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资源说明:Embree ray tracing kernels repository.
% Embree: High Performance Ray Tracing Kernels 3.13.3
% Intel Corporation

Embree Overview

Intel® Embree is a collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels,
developed at Intel. The target users of Intel® Embree are graphics application
engineers who want to improve the performance of their
photo-realistic rendering application by leveraging Embree's
performance-optimized ray tracing kernels. The kernels are optimized
for the latest Intel® processors with support for SSE, AVX, AVX2, and
AVX-512 instructions. Intel® Embree supports runtime code selection to choose
the traversal and build algorithms that best matches the instruction
set of your CPU. We recommend using Intel® Embree through its API to get the
highest benefit from future improvements. Intel® Embree is released as Open
Source under the
[Apache 2.0 license](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).

Intel® Embree supports applications written with the Intel® Implicit SPMD
Program Compiler (Intel® ISPC, ) by also providing an Intel® ISPC
interface to the core ray tracing algorithms. This makes it possible
to write a renderer in Intel® ISPC that automatically vectorizes and
leverages SSE, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 instructions. Intel® ISPC also supports
runtime code selection, thus Intel® ISPC will select the best code path for
your application.

Intel® Embree contains algorithms optimized for incoherent workloads (e.g.
Monte Carlo ray tracing algorithms) and coherent workloads
(e.g. primary visibility and hard shadow rays).

The single-ray traversal kernels of Intel® Embree provide high performance
for incoherent workloads and are very easy to integrate into existing
rendering applications. Using the stream kernels, even higher
performance for incoherent rays is possible, but integration might
require significant code changes to the application to use the stream
paradigm. In general for coherent workloads, the stream mode with
coherent flag set gives the best performance.

Intel® Embree also supports dynamic scenes by implementing high-performance
two-level spatial index structure construction algorithms.

In addition to the ray tracing kernels, Intel® Embree provides some
[Embree Tutorials] to demonstrate how to use the
[Embree API].

Supported Platforms

Embree supports Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), Linux (64-bit), and macOS
(64-bit) both x86 and Apple M1 based. The code compiles with the Intel®
Compiler, GCC, Clang, and the Microsoft Compiler.

Using the Intel® Compiler improves performance by approximately
10%. Performance also varies across different operating
systems, with Linux typically performing best as it supports
transparently transitioning to 2MB pages.

Embree is optimized for Intel CPUs supporting SSE, AVX, AVX2, and
AVX-512 instructions. Embree requires at least an x86 CPU with support for
SSE2 or an Apple M1 CPU.
Embree Support and Contact

If you encounter bugs please report them via [Embree's GitHub Issue

For questions and feature requests please write us at

To receive notifications of updates and new features of Embree please
subscribe to the [Embree mailing

Installation of Embree

Windows ZIP File

Embree linked against Visual Studio 2015 are provided as a ZIP file
[embree-3.13.3.x64.vc14.windows.zip](https://github.com/embree/embree/releases/download/v3.13.3/embree-3.13.3.x64.vc14.windows.zip). After
unpacking this ZIP file, you should set the path to the `lib` folder
manually to your `PATH` environment variable for applications to find

Linux tar.gz Files

The Linux version of Embree is also delivered as a `tar.gz` file:
[embree-3.13.3.x86_64.linux.tar.gz](https://github.com/embree/embree/releases/download/v3.13.3/embree-3.13.3.x86_64.linux.tar.gz). Unpack
this file using `tar` and source the provided `embree-vars.sh` (if you
are using the bash shell) or `embree-vars.csh` (if you are using the C
shell) to set up the environment properly:

    tar xzf embree-3.13.3.x86_64.linux.tar.gz
    source embree-3.13.3.x86_64.linux/embree-vars.sh

We recommend adding a relative `RPATH` to your application that points
to the location where Embree (and TBB) can be found, e.g. `$ORIGIN/../lib`.

macOS ZIP file

The macOS version of Embree is also delivered as a ZIP file:
[embree-3.13.3.x86_64.macosx.zip](https://github.com/embree/embree/releases/download/v3.13.3/embree-3.13.3.x86_64.macosx.zip). Unpack
this file using `tar` and source the provided `embree-vars.sh` (if you
are using the bash shell) or `embree-vars.csh` (if you are using the C
shell) to set up the environment properly:

    unzip embree-3.13.3.x64.macosx.zip
    source embree-3.13.3.x64.macosx/embree-vars.sh

If you want to ship Embree with your application, please use the Embree
library of the provided ZIP file. The library name of that Embree
library is of the form `@rpath/libembree.3.dylib`
(and similar also for the included TBB library). This ensures that you
can add a relative `RPATH` to your application that points to the location
where Embree (and TBB) can be found, e.g. `@loader_path/../lib`.

Compiling Embree

We recommend to use CMake to build Embree. Do not enable fast-math
optimizations; these might break Embree.

Linux and macOS

To compile Embree you need a modern C++ compiler that supports
C++11. Embree is tested with the following compilers:


  - Intel® Compiler 2020 Update 1
  - Intel® Compiler 2019 Update 4
  - Intel® Compiler 2017 Update 1
  - Intel® Compiler 2016 Update 3
  - Intel® Compiler 2015 Update 3
  - Clang 5.0.0
  - Clang 4.0.0
  - GCC 10.0.1 (Fedora 32) AVX512 support
  - GCC  8.3.1 (Fedora 28) AVX512 support
  - GCC  7.3.1 (Fedora 27) AVX2 support
  - GCC  7.3.1 (Fedora 26) AVX2 support
  - GCC  6.4.1 (Fedora 25) AVX2 support

macOS x86

  - Intel® Compiler 2020 Update 1
  - Intel® Compiler 2019 Update 4
  - Apple LLVM 10.0.1 (macOS 10.14.6)

macOS M1

  - Apple Clang 12.0.0

Embree supports using the Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB) as the
tasking system. For performance and flexibility reasons we recommend
to use Embree with the Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB) and best
also use TBB inside your application. Optionally you can disable TBB
in Embree through the `EMBREE_TASKING_SYSTEM` CMake variable.

Embree supports the Intel® Implicit SPMD Program Compiler (Intel® ISPC), which allows
straightforward parallelization of an entire renderer. If you do not
want to use Intel® ISPC then you can disable `EMBREE_ISPC_SUPPORT` in
CMake. Otherwise, download and install the Intel® ISPC binaries (we have
tested Intel® ISPC version 1.9.1) from
[ispc.github.io](https://ispc.github.io/downloads.html). After
installation, put the path to `ispc` permanently into your `PATH`
environment variable or you need to correctly set the
`EMBREE_ISPC_EXECUTABLE` variable during CMake configuration.

You additionally have to install CMake 3.1.0 or higher and the developer
version of GLUT.

Under macOS, all these dependencies can be installed
using [MacPorts](http://www.macports.org/):

    sudo port install cmake tbb-devel glfw-devel

Depending on your Linux distribution you can install these dependencies
using `yum` or `apt-get`.  Some of these packages might already be
installed or might have slightly different names.

