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资源说明:An official Git Mirror of John Burkardt's great collection of C++ Software
C++ Source Codes


1.  [albany](albany/albany.html), examples of the usage of the ALBANY program, which allows the implementation of finite element PDE solvers for a variety of fundamental research applications, including LCM (Laboratory for Computational Mechanics), QCAD (Quantum Computer Aided Design) and FELIX (Finite Element for Land Ice eXperiments).
2.  [allocatable\_array](allocatable_array/allocatable_array.html), a program which demonstrates how a C++ function can declare a pointer to an array, pass it to a function, which can then allocate it and fill it with data, and then return the allocated and initialized array to the calling function through the argument list.
3.  [analemma](analemma/analemma.html), a program which evaluates the equation of time, a formula for the difference between the uniform 24 hour day and the actual position of the sun, creating data files that can be plotted with gnuplot, based on a C program by Brian Tung.
4.  [args](args/args.html), a program which reports the command line arguments with which it was invoked;
5.  [asa005](asa005/asa005.html), a library which evaluates the lower tail of the noncentral Student's T distribution, by BE Cooper. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 5;
6.  [asa006](asa006/asa006.html), a library which computes the Cholesky factor of a positive definite symmetric matrix, by Michael Healy. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 6;
7.  [asa007](asa007/asa007.html), a library which computes the inverse of a positive definite symmetric matrix, by Michael Healy. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 7.
8.  [asa032](asa032/asa032.html), a library which evaluates the incomplete Gamma function, by G Bhattacharjee. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 32;
9.  [asa047](asa047/asa047.html), a library which minimizes a scalar function of several variables using the Nelder-Mead algorithm, by R ONeill. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 47;
10. [asa053](asa053/asa053.html), a library which produces sample matrices from the Wishart distribution, by William Smith and Ronald Hocking. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 53.
11. [asa058](asa058/asa058.html), a library which carries out K-means clustering of data, by David Sparks. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 58;
12. [asa063](asa063/asa063.html), a library which evaluates the incomplete Beta function, by KL Majumder and G Bhattacharjee. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 63;
13. [asa066](asa066/asa066.html), a library which computes the cumulative density function (CDF) of the standard normal distribution, by David Hill. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 66;
14. [asa076](asa076/asa076.html), a library which evaluates Owen's T function, by Young and Minder. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 76;
15. [asa091](asa091/asa091.html), a library which computes the percentage points of the Chi-square distribution, by Best and Roberts. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 91;
16. [asa103](asa103/asa103.html), a library which evaluates the digamma or psi function, by Jose Bernardo. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 103;
17. [asa109](asa109/asa109.html), a library which inverts the incomplete Beta function, by Cran, Martin and Thomas. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 109;
18. [asa111](asa111/asa111.html), a library which evaluates the percentage points of the normal distribution, by Beasley and Springer. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 111;
19. [asa113](asa113/asa113.html), a library which clusters data using a transfer and swap algorithm, by Banfield and Bassill. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 113;
20. [asa121](asa121/asa121.html), a library which evaluates the trigamma function, by BE Schneider. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 121;
21. [asa136](asa136/asa136.html), a library which implements a clustering algorithm, by Hartigan and Wong. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 136;
22. [asa144](asa144/asa144.html), a library which randomly generates tables with given row and column sums, by James Boyett. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 144;
23. [asa147](asa147/asa147.html), a library which evaluates the incomplete Gamma function, by Chi Leung Lau. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 147;
24. [asa152](asa152/asa152.html), a library which evaluates the probability density function (PDF) and cumulative density function (CDF) associated with the hypergeometric distribution, by Richard Lund. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 152;
25. [asa159](asa159/asa159.html), a library which computes a random table with given row and column sums, by Michael Patefield. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 159;
26. [asa172](asa172/asa172.html), a library which generates all M-dimensional indices in a given range, simulating the behavior of an arbitrary number of nested loops, by OFlaherty and MacKenzie. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 172;
27. [asa183](asa183/asa183.html), a library which implements a random number generator (RNG), by Wichman and Hill. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 183;
28. [asa226](asa226/asa226.html), a library which evaluates the noncentral incomplete Beta function, by Russell Lenth. this is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 226;
29. [asa239](asa239/asa239.html), a library which evaluates the incomplete Gamma function, by Shea. this is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 239;
30. [asa241](asa241/asa241.html), a library which computes the inverse of the normal cumulative density function (CDF), by Michael Wichura; this is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 241;
31. [asa243](asa243/asa243.html), a library which evaluates the lower tail of the noncentral Student's T distribution, by Russell Lenth; this is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 243;
32. [asa245](asa245/asa245.html), a library which evaluates the logarithm of the Gamma function, by Allan Mcleod; this is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 245;
33. [asa266](asa266/asa266.html), a library which evaluates various properties of the Dirichlet probability density function (PDF); this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 266;
34. [asa299](asa299/asa299.html), a library which computes the lattice points (integer coordinates) in an M-dimensional simplex, by Chasalow and Brand; this is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 299;
35. [asa310](asa310/asa310.html), a library which evaluates the noncentral incomplete Beta function, by Chattamvelli and Shanmugam; this is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 310;
36. [asa314](asa314/asa314.html), a library which computes the inverse of a matrix whose elements are subject to modulo arithmetic, by Roger Payne. This is a version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 314.
