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资源说明:Useful utility functions for data analysis with Python.
# python-danutil
A collection of useful functions and classes for use in data analysis.
## Documentation 
 python-danutil provides functions and classes in these general areas:
* [General I/O](#general-i/o)
* [List Operations](#list-operations)
* [Utilities](#utilities)
* [Plotting Convenience](#plotting-convenience)
* [Curve Fitting](#curve-fitting)
* [Mathematical Functions for Curve Fitting](#mathematical-functions-for-curve-fitting)
* [Statistics](#statistics)

### General I/O
import_file(filename, datatype='', *args, **kwargs)

    filename : string
        File to import.

    datatype : string
        Use 'data' to import file as a data file.

    Imports text and images files, automatically seperating text into arrays
    based on the files extension, or optional type paramater.

print_table(input_list, headings=None, usetabs=False, fmt='%g')

    input_list : array like
        2D list to print out in table form.

    headings : list
        1D list of table headings.

    usetabs : bool
        Whether to seperate entries with tabs or spaces. Useful
        if you want to copy the data into another program.

    fmt : string
        Format string to use when printing numbers.

savenpy(filename, X, delimiter=',')

    filename : string
        Location to save file.

    X : Numpy Array
        Array to be written to file

    Saves a numpy array to file.

savecsv(fname, seq, headers=None)

    fname : string
        Location to save file.

    seq : 2D array of objects
        List of rows to be written.

    headers : list of strings
        Headers to be written at top of file.

    Writes a csv file with the string representation of the data in seq.
    Data does not have to be of the same data type.

### List Operations
all_indices(l, i)

    l : list
        list of items
    i : object
        item to look for in list

    Returns a list of all indicies for item i.


    seq : list
        The sequence to delete duplicates from.

    Returns a list with duplicates deleted from seq while maintaining ordering.

split(seq, key=None)

    seq : list
        The sequence to split.

    key : callable
        Split using value returned by applying key to item.

    Splits list into runs of identical elements as specified by key.

    This splits data based on first item in each list.

    data = [['a', 1, 2], ['a', 3, 4], ['b', 1, 2]]
    split(data, key=itemgetter(0))
    outputs: [[['a', 1, 2], ['a', 3, 4]], [['b', 1, 2]]]


    *args : list
        A series of lists.

    pack(x, y) combines lists [x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3] 
    into form [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]]
    It is essentially just the builtin zip.

unpack(seq, column)

    seq : list
        A packed list of form [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]]

    Extract column in packed list.
    With input seq = [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]]
    unpack(seq, 0) returns [x1, x2, x3]


    seq : list
        A list of strings to sort.

    Sorts the given sequence in place.

### Utilities

    Opens a documentation browsers for numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and danutil.


    val : object
        The object to be tested

    Returns True of val is an int, long, float, or complex number.

listcwd(startswith='', endswith='')

    starts : string
        Filter results such that they start with this string.
        This can be a tuple of strings.
    ends : string
        Filter resutls such that they end with this string.
        This can be a tuple of strings.
    Returns a list of files in the current working directory that
    start with 'starts' and end with 'ends'

### Plotting Convenience
date_plot(dates, data, *args, **kwargs)

    dates : list
        A 1D list of date strings.

    data : list
        A 1D list of data corresponding to the values in dates.
    Plots dates vs. data.

plot_function(func, coef, xmin, xmax, num_vals=100, *args)

    func : callable
        The function to be plotted.

    coef : list
        List of coefficients for function.

    xmin : float
        The minimum x value to start plotting at.

    xmax : float
        The maximum x value to plot to.

    num_vals : int
        The number of discrete values to plot to.

    Plots the function to the current matplotlib plot.

    def _line_func(x, m, b):
        return m * x + b

    x = np.linspace(0, 10, 10)
    y = [0.1, 1.3, 2.1, 3.2, 4.7, 5.6, 6.4, 7.5,9, 10.1]

    fit = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(line_func, x, y)
    plot_function(line_func, fit[0], 0, 10)

### Curve Fitting
fitline(x, y)

    Fits the data x, y to a line.

    Returns (slope, x_intercept, r_squared)

### Mathematical Functions for Curve Fitting
exp_func(x, a, b, c)

    Returns a function of form: a*e^(b*x) + c

gaussian_func(x, a, b, c)

    aReturns a function of form: *e^((x-b)^2/2c^2)

    a = 1/(sigma*sqrt(2*pi))    
    b = mu                      (expected value)
    c = sigma                   (standard deviation)

line_func(x, m, b)

    Returns a function of form: m*x + b

sin_func(x, a, w, phi)

    aReturns a function of form: *sin(w*x + phi)

### Statistics
std(seq, *args, **kwargs)

    seq : array
        The sequence to compute the standard deviation of.

    Returns the sample standard deviation of seq.


    Calculates the one-way ANOVA of passed samples.

    ANOVA(list1, list2, ...)

        self.grand_mean         Grand mean of all samples
        self.sst                Total sum of squares
        self.ssb                Between groups sum of squares
        self.ssw                Within group sum of squares
        self.fstat              F statistic
        self.pvalue             P value

        self.summary()          Prints the ANOVA summary table.