Type the following to install the dependencies using `yum`:

    sudo yum install cmake
    sudo yum install tbb-devel
    sudo yum install glfw-devel

Type the following to install the dependencies using `apt-get`:

    sudo apt-get install cmake-curses-gui
    sudo apt-get install libtbb-dev
    sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev

Finally you can compile Embree using CMake. Create a build directory
inside the Embree root directory and execute `ccmake ..` inside this
build directory.

    mkdir build
    cd build
    ccmake ..

Per default CMake will use the compilers specified with the `CC` and
`CXX` environment variables. Should you want to use a different
compiler, run `cmake` first and set the `CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER` and
`CMAKE_C_COMPILER` variables to the desired compiler. For example, to
use the Intel® Compiler instead of the default GCC on most Linux machines
(`g++` and `gcc`), execute


Similarly, to use Clang set the variables to `clang++` and `clang`,
respectively. Note that the compiler variables cannot be changed anymore
after the first run of `cmake` or `ccmake`.

Running `ccmake` will open a dialog where you can perform various
configurations as described below in [CMake Configuration]. After having
configured Embree, press `c` (for configure) and `g` (for generate) to
generate a Makefile and leave the configuration. The code can be
compiled by executing make.


The executables will be generated inside the build folder. We recommend
to finally install the Embree library and header files on your
system. Therefore set the `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` to `/usr` in cmake
and type:

    sudo make install

If you keep the default `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` of `/usr/local` then
you have to make sure the path `/usr/local/lib` is in your

You can also uninstall Embree again by executing:

    sudo make uninstall

If you cannot install Embree on your system (e.g. when you don't have
administrator rights) you need to add embree_root_directory/build to


Embree is tested using the following compilers under Windows:

  - Visual Studio 2019
  - Visual Studio 2017
  - Visual Studio 2015 (Update 1)
  - Intel® Compiler 2019 Update 6
  - Intel® Compiler 2017 Update 8
  - LLVM Clang 9.0.0

To compile Embree for AVX-512 you have to use the Intel® Compiler.

Embree supports using the Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB) as the
tasking system. For performance and flexibility reasons we recommend
to use Embree with the Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB) and best
also use TBB inside your application. Optionally you can disable TBB
in Embree through the `EMBREE_TASKING_SYSTEM` CMake variable.

Embree will either find the Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
installation that comes with the Intel® Compiler, or you can install the
binary distribution of TBB directly from
into a folder named `tbb` into your Embree root directory. You also have
to make sure that the libraries `tbb.dll` and `tbb_malloc.dll` can be
found when executing your Embree applications, e.g. by putting the path
to these libraries into your `PATH` environment variable.

Embree supports the Intel® Implicit SPMD Program Compiler (Intel® ISPC), which allows
straightforward parallelization of an entire renderer. When installing
Intel® ISPC, make sure to download an Intel® ISPC version from
[ispc.github.io](https://ispc.github.io/downloads.html) that is
compatible with your Visual Studio version. After installation, put
the path to `ispc.exe` permanently into your `PATH` environment
variable or you need to correctly set the `EMBREE_ISPC_EXECUTABLE` variable
during CMake configuration. If you do not want to use Intel® ISPC then you
can disable `EMBREE_ISPC_SUPPORT` in CMake.

We have tested Embree with the following Intel® ISPC versions:

  - Intel® ISPC 1.14.1
  - Intel® ISPC 1.13.0
  - Intel® ISPC 1.12.0
  - Intel® ISPC 1.9.2

You additionally have to install [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/download/)
(version 2.8.11 or higher). Note that you need a native Windows CMake
installation, because CMake under Cygwin cannot generate solution files
for Visual Studio.

### Using the IDE

Run `cmake-gui`, browse to the Embree sources, set the build directory
and click Configure. Now you can select the Generator, e.g. "Visual
Studio 12 2013" for a 32-bit build or "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64"
for a 64-bit build.

To use a different compiler than the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, you
additionally need to specify the proper compiler toolset through the
option "Optional toolset to use (-T parameter)". E.g. to use Clang for
compilation set the toolset to "LLVM_v142", to use the Intel®
Compiler 2017 for compilation set the toolset to "Intel C++
Compiler 17.0".

Do not change the toolset manually in a solution file (neither through
the project properties dialog, nor through the "Use Intel Compiler"
project context menu), because then some compiler specific command line
options cannot be set by CMake.

Most configuration parameters described in the [CMake Configuration]
can be set under Windows as well. Finally, click "Generate" to create
the Visual Studio solution files. 

The following CMake options are only available under Windows:

+ `CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPE`:  List of generated
  configurations. Default value is Debug;Release;RelWithDebInfo.

+  `USE_STATIC_RUNTIME`: Use the static version of the C/C++ runtime
  library. This option is turned OFF by default.

Use the generated Visual Studio solution file `embree2.sln` to compile
the project. To build Embree with support for the AVX2 instruction set
you need at least Visual Studio 2013 (Update 4).

We recommend enabling syntax highlighting for the `.ispc` source and
`.isph` header files. To do so open Visual Studio, go to Tools ⇒
Options ⇒ Text Editor ⇒ File Extension and add the `isph` and `ispc`
extensions for the "Microsoft Visual C++" editor.

### Using the Command Line

Embree can also be configured and built without the IDE using the Visual
Studio command prompt:

    cd path\to\embree
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" ..
    cmake --build . --config Release

To use the Intel® Compiler, set the proper toolset, e.g. for Intel
Compiler 17.0:

    cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" -T "Intel C++ Compiler 17.0" ..
    cmake --build . --config Release

You can also build only some projects with the `--target` switch.
Additional parameters after "`--`" will be passed to `msbuild`. For
example, to build the Embree library in parallel use

    cmake --build . --config Release --target embree -- /m

CMake Configuration

The default CMake configuration in the configuration dialog should be
appropriate for most usages. The following list describes all
parameters that can be configured in CMake:

+ `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`: Can be used to switch between Debug mode
  (Debug), Release mode (Release) (default), and Release mode with
  enabled assertions and debug symbols (RelWithDebInfo).

+ `EMBREE_STACK_PROTECTOR`: Enables protection of return address
  from buffer overwrites. This option is OFF by default.

+ `EMBREE_ISPC_SUPPORT`: Enables Intel® ISPC support of Embree. This option
  is ON by default.

+ `EMBREE_STATIC_LIB`: Builds Embree as a static library (OFF by
  default). Further multiple static libraries are generated for the
  different ISAs selected (e.g. `embree3.a`, `embree3_sse42.a`,
  `embree3_avx.a`, `embree3_avx2.a`, `embree3_avx512.a`). You have
  to link these libraries in exactly this order of increasing ISA.