37. [backtrack\_binary\_rc](backtrack_binary_rc/backtrack_binary_rc.html), a library which carries out a backtrack search for a set of binary decisions, using reverse communication.
38. [ball\_grid](ball_grid/ball_grid.html), a library which computes grid points inside a 3D ball.
39. [ball\_integrals](ball_integrals/ball_integrals.html), a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit ball in 3D.
40. [ball\_monte\_carlo](ball_monte_carlo/ball_monte_carlo.html), a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate integrals of a function over the interior of the unit ball in 3D;
41. [barycentric\_interp\_1d](barycentric_interp_1d/barycentric_interp_1d.html), a library which defines and evaluates the barycentric Lagrange polynomial p(x) which interpolates a set of data, so that p(x(i)) = y(i). The barycentric approach means that very high degree polynomials can safely be used.
42. [bellman\_ford](bellman_ford/bellman_ford.html), a library which implements the Bellman-Ford algorithm for finding the shortest distance from a given node to all other nodes in a directed graph whose edges have been assigned real-valued lengths.
43. [bernstein\_polynomial](bernstein_polynomial/bernstein_polynomial.html), a library which evaluates the Bernstein polynomials;
44. [beta\_nc](beta_nc/beta_nc.html), a library which evaluates the cumulative density function (CDF) of the noncentral Beta distribution;
45. [bins](bins/bins.html), a library which handles geometric data partially sorted into bins;
46. [bisection\_integer](bisection_integer/bisection_integer.html), a library which seeks an integer solution to the equation F(X)=0, using bisection within a user-supplied change of sign interval \[A,B\].
47. [bisection\_rc](bisection_rc/bisection_rc.html), a library which seeks a solution to the equation F(X)=0 using bisection within a user-supplied change of sign interval \[A,B\]. The procedure is written using reverse communication.
48. [bits\_to\_ui](bits_to_ui/bits_to_ui.html), a program which reads a text file of bits and writes a binary file in which groups of 32 bits have been interpreted as an unsigned integer;
49. [black\_scholes](black_scholes/black_scholes.html), a library which implements some simple approaches to the Black-Scholes option valuation theory, by Desmond Higham.
50. [blas](blas/blas.html), a library which contains the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) for level 1, 2 and 3, for single and double precision, and for real and complex arithmetic.
51. [blas0](blas0/blas0.html), a library which contains auxiliary functions for the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS).
52. [blas1](blas1/blas1.html), a library which contains the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) for level 1 (vector-vector operations), for single and double precision, and for real and complex arithmetic, by Charles Lawson, Richard Hanson, David Kincaid, Fred Krogh.
53. [blas1\_c](blas1_c/blas1_c.html), a library which constitutes the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), using single precision complex arithmetic, by Charles Lawson, Richard Hanson, David Kincaid, Fred Krogh.
