prLOQO, and
      L2N2_LineSearch. L2N2_DaiFletcherPGM and L2N2_prLOQO solve a
      quadratic program (QP) of size less than or equal to t at iteration
      t, whereas L2N2_LineSearch solves a QP of size 2 regardless of
      the number of iteration executed so far. In general,
      the training using L2N2_DaiFletcherPGM or L2N2_prLOQO converges
      faster than that of L2N2_LineSearch. See [ref 5] for further details. 

10. double  BT.epsilonTol
    - Termination criterion for BT. The training terminates at
      iteration t when the inequality holds:
         J(w_t) <= J(w) + \epsilon*\|w-w_t\| + \epsilon, \forall w
      See [ref 6] for further details.

11. double
    - Lower bound of function J(w). May need fine tuning for BT to run

12. int     BT.bufferSize
    - Maximum number of (sub)gradients/linearizations to keep. The
      larger the value the faster the training converges.

13. int     InnerSolver.verbosity
    - Level of verbosity for inner solver. 

14. int     L2N2_BMRMDualInnerSolver.maxGradSetSize
    - Maximum number of most recent linearizations (i.e. gradients) to
      be kept. Applicable to L2N2_DaiFletcherPGM and L2N2_prLOQO
      only. The larger the value the faster the training converges but
      beware of the memory space required to keep those

15. int     L2N2_BMRMDualInnerSolver.gradIdleAge
    - Number of consecutive iterations a linearization can remain
      inactive (i.e. not useful in the training) before it gets
      removed from the set of linearizations. 

16. bool    L2N2_BMRMDualInnerSolver.removeAllIdleGradients
    - Whether to remove all inactive linearizations or just the oldest

17. int     L1N1_Clp.gradIdleAge
    - The L1 norm regularization counterpart of

18. bool    L1N1_Clp.removeAllIdleGradients
    - The L1 norm regularization counterpart of

19. double  L1N1_Clp.scale
    - The scaling factor applied to the J(w) when L1 norm
      regularization is used. This is useful when the solver is
      sensitive to the scaling of the problem.

20. string  Model.modelFile
    - Filename to keep the trained model (i.e. weight vector with some
      header information such as the dimensions). 

21. string  Loss.lossFunctionType
    - The name of the loss function chosen. Look for the names inside
      the curly brackets in A.2. "Loss functions".

22. int     Loss.verbosity
    - Level of verbosity for loss functions.

23. bool    Loss.nonNegative
    - Set to "true" when the loss function chosen is known to be
      non-negative. This help reduces the number of training
      iterations when using L2N2_DaiFletcherPGM and L2N2_prLOQO.

24. int     Data.verbosity
    - Level of vebosity for data readers.

25. bool    Data.bias
    - Set to "true" if additional bias feature is to be introduced
      into provided feature vectors. This increase the dimensionality
      of weight vector by 1.

26. string  Data.format
    - The format of dataset provided. Applicable to linear-bmrm and
      ls-bmrm only. Below is a list of dataset formats available in
      this version of BMRM and the loss functions which require
      dataset to be provided in such format. 
         * This format is exactly the SVM-light format. 
         * Loss functions: 
         * This format is the LIBSVM format for multi-label classification.
         * Loss functions:  

27. string  Data.featureFile
    - Filename (with absolute path or path relative to
      training/prediction executables) of the feature
      vectors. Applicable to {linear,ls,smmmc}-bmrm only.

28. string  Data.labelFile
    - Filename (with absolute path or path relative to
      training/prediction executables) of the labels. Applicable to
      {linear,ls,smmmc}-bmrm only.

29. string  Prediction.predictedLabelsFile
    - Name of file to keep predicted labels for dataset provided by
      the option Data.featureFile.

30. string  Prediction.decisionFunctionValuesFile
    - Name of file to keep decision function values for dataset
      provided by the option Data.featureFile

31. string  Regularizer.regularizerType
    - Type of regularization required when Solver.type is BT. In this
      version, the choices are L1 norm ("L1N1") and L2 norm ("L2N2").
The options required by the training executable under BMRM framework are:
1. Solver.type BMRM
2. BMRM.lambda
3. BMRM.X where X is one of {"epsilonTol","relEpsilonTol","gammaTol","relGammaTol"}   
4. BMRM.innerSolverType
5. Loss.lossFunctionType
6. Model.modelFile
7. Data.format
8. Data.featureFile
9. Data.labelFile

The options required by the training executable under BT framework are:
1. Solver.type BT
2. BMRM.lambda
3. BT.epsilonTol
5. Loss.lossFunctionType
6. Model.modelFile
7. Data.format
8. Data.featureFile
9. Data.labelFile

The options required by the prediction executable under BMRM or BT
framework are:
1. Loss.lossFunctionType
2. Model.modelFile
3. Data.format
4. Data.featureFile
5. Data.labelFile
More descriptions on variant-specific configuration options can be
found in the README files under the corresponding folder. Note that
the options in the configuration files can be commented out by double
forward slashes "//". See the example configuration files under the
folders {linear,ls,graphmatch,smmmc}-bmrm/configfiles/.

1. Creating new loss function:
   - New loss function can be created by subclassing the class CLoss
     (loss.*pp). Three class methods must be implemented:
     a. ComputeLoss:
           This method evaluates the loss on data (pointed to by class
           variable _data) using the current weight vector (pointed to
           by class variable _model). Note that this method is only
           useful in certain cases such as in back-tracking linesearch
           enchanced BMRM, hence it can do nothing but calls the class
           method ComputeLossAndGradient. 
     b. ComputeLossAndGradient:
           This method evaluates the loss and compute (sub)gradient
           i.e. the linearization required by the training procedure.         
     c. Evaluate:
           This method measures the performance (e.g., accuracy,
           f-score, etc.) of the model pointed to by class variable
           _model on the dataset pointed to by class variable _data. 

2. Creating new regularizer/solver:
   - It is often the case that new regularization involves
     implementation of new numerical optimizers in BMRM. This can be
     done by subclassing the class CSolver (solver.hpp) and implement
     the class method Train.

All code except the following is released under Mozilla Public License
(MPL) version 1.1 (
1. CImg (under the folder graphmatch/)
2. uBlas (under the folder externalpackages/boost/) 

1. T. S. Caetano, J. J. McAuley, L. Cheng, Q. V. Le, A. J. Smola
   Learning Graph Matching
   IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2009.

2. Q. Shi, L. Wang, L. Cheng, A. J. Smola
   Discriminative Human Action Segmentation and Recognition using Semi-Markov Models
   CVPR, 2008.

3. C. H. Teo, Q. V. Le, A. J. Smola, S. V. N. Vishwanathan
   A Scalable Modular Convex Solver for Regularized Risk Minimization
   KDD, 2007.

4. A. J. Smola, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Q. V. Le
   Bundle Methods for Machine Learning
   NIPS'20, 2008.

5. C. H. Teo, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, A. J. Smola, Q. V. Le
   Bundle Method for Regularized Risk Minimization
   submitted to JMLR, 2009.

6. H. Schramm, J. Zowe
   A Version of the Bundle Idea for Minimizing A Nonsmooth Function:
   Conceptual Idea, Convergence Analysis, Numerical Results
   SIAM Journal on Optimization, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 121-152, Feb 1992.

Choon Hui Teo       (
Quoc Viet Le        (
S.V.N. Vishwanathan (
Alex Smola          (
Markus Weimer       (
Jin Yu              (
Qinfeng Shi         (
Julian McAuley      (

Last updated: 17 Feb 2009