+ `EMBREE_API_NAMESPACE`: Specifies a namespace name to put all Embree
  API symbols inside. By default no namespace is used and plain C symbols

+ `EMBREE_LIBRARY_NAME`: Specifies the name of the Embree library file
  created. By default the name embree3 is used.

+ `EMBREE_IGNORE_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS`: When enabled, Embree ignores
  default CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS. This option is turned ON by default.

+ `EMBREE_TUTORIALS`: Enables build of Embree tutorials (default ON).

+ `EMBREE_BACKFACE_CULLING`: Enables backface culling, i.e. only
  surfaces facing a ray can be hit. This option is turned OFF by

+ `EMBREE_COMPACT_POLYS`: Enables compact tris/quads, i.e. only
  geomIDs and primIDs are stored inside the leaf nodes.  

+ `EMBREE_FILTER_FUNCTION`: Enables the intersection filter function
  feature (ON by default).

+ `EMBREE_RAY_MASK`: Enables the ray masking feature (OFF by default).

+ `EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS`: Enables ray packet traversal kernels. This
  feature is turned ON by default. When turned on packet traversal is
  used internally and packets passed to rtcIntersect4/8/16 are kept
  intact in callbacks (when the ISA of appropiate width is enabled).

+ `EMBREE_IGNORE_INVALID_RAYS`: Makes code robust against the risk of
  full-tree traversals caused by invalid rays (e.g. rays containing
  INF/NaN as origins). This option is turned OFF by default.

+ `EMBREE_TASKING_SYSTEM`: Chooses between Intel® Threading TBB
  Building Blocks (TBB), Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) (Windows
  only), or an internal tasking system (INTERNAL). By default TBB is

+ `EMBREE_TBB_ROOT`: If Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
  is used as a tasking system, search the library in this directory

+ `EMBREE_TBB_POSTFIX`: If Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
  is used as a tasking system, link to tbb.(so,dll,lib).
  Defaults to the empty string.

+ `EMBREE_TBB_DEBUG_ROOT`: If Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
  is used as a tasking system, search the library in this directory
  tree in Debug mode. Defaults to `EMBREE_TBB_ROOT`.

+ `EMBREE_TBB_DEBUG_POSTFIX`: If Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
  is used as a tasking system, link to tbb.(so,dll,lib)
  in Debug mode. Defaults to "_debug".

+ `EMBREE_MAX_ISA`: Select highest supported ISA (SSE2, SSE4.2, AVX,
  AVX2, AVX512, or NONE). When set to NONE the
  EMBREE_ISA_* variables can be used to enable ISAs individually. By
  default the option is set to AVX2.

+ `EMBREE_ISA_SSE2`: Enables SSE2 when EMBREE_MAX_ISA is set to
  NONE. By default this option is turned OFF.

+ `EMBREE_ISA_SSE42`: Enables SSE4.2 when EMBREE_MAX_ISA is set to
  NONE. By default this option is turned OFF.

+ `EMBREE_ISA_AVX`: Enables AVX when EMBREE_MAX_ISA is set to NONE. By
  default this option is turned OFF.

+ `EMBREE_ISA_AVX2`: Enables AVX2 when EMBREE_MAX_ISA is set to
  NONE. By default this option is turned OFF.

+ `EMBREE_ISA_AVX512`: Enables AVX-512 for Skylake when
  EMBREE_MAX_ISA is set to NONE. By default this option is turned OFF.

+ `EMBREE_GEOMETRY_TRIANGLE`: Enables support for trianglegeometries
  (ON by default).

+ `EMBREE_GEOMETRY_QUAD`: Enables support for quad geometries (ON by

+ `EMBREE_GEOMETRY_CURVE`: Enables support for curve geometries (ON by

+ `EMBREE_GEOMETRY_SUBDIVISION`: Enables support for subdivision
  geometries (ON by default).

+ `EMBREE_GEOMETRY_INSTANCE`: Enables support for instances (ON by

+ `EMBREE_GEOMETRY_USER`: Enables support for user defined geometries
  (ON by default).

+ `EMBREE_GEOMETRY_POINT`: Enables support for point geometries
  (ON by default).

  factor that controls the self intersection avoidance feature for flat
  curves. Flat curve intersections which are closer than
  the ray origin are ignored. A value of 0.0f disables self
  intersection avoidance while 2.0f is the default value.

+ `EMBREE_MIN_WIDTH`: Enabled the min-width feature, which allows
  increasing the radius of curves and points to match some amount of
  pixels. See [rtcSetGeometryMaxRadiusScale] for more details.

+ `EMBREE_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT`: Specifies the maximum number of nested
  instance levels. Should be greater than 0; the default value is 1.
  Instances nested any deeper than this value will silently disappear in
  release mode, and cause assertions in debug mode.

Using Embree

The most convenient way of using Embree is through CMake. Just let
CMake find Embree using the `FIND_PACKAGE` function inside your
`CMakeLists.txt` file:

     FIND_PACKAGE(embree 3.0 REQUIRED)

To cmake to properly find Embree you need to set the `embree_DIR`
variable to the folder you extracted Embree to.

The `FIND_PACKAGE` function will create an embree target that
you can add to your target link libraries:

    TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(application embree)

Now please have a look at the [Embree Tutorials] source code and the
[Embree API] section to get started.

Embree API

The Embree API is a low-level C99 ray tracing API which can be used to
construct 3D scenes and perform ray queries of different types inside
these scenes. All API calls carry the prefix `rtc` (or `RTC` for types)
which stands for **r**ay **t**racing **c**ore.

The API also exists in an Intel® Implicit SPMD Program Compiler (Intel®
ISPC) version, which is almost identical but contains additional
functions that operate on ray packets with a size of the native SIMD
width used by Intel® ISPC. For simplicity this document refers to the
C99 version of the API functions. For changes when upgrading from the
Embree 2 to the current Embree 3 API see Section [Upgrading from
Embree 2 to Embree 3].

The API supports scenes consisting of different geometry types such as
triangle meshes, quad meshes (triangle pairs), grid meshes, flat
curves, round curves, oriented curves, subdivision meshes, instances,
and user-defined geometries. See Section [Scene Object](#scene-object)
for more information.

Finding the closest hit of a ray segment with the scene
(`rtcIntersect`-type functions), and determining whether any hit
between a ray segment and the scene exists (`rtcOccluded`-type
functions) are both supported. The API supports queries for single
rays, ray packets, and ray streams. See Section [Ray
Queries](#ray-queries) for more information.

The API is designed in an object-oriented manner, e.g. it contains
device objects (`RTCDevice` type), scene objects (`RTCScene` type),
geometry objects (`RTCGeometry` type), buffer objects (`RTCBuffer`
type), and BVH objects (`RTCBVH` type). All objects are reference
counted, and handles can be released by calling the appropriate release
function (e.g. `rtcReleaseDevice`) or retained by incrementing the
reference count (e.g. `rtcRetainDevice`). In general, API calls that
access the same object are not thread-safe, unless specified
differently. However, attaching geometries to the same scene and
performing ray queries in a scene is thread-safe.