54. [blas1\_d](blas1_d/blas1_d.html), a library which constitutes the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), using double precision real arithmetic, by Charles Lawson, Richard Hanson, David Kincaid, Fred Krogh.
55. [blas1\_s](blas1_s/blas1_s.html), a library which constitutes the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), using single precision real arithmetic, by Charles Lawson, Richard Hanson, David Kincaid, Fred Krogh.
56. [blas1\_z](blas1_z/blas1_z.html), a library which constitutes the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), using double precision complex arithmetic, by Charles Lawson, Richard Hanson, David Kincaid, Fred Krogh.
57. [blas2\_c](blas2/blas2.html), a library which constitutes the Level 2 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for matrix-vector operations.
58. [blas3](blas3/blas3.html), a library which constitutes the Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) for matrix-matrix operations;
59. [blend](blend/blend.html), a library which uses transfinite interpolation to fill in data within a square or a cube based on boundary values;
60. [bmp\_io](bmp_io/bmp_io.html), a library which reads and writes graphics information stored in a Microsoft BMP file;
61. [bmp\_to\_ppma](bmp_to_ppma/bmp_to_ppma.html), a program which converts a Microsoft BMP file to an ASCII Portable Pixel Map (PPM) file;
62. [bmp\_to\_ppmb](bmp_to_ppmb/bmp_to_ppmb.html), a program which converts a Microsoft BMP file to a binary Portable Pixel Map (PPM) file;
63. [boost](boost/boost.html), programs which illustrate the use of some of the Boost libraries;
64. [box\_behnken](box_behnken/box_behnken.html), a library which computes a Box-Behnken design, that is, a set of arguments to sample the behavior of a function of multiple parameters;
65. [brent](brent/brent.html), a library which contains routines for finding zeroes or minima of a scalar function of a scalar variable, without the use of derivative information, including a reverse communication option, by Richard Brent. The C++ version includes some customizations by John Denker.
66. [brownian\_motion\_simulation](brownian_motion_simulation/brownian_motion_simulation.html), a library which simulates Brownian motion in an M-dimensional region, creating graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
67. [burgers\_solution](burgers_solution/burgers_solution.html), a library which evaluates an exact solution of the time-dependent 1D viscous Burgers equation.
68. [bvec](bvec/bvec.html), a library which demonstrates how signed integers can be stored as binary vectors, and arithmetic can be performed on them.
69. [c++\_calls\_c](c++_calls_c/c++_calls_c.html), programs which illustrate a C++ program calling a C function.
70. [c++\_calls\_f77](c++_calls_f77/c++_calls_f77.html), programs which illustrate a C++ program calling a FORTRAN77 subroutine.
71. [c++\_calls\_f90](c++_calls_f90/c++_calls_f90.html), programs which illustrate a C++ program calling a FORTRAN90 subroutine.
72. [c++\_condor](c++_condor/c++_condor.html), programs which illustrate how a C++ program can be run in batch mode using the condor queueing system.
73. [c4\_complex\_lib](c4_complex_lib/c4_complex_lib.html), a C++ class for float complex (C4) numbers;
74. [c4lib](c4lib/c4lib.html), a library which implements a basic level of single precision complex (C4) arithmetic.
75. [c8\_complex\_lib](c8_complex_lib/c8_complex_lib.html), a C++ class for double precision complex (C8) numbers;
76. [c8lib](c8lib/c8lib.html), a library which implements certain elementary functions for double precision complex (C8) variables;
77. [calendar\_rd](calendar_rd/calendar_rd.html), a program which computes the representation of a given date in a number of calendrical systems, by Edward Reingold and Nachum Dershowitz.
78. [calpak](calpak/calpak.html), a library which makes various calendar calculations;
79. [catalog](catalog/catalog.html), a program which extracts routine definition lines from a marked-up C, C++, FORTRAN77 or FORTRAN90 file;
80. [cauchy\_principal\_value](cauchy_principal_value/cauchy_principal_value.html), a library which uses Gauss-Legendre quadrature to estimate the Cauchy Principal Value (CPV) of certain singular integrals.
81. [caustic\_opengl](caustic_opengl/caustic_opengl.html), a program which computes a caustic curve and displays it using OpenGL.