Device Object

Embree supports a device concept, which allows different components of
the application to use the Embree API without interfering with each
other. An application typically first creates a device using the
[rtcNewDevice] function. This device can then be used to construct
further objects, such as scenes and geometries. Before the application
exits, it should release all devices by invoking [rtcReleaseDevice].
An application typically creates only a single device. If required
differently, it should only use a small number of devices at any given

Each user thread has its own error flag per device. If an error occurs
when invoking an API function, this flag is set to an error code (if it
isn't already set by a previous error). See Section
[rtcGetDeviceError] for information on how to read the error code and
Section [rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction] on how to register a callback
that is invoked for each error encountered. It is recommended to always
set a error callback function, to detect all errors.

Scene Object

A scene is a container for a set of geometries, and contains a spatial
acceleration structure which can be used to perform different types of
ray queries.

A scene is created using the `rtcNewScene` function call, and released
using the `rtcReleaseScene` function call. To populate a scene with
geometries use the `rtcAttachGeometry` call, and to detach them use the
`rtcDetachGeometry` call. Once all scene geometries are attached, an
`rtcCommitScene` call (or `rtcJoinCommitScene` call) will finish the
scene description and trigger building of internal data structures.
After the scene got committed, it is safe to perform ray queries (see
Section [Ray Queries](#ray-queries)) or to query the scene bounding box
(see [rtcGetSceneBounds] and [rtcGetSceneLinearBounds]).

If scene geometries get modified or attached or detached, the
`rtcCommitScene` call must be invoked before performing any further ray
queries for the scene; otherwise the effect of the ray query is
undefined. The modification of a geometry, committing the scene, and
tracing of rays must always happen sequentially, and never at the same
time. Any API call that sets a property of the scene or geometries
contained in the scene count as scene modification, e.g. including
setting of intersection filter functions.

Scene flags can be used to configure a scene to use less memory
(`RTC_SCENE_FLAG_COMPACT`), use more robust traversal algorithms
(`RTC_SCENE_FLAG_ROBUST`), and to optimize for dynamic content. See
Section [rtcSetSceneFlags] for more details.

A build quality can be specified for a scene to balance between
acceleration structure build performance and ray query performance. See
Section [rtcSetSceneBuildQuality] for more details on build quality.

Geometry Object

A new geometry is created using the `rtcNewGeometry` function.
Depending on the geometry type, different buffers must be bound (e.g.
using `rtcSetSharedGeometryBuffer`) to set up the geometry data. In
most cases, binding of a vertex and index buffer is required. The
number of primitives and vertices of that geometry is typically
inferred from the size of these bound buffers.

Changes to the geometry always must be committed using the
`rtcCommitGeometry` call before using the geometry. After committing, a
geometry is not included in any scene. A geometry can be added to a
scene by using the `rtcAttachGeometry` function (to automatically
assign a geometry ID) or using the `rtcAttachGeometryById` function (to
specify the geometry ID manually). A geometry can get attached to
multiple scenes.

All geometry types support multi-segment motion blur with an arbitrary
number of equidistant time steps (in the range of 2 to 129) inside a
user specified time range. Each geometry can have a different number of
time steps and a different time range. The motion blur geometry is
defined by linearly interpolating the geometries of neighboring time
steps. To construct a motion blur geometry, first the number of time
steps of the geometry must be specified using the
`rtcSetGeometryTimeStepCount` function, and then a vertex buffer for
each time step must be bound, e.g. using the
`rtcSetSharedGeometryBuffer` function. Optionally, a time range
defining the start (and end time) of the first (and last) time step can
be set using the `rtcSetGeometryTimeRange` function. This feature will
also allow geometries to appear and disappear during the camera shutter
time if the time range is a sub range of [0,1].

The API supports per-geometry filter callback functions (see
`rtcSetGeometryIntersectFilterFunction` and
`rtcSetGeometryOccludedFilterFunction`) that are invoked for each
intersection found during the `rtcIntersect`-type or `rtcOccluded`-type
calls. The former ones are called geometry intersection filter
functions, the latter ones geometry occlusion filter functions. These
filter functions are designed to be used to ignore intersections
outside of a user-defined silhouette of a primitive, e.g. to model tree
leaves using transparency textures.

Ray Queries

The API supports finding the closest hit of a ray segment with the
scene (`rtcIntersect`-type functions), and determining whether any hit
between a ray segment and the scene exists (`rtcOccluded`-type

Supported are single ray queries (`rtcIntersect1` and `rtcOccluded1`)
as well as ray packet queries for ray packets of size 4
(`rtcIntersect4` and `rtcOccluded4`), ray packets of size 8
(`rtcIntersect8` and `rtcOccluded8`), and ray packets of size 16
(`rtcIntersect16` and `rtcOccluded16`).

Ray streams in a variety of layouts are supported as well, such as
streams of single rays (`rtcIntersect1M` and `rtcOccluded1M`), streams
of pointers to single rays (`rtcIntersect1p` and `rtcOccluded1p`),
streams of ray packets (`rtcIntersectNM` and `rtcOccludedNM`), and
large packet-like streams in structure of pointer layout
(`rtcIntersectNp` and `rtcOccludedNp`).

See Sections [rtcIntersect1] and [rtcOccluded1] for a detailed
description of how to set up and trace a ray.

See tutorial [Triangle Geometry] for a complete example of how to
trace single rays and ray packets. Also have a look at the tutorial
[Stream Viewer] for an example of how to trace ray streams.

Point Queries

The API supports traversal of the BVH using a point query object that
specifies a location and a query radius. For all primitives
intersecting the according domain, a user defined callback function is
called which allows queries such as finding the closest point on the
surface geometries of the scene (see Tutorial [Closest Point]) or
nearest neighbour queries (see Tutorial [Voronoi]).

See Section [rtcPointQuery] for a detailed description of how to set
up point queries.

Collision Detection

The Embree API also supports collision detection queries between two
scenes consisting only of user geometries. Embree only performs
broadphase collision detection, the narrow phase detection can be
performed through a callback function.

See Section [rtcCollide] for a detailed description of how to set up
collision detection.

Seen tutorial [Collision Detection](#collision-detection) for a
complete example of collsion detection being used on a simple cloth


A context filter function, which can be set per ray query is supported
(see `rtcInitIntersectContext`). This filter function is designed to
change the semantics of the ray query, e.g. to accumulate opacity for
transparent shadows, count the number of surfaces along a ray, collect
all hits along a ray, etc.

The internal algorithms to build a BVH are exposed through the `RTCBVH`
object and `rtcBuildBVH` call. This call makes it possible to build a
BVH in a user-specified format over user-specified primitives. See the
documentation of the `rtcBuildBVH` call for more details.

For getting the most performance out of Embree, see the Section
[Performance Recommendations].