82. [cc\_io](cc_io/cc_io.html) a library which reads and writes sparse linear systems stored in the Compressed Column (CC) format.
83. [cc\_to\_st](cc_to_st/cc_to_st.html) a library which converts a sparse matrix from compressed column (CC) to sparse triplet (ST) format.
84. [ccn\_rule](ccn_rule/ccn_rule.html), a program which defines a nested Clenshaw Curtis quadrature rule.
85. [ccvt\_box](ccvt_box/ccvt_box.html), a program which carries out a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) calculation constrained to a box region, with points projected to the boundary;
86. [cdflib](cdflib/cdflib.html), a library which evaluates the cumulative density function (CDF), inverse CDF, and certain other inverse functions, for distributions including beta, binomial, chi-square, noncentral chi-square, F, noncentral F, gamma, negative binomial, normal, Poisson, and students T, by Barry Brown, James Lovato, Kathy Russell.
87. [cell](cell/cell.html), a library which defines a cell array, a generalization of an array which can compactly store and retrieve vector or matrix data of varying size, such as the rows of a triangular matrix.
88. [cellular\_automaton](cellular_automaton/cellular_automaton.html), a program which demonstrates the 1D Cellular Automaton known as rule \#30.
89. [cg](cg/cg.html), a library which implements a simple version of the conjugate gradient (CG) method for solving a system of linear equations of the form A\*x=b, suitable for situations in which the matrix A is positive definite (only real, positive eigenvalues) and symmetric.
90. [cg\_rc](cg_rc/cg_rc.html), a library which implements the conjugate gradient (CG) method for solving a positive definite sparse linear system A\*x=b, using reverse communication (RC).
91. [change\_making](change_making/change_making.html), a library which considers the change making problem, in which a given sum is to be formed using coins of various denominations.
92. [chebyshev](chebyshev/chebyshev.html), a library which computes the Chebyshev interpolant/approximant to a given function over an interval.
93. [chebyshev\_interp\_1d](chebyshev_interp_1d/chebyshev_interp_1d.html), a library which determines the combination of Chebyshev polynomials which interpolates a set of data, so that p(x(i)) = y(i).
94. [chebyshev\_polynomial](chebyshev_polynomial/chebyshev_polynomial.html), a library which considers the Chebyshev polynomials T(i,x), U(i,x), V(i,x) and W(i,x). Functions are provided to evaluate the polynomials, determine their zeros, produce their polynomial coefficients, produce related quadrature rules, project other functions onto these polynomial bases, and integrate double and triple products of the polynomials.
95. [chebyshev\_series](chebyshev_series/chebyshev_series.html), a library which can evaluate a Chebyshev series approximating a function f(x), while efficiently computing one, two or three derivatives of the series, which approximate f'(x), f''(x), and f'''(x), by Manfred Zimmer.
96. [chebyshev1\_rule](chebyshev1_rule/chebyshev1_rule.html), a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Chebyshev type 1 quadrature rule of given order.
97. [chebyshev2\_rule](chebyshev2_rule/chebyshev2_rule.html), a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Chebyshev type 2 quadrature rule of given order.
98. [chrpak](chrpak/chrpak.html), a library which can manipulate characters and strings;
99. [circle\_arc\_grid](circle_arc_grid/circle_arc_grid.html), a program which computes grid points along a circular arc.
100. [circle\_integrals](circle_integrals/circle_integrals.html), a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the circumference of the unit circle in 2D.
101. [circle\_monte\_carlo](circle_monte_carlo/circle_monte_carlo.html), a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function along the circumference of the unit circle in 2D;
102. [circle\_rule](circle_rule/circle_rule.html), a library which computes quadrature rules for the unit circle in 2D, that is, the circumference of the circle of radius 1 and center (0,0).
103. [circle\_segment](circle_segment/circle_segment.html), a library which carries out computations associated with a circle segment, including height, angle, area, centroid, sampling, and quadrature, creating some graphics images using gnuplot.
104. [cities](cities/cities.html), a library which works with city-to-city distance matrices;
105. [clapack](clapack/clapack.html), programs which illustrate the use of CLAPACK, a translation of the FORTRAN77 BLAS and LAPACK linear algebra libraries, including single and double precision, real and complex arithmetic.