Upgrading from Embree 2 to Embree 3

We decided to introduce an improved API in Embree 3 that is not
backward compatible with the Embree 2 API. This step was required to
remove various deprecated API functions that accumulated over time,
improve extensibility of the API, fix suboptimal design decisions, fix
design mistakes (such as incompatible single ray and ray packet
layouts), clean up inconsistent naming, and increase flexibility.

To make porting to the new API easy, we provide a conversion script
that can do most of the work, and will annotate the code with remaining
changes required. The script can be invoked the following way for CPP

    ./scripts/cpp-patch.py --patch embree2_to_embree3.patch
      --in infile.cpp --out outfile.cpp

When invoked for Intel® ISPC files, add the `--ispc` option:

    ./scripts/cpp-patch.py --ispc --patch embree2_to_embree3.patch
      --in infile.ispc --out outfile.ispc

Apply the script to each source file of your project that contains
Embree API calls or types. The input file and output file can also be
identical to perform the patch in-place. Please always backup your
original code before running the script, and inspect the code changes
done by the script using diff (e.g. `git diff`), to make sure no
undesired code locations got changed. Grep the code for comments
containing `EMBREE_FIXME` and perform the action described in the

The following changes need to be performed when switching from Embree 2
to Embree 3. Most of these changes are automatically done by the script
if not described differently.

We strongly recommend to set an error callback function (see
`rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction`) when porting to Embree 3 to detect all
runtime errors early.


-   `rtcInit` and `rtcExit` got removed. Please use the device concept
    using the `rtcNewDevice` and `rtcReleaseDevice` functions instead.

-   Functions that conceptually should operate on a device but did not
    get a device argument got removed. The upgrade script replaces
    these functions by the proper functions that operate on a device,
    however, manually propagating the device handle to these function
    calls might still be required.


-   The API no longer distinguishes between a static and a dynamic
    scene. Some users had issues as they wanted to do minor
    modifications to static scenes, but maintain high traversal

    The new approach gives more flexibility, as each scene is
    changeable, and build quality settings can be changed on a commit
    basis to balance between build performance and render performance.

-   The `rtcCommitThread` function got removed; use
    `rtcJoinCommitScene` instead.

-   The scene now supports different build quality settings. Please use
    those instead of the previous way of `RTC_SCENE_STATIC`,


-   There is now only one `rtcNewGeometry` function to create
    geometries which gets passed an enum to specify the type of
    geometry to create. The number of vertices and primitives of the
    geometries is inferred from the size of data buffers.

-   We introduced an object type `RTCGeometry` for all geometries.
    Previously a geometry was not a standalone object and could only
    exist inside a scene. The new approach comes with more flexibility
    and more readable code.

    Operations like `rtcInterpolate` can now be performed on the
    geometry object directly without the need of a scene. Further, an
    application can choose to create its geometries independent of a
    scene, e.g. each time a geometry node is added to its scene graph.

    This modification changed many API functions to get passed one
    `RTCGeometry` object instead of a `RTCScene` and `geomID`. The
    script does all required changed automatically. However, in some
    cases the script may introduce `rtcGetGeometry(scene, geomID)`
    calls to retrieve the geometry handle. Best store the geometry
    handle inside your scene representation (and release it in the
    destructor) and access the handle directly instead of calling

-   Geometries are not included inside a scene anymore but can be
    attached to a multiple scenes using the `rtcAttachGeomety` or
    `rtcAttachGeometryByID` functions.

-   As geometries are separate objects, commit semantics got introduced
    for them too. Thus geometries must be committed through the
    `rtcCommitGeometry` call before getting used. This allows for
    earlier error checking and pre-calculating internal data per
    geometry object.

    Such commit points were previously not required in the Embree 2
    API. The upgrade script attempts to insert the commits
    automatically, but cannot do so properly under all circumstances.
    Thus please check if every `rtcCommitGeometry` call inserted by the
    script is properly placed, and if a `rtcCommitGeometry` call is
    placed after a sequence of changes to a geometry.

-   Only the latest version of the previous displacement function call
    (`RTCDisplacementFunc2`) is now supported, and the callback is
    passed as a structure containing all arguments.

-   The deprecated `RTCBoundaryMode` type and `rtcSetBoundaryMode`
    function got removed and replaced by `RTCSubdivisionMode` enum and
    the `rtcSetGeometrySubdivisionMode` function. The script does this
    replacement automatically.

-   Ribbon curves and lines now avoid self-intersections automatically
    The application can be simplified by removing special code paths
    that previously did the self-intersection handling.

-   The previous Embree 2 way of instancing was suboptimal as it
    required user geometries to update the `instID` field of the ray
    differently when used inside an instanced scene or inside a
    top-level scene. The user geometry intersection code now just has
    to copy the `context.instID` field into the `ray.instID` field to
    function properly under all circumstances.

-   The internal instancing code will update the `context.instID` field
    properly when entering or leaving an instance. When instancing is
    implemented manually through user geometries, the code must be
    modified to set the `context.instID` field properly and no longer
    pass `instID` through the ray. This change must done manually and
    cannot be performed by the script.

-   We flipped the direction of the geometry normal to the widely used
    convention that a shape with counter-clockwise layout of vertices
    has the normal pointing upwards (right-hand rule). Most modeling
    tools follow that convention.

    The conversion script does not perform this change, thus if
    required adjust your code to flip `Ng` for triangle, quad, and
    subdivision surfaces.


-   With Embree 3 we are introducing explicit `RTCBuffer` objects.
    However, you can still use the short way of sharing buffers with
    Embree through the `rtcSetSharedGeometryBuffer` call.

-   The `rtcMapBuffer` and `rtcUnmapBuffer` API calls were removed, and
    we added the `rtcGetBufferData` call instead.

    Previously the `rtcMapBuffer` call had the semantics of creating an
    internal buffer when no buffer was shared for the corresponding
    buffer slot. These invocations of `rtcMapBuffer` must be replaced
    by an explicit creation of an internally managed buffer using the
    `rtcNewGeometryBuffer` function.

    The upgrade script cannot always detect if the `rtcMapBuffer` call
    would create an internal buffer or just map the buffer pointer.
    Thus check whether the `rtcNewGeometryBuffer` and
    `rtcGetBufferData` calls are correct after the conversion.

-   The `rtcUpdateGeometryBuffer` function now must be called for every
    buffer that got modified by the application. Note that the
    conversion script cannot automatically detect each location where a
    buffer update is now required.

-   The buffer type no longer encodes the time step or user vertex
    buffer index. Now `RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER_TYPE` and additional `slot`
    specifies the vertex buffer for a specific time step, and
    `RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER_TYPE` and additional `slot` specifies a
    vertex attribute.

Miscellaneous {#miscellaneous}

-   The header files for Embree 3 are now inside the `embree3` folder
    (instead of `embree2` folder) and `libembree.so` is now called
    `libembree3.so` to be able to install multiple Embree versions side
    by side. We made the headers C99 compliant.

-   All API objects are now reference counted with release functions to
    decrement and retain functions to increment the reference count (if

-   Most callback functions no longer get different arguments as input,
    but a pointer to a structure containing all arguments. This results
    in more readable code, faster callback invocation (as some
    arguments do not change between invocations) and is extensible, as
    new members to the structure can be later added in a backward
    compatible way (if required).

    The conversion script can convert the definition and declaration of
    the old callback functions in most cases. Before running the
    script, make sure that you never type-cast a callback function when
    assigning it (as this has the danger of assigning a callback
    function with a wrong type if the conversion did not detect some
    callbacks as such). If the script does not detect a callback
    function, make sure the argument types match exactly the types in
    the header (e.g. write `const int` instead of `int const` or
    convert the callback manually).

-   An intersection context is now required for each ray query
    invocation. The context should be initialized using the
    `rtcInitIntersectContext` function.

-   The `rtcIntersect`-type functions get as input an `RTCRayHit` type,
    which is similar to before, but has the ray and hit parts split
    into two sub-structures.

    The `rtcOccluded`-type functions get as input an `RTCRay` type,
    which does not contain hit data anymore. When an occlusion is
    found, the `tfar` element of the ray is set to `-inf`.

    Required code changes cannot be done by the upgrade script and need
    to be done manually.

-   The ray layout for single rays and packets of rays had certain
    incompatibilities (alignment of `org` and `dir` for single rays
    caused gaps in the single ray layout that were not in the ray
    packet layout). This issue never showed up because single rays and
    ray packets were separate in the system initially. This layout
    issue is now fixed, and a single ray has the same layout as a ray
    packet of size 1.

-   Previously Embree supported placing additional data at the end of
    the ray structure, and accessing that data inside user geometry
    callbacks and filter callback functions.

    With Embree 3 this is no longer supported, and the ray passed to a
    callback function may be copied to a different memory location. To
    attach additional data to your ray, simply extend the intersection
    context with a pointer to that data.

    This change cannot be done by the script. Further, code will still
    work if you extend the ray as the implementation did not change

-   The ray structure now contains an additional `id` and `flags`
    field. The `id` can be used to store the index of the ray with
    respect to a ray packet or ray stream. The `flags` is reserved for
    future use, and currently must be set to 0.

-   All previous intersection filter callback variants have been
    removed, except for the `RTCFilterFuncN` which gets a varying size
    ray packet as input. The semantics of this filter function type
    have changed from copying the hit on acceptance to clearing the
    ray's valid argument in case of non-acceptance. This way, chaining
    multiple filters is more efficient.

    We kept the guarantee that for `rtcIntersect1/4/8/16` and
    `rtcOccluded1/4/8/16` calls the packet size and ray order will not
    change from the initial size and ordering when entering a filter

-   We no longer export Intel® ISPC-specific symbols. This has the
    advantage that certain linking issues went away, e.g. it is now
    possible to link an Intel® ISPC application compiled for any
    combination of ISAs, and link this to an Embree library compiled
    with a different set of ISAs. Previously the ISAs of the
    application had to be a subset of the ISAs of Embree, and when the
    user enabled exactly one ISA, they had to do this in Embree and the

-   We no longer export the Intel® ISPC tasking system, which means
    that the application has the responsibility to implement the Intel®
    ISPC tasking system itself. Intel® ISPC comes with example code on
    how to do this. This change is not performed by the script and must
    be done manually.

-   Fixed many naming inconsistencies, and changed names of further API
    functions. All these renamings are properly done by the script and
    need no further attention.

Embree API Reference


#### NAME

    rtcNewDevice - creates a new device



    RTCDevice rtcNewDevice(const char* config);


This function creates a new device and returns a handle to this device.
The device object is reference counted with an initial reference count
of 1. The handle can be released using the `rtcReleaseDevice` API call.

The device object acts as a class factory for all other object types.
All objects created from the device (like scenes, geometries, etc.)
hold a reference to the device, thus the device will not be destroyed
unless these objects are destroyed first.

Objects are only compatible if they belong to the same device, e.g it
is not allowed to create a geometry in one device and attach it to a
scene created with a different device.

A configuration string (`config` argument) can be passed to the device
construction. This configuration string can be `NULL` to use the
default configuration.

The following configuration is supported:

-   `threads=[int]`: Specifies a number of build threads to use. A
    value of 0 enables all detected hardware threads. By default all
    hardware threads are used.

-   `user_threads=[int]`: Sets the number of user threads that can be
    used to join and participate in a scene commit using
    `rtcJoinCommitScene`. The tasking system will only use
    threads-user\_threads many worker threads, thus if the app wants to
    solely use its threads to commit scenes, just set threads equal to
    user\_threads. This option only has effect with the Intel(R)
    Threading Building Blocks (TBB) tasking system.

-   `set_affinity=[0/1]`: When enabled, build threads are affinitized
    to hardware threads. This option is disabled by default on standard
    CPUs, and enabled by default on Xeon Phi Processors.

-   `start_threads=[0/1]`: When enabled, the build threads are started
    upfront. This can be useful for benchmarking to exclude thread
    creation time. This option is disabled by default.

-   `isa=[sse2,sse4.2,avx,avx2,avx512]`: Use specified ISA. By default
    the ISA is selected automatically.

-   `max_isa=[sse2,sse4.2,avx,avx2,avx512]`: Configures the automated
    ISA selection to use maximally the specified ISA.

-   `hugepages=[0/1]`: Enables or disables usage of huge pages. Under
    Linux huge pages are used by default but under Windows and macOS
    they are disabled by default.

-   `enable_selockmemoryprivilege=[0/1]`: When set to 1, this enables
    the `SeLockMemoryPrivilege` privilege with is required to use huge
    pages on Windows. This option has an effect only under Windows and
    is ignored on other platforms. See Section [Huge Page Support]
    for more details.

-   `verbose=[0,1,2,3]`: Sets the verbosity of the output. When set to
    0, no output is printed by Embree, when set to a higher level more
    output is printed. By default Embree does not print anything on the

-   `frequency_level=[simd128,simd256,simd512]`: Specifies the
    frequency level the application want to run on, which can be
    a)  simd128 to run at highest frequency
    b)  simd256 to run at AVX2-heavy frequency level
    c)  simd512 to run at heavy AVX512 frequency level. When some
        frequency level is specified, Embree will avoid doing
        optimizations that may reduce the frequency level below the
        level specified. E.g. if your app does not use AVX instructions
        setting "frequency\_level=simd128" will cause some CPUs to run
        at highest frequency, which may result in higher application
        performance if you do much shading. If you application heavily
        uses AVX code, you should best set the frequency level to
        simd256. Per default Embree tries to avoid reducing the
        frequency of the CPU by setting the simd256 level only when the
        CPU has no significant down clocking.