106. [clapack\_sc](clapack_sc/clapack_sc.html), programs which illustrate the use of CLAPACK, a translation of the FORTRAN77 BLAS and LAPACK linear algebra libraries, including single and double precision, real and complex arithmetic, as customized for the FSU Department of Scientific Computing.
107. [clenshaw\_curtis\_rule](clenshaw_curtis_rule/clenshaw_curtis_rule.html), a program which implements a Clenshaw Curtis quadrature rule;
108. [cnf\_io](cnf_io/cnf_io.html), a library which reads or writes Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) data files, used to store boolean formulas.
109. [collatz\_recursive](collatz_recursive/collatz_recursive.html), a library which demonstrates recursive programming by considering the simple Collatz 3n+1 problem.
110. [colored\_noise](colored_noise/colored_noise.html), a library which generates samples of noise obeying a 1/f^alpha power law.
111. [combination\_lock](combination_lock/combination_lock.html), a program which simulates the process of determining the secret combination of a lock.
112. [combo](combo/combo.html), a library which includes routines for ranking, unranking, enumerating and randomly selecting balanced sequences, cycles, graphs, Gray codes, subsets, partitions, permutations, restricted growth functions, Pruefer codes and trees.
113. [communicator\_mpi](communicator_mpi/communicator_mpi.html), a program which creates new communicators involving a subset of initial set of MPI processes in the default communicator MPI\_COMM\_WORLD.
114. [compass\_search](compass_search/compass_search.html), a library which seeks the minimizer of a scalar function of several variables using compass search, a direct search algorithm that does not use derivatives.
115. [complex\_numbers](complex_numbers/complex_numbers.html), a program which demonstrates some simple features involved in the use of complex numbers in C programming.
116. [condition](condition/condition.html), a library which implements methods of computing or estimating the condition number of a matrix.
117. [cordic](cordic/cordic.html), a library which computes a few special functions using the CORDIC algorithm.
118. [correlation](correlation/correlation.html), a library which contains examples of statistical correlation functions.
119. [cpp](cpp/cpp.html), programs which illustrate some features of the C++ language;
120. [cpp\_arrays](cpp_arrays/cpp_arrays.html), programs which illustrate the use of vectors, matrices and tensors.
121. [cpp\_files](cpp_files/cpp_files.html), programs which illustrate the use of files.
122. [cpp\_intrinsics](cpp_intrinsics/cpp_intrinsics.html), a program which illustrates the use of intrinsic functions supplied by C++.
123. [cpp\_random](cpp_random/cpp_random.html), programs which illustrate the use of the C++ random number generator (RNG) functions.
124. [cr2crlf](cr2crlf/cr2crlf.html), a program which converts carriage returns to carriage returns + linefeeds in a file;
125. [cr2lf](cr2lf/cr2lf.html), a program which converts carriage returns to linefeeds in a file;
126. [crc](crc/crc.html), a library which computes the cyclic redundancy checksum (CRC) as used by the PNG data format.
127. [crrm](crrm/crrm.html), a program which removes carriage returns from a file;
128. [cube\_arbq\_rule](cube_arbq_rule/cube_arbq_rule.html), a library which returns quadrature rules, with exactness up to total degree 15, over the interior of the symmetric cube in 3D, by Hong Xiao and Zydrunas Gimbutas.
129. [cube\_exactness](cube_exactness/cube_exactness.html), a library which investigates the polynomial exactness of quadrature rules over the interior of a cube in 3D.
130. [cube\_felippa\_rule](cube_felippa_rule/cube_felippa_rule.html), a library which returns Felippa's quadratures rules for approximating integrals over the interior of a cube in 3D.
131. [cube\_grid](cube_grid/cube_grid.html), a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of a cube in 3D.
132. [cube\_integrals](cube_integrals/cube_integrals.html), a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit cube in 3D.
133. [cube\_monte\_carlo](cube_monte_carlo/cube_monte_carlo.html), a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function over the interior of the unit cube in 3D.