Different configuration options should be separated by commas, e.g.:



On success returns a handle of the created device. On failure returns
`NULL` as device and sets a per-thread error code that can be queried
using `rtcGetDeviceError(NULL)`.


[rtcRetainDevice], [rtcReleaseDevice]


#### NAME {#name}

    rtcRetainDevice - increments the device reference count

#### SYNOPSIS {#synopsis}


    void rtcRetainDevice(RTCDevice device);

#### DESCRIPTION {#description}

Device objects are reference counted. The `rtcRetainDevice` function
increments the reference count of the passed device object (`device`
argument). This function together with `rtcReleaseDevice` allows to use
the internal reference counting in a C++ wrapper class to manage the
ownership of the object.

#### EXIT STATUS {#exit-status}

On failure an error code is set that can be queried using

#### SEE ALSO {#see-also}

[rtcNewDevice], [rtcReleaseDevice]


#### NAME {#name}

    rtcReleaseDevice - decrements the device reference count

#### SYNOPSIS {#synopsis}


    void rtcReleaseDevice(RTCDevice device);

#### DESCRIPTION {#description}

Device objects are reference counted. The `rtcReleaseDevice` function
decrements the reference count of the passed device object (`device`
argument). When the reference count falls to 0, the device gets

All objects created from the device (like scenes, geometries, etc.)
hold a reference to the device, thus the device will not get destroyed
unless these objects are destroyed first.

#### EXIT STATUS {#exit-status}

On failure an error code is set that can be queried using

#### SEE ALSO {#see-also}

[rtcNewDevice], [rtcRetainDevice]


#### NAME {#name}

    rtcGetDeviceProperty - queries properties of the device

#### SYNOPSIS {#synopsis}


    ssize_t rtcGetDeviceProperty(
      RTCDevice device,
      enum RTCDeviceProperty prop

#### DESCRIPTION {#description}

The `rtcGetDeviceProperty` function can be used to query properties
(`prop` argument) of a device object (`device` argument). The returned
property is an integer of type `ssize_t`.

Possible properties to query are:

-   `RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION`: Queries the combined version number
    (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) with two decimal digits per component. E.g. for
    Embree 2.8.3 the integer 208003 is returned.

-   `RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION_MAJOR`: Queries the major version
    number of Embree.

-   `RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION_MINOR`: Queries the minor version
    number of Embree.

-   `RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION_PATCH`: Queries the patch version
    number of Embree.

    `rtcIntersect4` and `rtcOccluded4` functions preserve packet size
    and ray order when invoking callback functions. This is only the
    case if Embree is compiled with `EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS` and `SSE2` (or
    `SSE4.2`) enabled, and if the machine it is running on supports
    `SSE2` (or `SSE4.2`).

    `rtcIntersect8` and `rtcOccluded8` functions preserve packet size
    and ray order when invoking callback functions. This is only the
    case if Embree is compiled with `EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS` and `AVX` (or
    `AVX2`) enabled, and if the machine it is running on supports `AVX`
    (or `AVX2`).

    `rtcIntersect16` and `rtcOccluded16` functions preserve packet size
    and ray order when invoking callback functions. This is only the
    case if Embree is compiled with `EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS` and `AVX512`
    enabled, and if the machine it is running on supports `AVX512`.

    `rtcIntersect1M`, `rtcIntersect1Mp`, `rtcIntersectNM`,
    `rtcIntersectNp`, `rtcOccluded1M`, `rtcOccluded1Mp`,
    `rtcOccludedNM`, and `rtcOccludedNp` are supported. This is only
    the case if Embree is compiled with `EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS` enabled.

-   `RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_RAY_MASK_SUPPORTED`: Queries whether ray masks
    are supported. This is only the case if Embree is compiled with
    `EMBREE_RAY_MASK` enabled.

    back face culling is enabled. This is only the case if Embree is
    compiled with `EMBREE_BACKFACE_CULLING` enabled.

    compact polys is enabled. This is only the case if Embree is
    compiled with `EMBREE_COMPACT_POLYS` enabled.

    filter functions are supported, which is the case if Embree is
    compiled with `EMBREE_FILTER_FUNCTION` enabled.

    invalid rays are ignored, which is the case if Embree is compiled
    with `EMBREE_IGNORE_INVALID_RAYS` enabled.

    triangles are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled
    with `EMBREE_GEOMETRY_TRIANGLE` enabled.

    quads are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled with

    whether subdivision meshes are supported, which is the case if
    Embree is compiled with `EMBREE_GEOMETRY_SUBDIVISION` enabled.

    curves are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled with

    points are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled with

    geometries are supported, which is the case if Embree is compiled
    with `EMBREE_GEOMETRY_USER` enabled.

-   `RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_TASKING_SYSTEM`: Queries the tasking system
    Embree is compiled with. Possible return values are:

    0.  internal tasking system
    1.  Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
    2.  Parallel Patterns Library (PPL)

    `rtcJoinCommitScene` is supported. This is not the case when Embree
    is compiled with PPL or older versions of TBB.

    `rtcCommitScene` can get invoked from multiple TBB worker threads
    concurrently. This feature is only supported starting with TBB 2019
    Update 9.

#### EXIT STATUS {#exit-status}

On success returns the value of the queried property. For properties
returning a boolean value, the return value 0 denotes `false` and 1
denotes `true`.

On failure zero is returned and an error code is set that can be
queried using `rtcGetDeviceError`.


#### NAME {#name}

    rtcGetDeviceError - returns the error code of the device

#### SYNOPSIS {#synopsis}


    RTCError rtcGetDeviceError(RTCDevice device);

#### DESCRIPTION {#description}

Each thread has its own error code per device. If an error occurs when
calling an API function, this error code is set to the occurred error
if it stores no previous error. The `rtcGetDeviceError` function reads
and returns the currently stored error and clears the error code. This
assures that the returned error code is always the first error occurred
since the last invocation of `rtcGetDeviceError`.

Possible error codes returned by `rtcGetDeviceError` are:

-   `RTC_ERROR_NONE`: No error occurred.

-   `RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN`: An unknown error has occurred.

-   `RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT`: An invalid argument was specified.

-   `RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION`: The operation is not allowed for the
    specified object.

-   `RTC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY`: There is not enough memory left to
    complete the operation.

-   `RTC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CPU`: The CPU is not supported as it does
    not support the lowest ISA Embree is compiled for.

-   `RTC_ERROR_CANCELLED`: The operation got canceled by a memory
    monitor callback or progress monitor callback function.

When the device construction fails, `rtcNewDevice` returns `NULL` as
device. To detect the error code of a such a failed device
construction, pass `NULL` as device to the `rtcGetDeviceError`
function. For all other invocations of `rtcGetDeviceError`, a proper
device pointer must be specified.

#### EXIT STATUS {#exit-status}

Returns the error code for the device.

#### SEE ALSO {#see-also}



#### NAME {#name}

    rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction - sets an error callback function for the device

#### SYNOPSIS {#synopsis}


    typedef void (*RTCErrorFunction)(
      void* userPtr,
      RTCError code,
      const char* str

    void rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction(
      RTCDevice device,
      RTCErrorFunction error,
      void* userPtr

#### DESCRIPTION {#description}

Using the `rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction` call, it is possible to set a
callback function (`error` argument) with payload (`userPtr` argument),
which is called whenever an error occurs for the specified device
(`device` argument).

Only a single callback function can be registered per device, and
further invocations overwrite the previously set callback function.
Passing `NULL` as function pointer disables the registered callback

When the registered callback function is invoked, it gets passed the
user-defined payload (`userPtr` argument as specified at registration
time), the error code (`code` argument) of the occurred error, as well
as a string (`str` argument) that further describes the error.

The error code is also set if an error callback function is registered.

#### EXIT STATUS {#exit-status}

On failure an error code is set that can be queried using

#### SEE ALSO {#see-also}



#### NAME {#name}

    rtcSetDeviceMemoryMonitorFunction - registers a callback function
      to track memory consumption

#### SYNOPSIS {#synopsis}


    typedef bool (*RTCMemoryMonitorFunction)(
      void* userPtr,
      ssize_t bytes,
      bool post

    void rtcSetDeviceMemoryMonitorFunction(
      RTCDevice device,
      RTCMemoryMonitorFunction memoryMonitor,
      void* userPtr

#### DESCRIPTION {#description}

Using the `rtcSetDeviceMemoryMonitorFunction` call, it is possible to
register a callback function (`memoryMonitor` argument) with payload
(`userPtr` argument) for a device (`device` argument), which is called
whenever internal memory is allocated or deallocated by objects of that
device. Using this memory monitor callback mechanism, the application
can track the memory consumption of an Embree device, and optionally
terminate API calls that consume too much memory.

Only a single callback function can be registered per device, and
further invocations overwrite the previously set callback function.
Passing `NULL` as function pointer disables the registered callback

Once registered, the Embree device will invoke the memory monitor
callback function before or after it allocates or frees important
memory blocks. The callback function gets passed the payload as
specified at registration time (`userPtr` argument), the number of
bytes allocated or deallocated (`bytes` argument), and whether the
callback is invoked after the allocation or deallocation took place
(`post` argument). The callback function might get called from multiple
threads concurrently.

The application can track the current memory usage of the Embree device
by atomically accumulating the `bytes` input parameter provided to the
callback function. This parameter will be \>0 for allocations and \<0
for deallocations.

Embree will continue its operation normally when returning `true` from
the callback function. If `false` is returned, Embree will cancel the
current operation with the `RTC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY` error code.
Issuing multiple cancel requests from different threads is allowed.
Canceling will only happen when the callback was called for allocations
(bytes \> 0), otherwise the cancel request will be ignored.

If a callback to cancel was invoked before the allocation happens
(`post == false`), then the `bytes` parameter should not be
accumulated, as the allocation will never happen. If the callback to
cancel was invoked after the allocation happened (`post == true`), then
the `bytes` parameter should be accumulated, as the allocation properly
happened and a deallocation will later free that data block.

#### EXIT STATUS {#exit-status}

On failure an error code is set that can be queried using

#### SEE ALSO {#see-also}



#### NAME {#name}

    rtcNewScene - creates a new scene

#### SYNOPSIS {#synopsis}


    RTCScene rtcNewScene(RTCDevice device);

#### DESCRIPTION {#description}

This function creates a new scene bound to the specified device
(`device` argument), and returns a handle to this scene. The scene
object is reference counted with an initial reference count of 1. The
scene handle can be released using the `rtcReleaseScene` API call.

#### EXIT STATUS {#exit-status}

On success a scene handle is returned. On failure `NULL` is returned
and an error code is set that can be queried using `rtcGetDeviceError`.

#### SEE ALSO {#see-also}

[rtcRetainScene], [rtcReleaseScene]


#### NAME {#name}

    rtcGetSceneDevice - returns the device the scene got created in

#### SYNOPSIS {#synopsis}


    RTCDevice rtcGetSceneDevice(RTCScene scene);

#### DESCRIPTION {#description}

This function returns the device object the scene got created in. The
returned handle own one additional reference to the device object, thus
you should need to call `rtcReleaseDevice` when the returned handle is
no longer required.

#### EXIT STATUS {#exit-status}

On failure an error code is set that can be queried using

#### SEE ALSO {#see-also}



#### NAME {#name}

    rtcRetainScene - increments the scene reference count

#### SYNOPSIS {#synopsis}


    void rtcRetainScene(RTCScene scene);

#### DESCRIPTION {#description}

Scene objects are reference counted. The `rtcRetainScene` function
increments the reference count of the passed scene object (`scene`
argument). This function together with `rtcReleaseScene` allows to use
the internal reference counting in a C++ wrapper class to handle the
ownership of the object.

#### EXIT STATUS {#exit-status}

On failure an error code is set that can be queried using

#### SEE ALSO {#see-also}

[rtcNewScene], [rtcReleaseScene]


#### NAME {#name}

    rtcReleaseScene - decrements the scene reference count

#### SYNOPSIS {#synopsis}


    void rtcReleaseScene(RTCScene scene);

#### DESCRIPTION {#description}

Scene objects are reference counted. The `rtcReleaseScene` function
decrements the reference count of the passed scene object (`scene`
argument). When the reference count falls to 0, the scene gets

The scene holds a reference to all attached geometries, thus if the
scene gets destroyed, all geometries get detached and their reference
count decremented.

#### EXIT STATUS {#exit-status}

On failure an error code is set that can be queried using

#### SEE ALSO {#see-also}

[rtcNewScene], [rtcRetainScene]


#### NAME {#name}

    rtcAttachGeometry - attaches a geometry to the scene

#### SYNOPSIS {#synopsis}


    unsigned int rtcAttachGeometry(
      RTCScene scene,
      RTCGeometry geometry

#### DESCRIPTION {#description}

The `rtcAttachGeometry` function attaches a geometry (`geometry`
argument) to a scene (`scene` argument) and assigns a geometry ID to
that geometry. All geometries attached to a scene are defined to be
included inside the scene. A geometry can get attached to multiplee
scene. The geometry ID is unique for the scene, and is used to identify
the geometry when hit by a ray during ray queries.

This function is thread-safe, thus multiple threads can attach
geometries to a scene in parallel.

The geometry IDs are assigned sequentially, starting from 0, as long as
no geometry got detached. If geometries got detached, the
implementation will reuse IDs in an implementation dependent way.
Consequently sequential assignment is no longer guaranteed, but a
compact range of IDs.

These rules allow the application to manage a dynamic array to
efficiently map from geometry IDs to its own geometry representation.
Alternatively, the application can also use per-geometry user data to
map to its geometry representation. See `rtcSetGeometryUserData` and
`rtcGetGeometryUserData` for more information.

#### EXIT STATUS {#e