134. [cvt](cvt/cvt.html), a library which computes an N point CVT Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) in M dimensions;
135. [cvt\_dataset](cvt_dataset/cvt_dataset.html), a program which creates a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) dataset;
136. [cycle\_brent](cycle_brent/cycle_brent.html), a library which carries out an iterated function evaluation to determine the nearest element of a cycle, and the cycle's length, using Brent's method.
137. [cycle\_floyd](cycle_floyd/cycle_floyd.html), a library which carries out an iterated function evaluation, and seeks to determine the nearest element of a cycle, and the cycle's length, using Floyd's method.
138. [cyclic\_reduction](cyclic_reduction/cyclic_reduction.html), a library which solves a tridiagonal linear system using cyclic reduction;
139. [decomment](decomment/decomment.html), a program which removes from a file every line that begins with "\#" (a common convention for indicating comments);
140. [delaunay\_tree\_2d](delaunay_tree_2d/delaunay_tree_2d.html), a program which computes the Delaunay triangulation of a 2D dataset, by Olivier Devillers.
141. [diaphony](diaphony/diaphony.html), a program which reads a file of N points in M dimensions and computes its diaphony, a measure of point dispersion.
142. [differ](differ/differ.html), determines the finite difference coefficients necessary in order to combine function values at known locations to compute an approximation of given accuracy to a derivative of a given order.
143. [dijkstra](dijkstra/dijkstra.html), a library which implements a simple version of Dijkstra's minimum distance algorithm for graphs.
144. [dijkstra\_openmp](dijkstra_openmp/dijkstra_openmp.html), a program which uses OpenMP to parallelize a simple example of Dijkstra's minimum distance algorithm for graphs.
145. [discrete\_pdf\_sample\_2d](discrete_pdf_sample_2d/discrete_pdf_sample_2d.html), a program which demonstrates how to construct a Probability Density Function (PDF) from sample data over a 2D domain, and then to use that PDF to create new samples.
146. [disk\_grid](disk_grid/disk_grid.html), a library which computes grid points within the interior of a disk of user specified radius and center in 2D, using GNUPLOT to create an image of the grid.
147. [disk\_integrals](disk_integrals/disk_integrals.html), a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit disk in 2D.
148. [disk\_monte\_carlo](disk_monte_carlo/disk_monte_carlo.html), a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate integrals of a function over the interior of the unit disk in 2D;
149. [disk\_rule](disk_rule/disk_rule.html), a library which computes quadrature rules for the unit disk in 2D, that is, the interior of the circle of radius 1 and center (0,0).
150. [divdif](divdif/divdif.html), a library which uses divided differences to compute the polynomial interpolant to a given set of data.
151. [doomsday](doomsday/doomsday.html), a library which is given the year, month and day of a date, and uses John Conway's doomsday algorithm to determine the corresponding day of the week.
152. [dream](dream/dream.html), a program which implements the DREAM algorithm for accelerating Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) convergence using differential evolution, using five user functions to define the problem, by Guannan Zhang.
153. [duel\_simulation](duel_simulation/duel_simulation.html), a program which simulates N repetitions of a duel between two players, each of whom has a known firing accuracy.
154. [edge](edge/edge.html), a library which defines some test functions in 1D, 2D and 3D for the detection of edges or discontinuities, and using GNUPLOT to display the curves or surfaces.
155. [eispack](eispack/eispack.html), a library which carries out eigenvalue computations. It includes a function to compute the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular matrix. This library was superseded by LAPACK;
156. [ellipse\_grid](ellipse_grid/ellipse_grid.html), a library which computes grid points over the interior of an ellipse in 2D.
157. [ellipse\_monte\_carlo](ellipse_monte_carlo/ellipse_monte_carlo.html), a library which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate the value of integrals over the interior of an ellipse in 2D.
158. [ellipsoid\_grid](ellipsoid_grid/ellipsoid_grid.html), a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of an ellipsoid in 3D.
159. [ellipsoid\_monte\_carlo](ellipsoid_monte_carlo/ellipsoid_monte_carlo.html), a library which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate the value of integrals over the interior of an ellipsoid in M dimensions.
160. [exactness](exactness/exactness.html), a library which investigates the exactness of quadrature rules that estimate the integral of a function with a density, such as 1, exp(-x) or exp(-x^2), over an interval such as \[-1,+1\], \[0,+oo) or (-oo,+oo).
161. [fair\_dice\_simulation](fair_dice_simulation/fair_dice_simulation.html), a program which simulates N tosses of 2 dice, creating graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
162. [faure](faure/faure.html), a library which computes elements of the Faure M-dimensional quasirandom sequence;
163. [faure\_dataset](faure_dataset/faure_dataset.html), a program which creates a Faure quasirandom dataset;
164. [fd\_predator\_prey](fd_predator_prey/fd_predator_prey.html), a program which solves a pair of predator prey ordinary differential equations (ODE's) using the finite difference method (FDM).
165. [fd1d\_advection\_diffusion\_steady](fd1d_advection_diffusion_steady/fd1d_advection_diffusion_steady.html), a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to solve the steady advection diffusion equation v\*ux-k\*uxx=0 in one spatial dimension, with constant velocity v and diffusivity k, writing graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
166. [fd1d\_advection\_ftcs](fd1d_advection_ftcs/fd1d_advection_ftcs.html), a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to solve the time-dependent advection equation ut = - c \* ux in one spatial dimension, with a constant velocity, using the forward time centered space (FTCS) method, writing graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
167. [fd1d\_advection\_lax](fd1d_advection_lax/fd1d_advection_lax.html), a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to solve the time-dependent advection equation ut = - c \* ux in one spatial dimension, with a constant velocity, using the Lax method to approximate the time derivative, writing graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
168. [fd1d\_advection\_lax\_wendroff](fd1d_advection_lax_wendroff/fd1d_advection_lax_wendroff.html), a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to solve the time-dependent advection equation ut = - c \* ux in one spatial dimension, with a constant velocity, using the Lax-Wendroff method to approximate the time derivative, writing graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
169. [fd1d\_burgers\_lax](fd1d_burgers_lax/fd1d_burgers_lax.html), a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) and the Lax Wendroff method to solve the non-viscous time-dependent Burgers equation in one spatial dimension.
170. [fd1d\_burgers\_leap](fd1d_burgers_leap/fd1d_burgers_leap.html), a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) and the leapfrog approach to solve the non-viscous time-dependent Burgers equation in one spatial dimension.
171. [fd1d\_bvp](fd1d_bvp/fd1d_bvp.html), a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to a two point boundary value problem (BVP) in one spatial dimension.
172. [fd1d\_heat\_explicit](fd1d_heat_explicit/fd1d_heat_explicit.html), a library which uses the finite difference method (FDM), with explicit time stepping, to solve the time dependent 1D heat equation;
173. [fd1d\_heat\_implicit](fd1d_heat_implicit/fd1d_heat_implicit.html), a program which implements a finite difference method (FDM), implicit in time, of the time dependent 1D heat equation;
174. [fd1d\_heat\_steady](fd1d_heat_steady/fd1d_heat_steady.html), a program which implements a finite difference method (FDM) for the steady (time independent) 1D heat equation;
175. [fd1d\_wave](fd1d_wave/fd1d_wave.html), a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to solve the time-dependent wave equation utt = c \* uxx in one spatial dimension.
176. [fd2d\_heat\_steady](fd2d_heat_steady/fd2d_heat_steady.html), a program which implements a finite difference method (FDM) for the steady (time independent) 2D heat equation;
177. [fem\_basis](fem_basis/fem_basis.html), a library which can define and evaluate finite element method (FEM) basis functions for any degree in an M-dimensional simplex (1D interval, 2D triangle, 3D tetrahedron, and higher dimensional generalizations.)
178. [fem\_io](fem_io/fem_io.html), a library which reads or writes FEM files, which describe the nodes, elements, and function values associated with a finite element method (FEM) model;
179. [fem\_to\_gmsh](fem_to_gmsh/fem_to_gmsh.html), a program which reads a pair of FEM files defining node coordinates and elements, of a 1D, 2D or 3D mesh, namely a file of node coordinates and a file of elements defined by node indices, and creates a Gmsh mesh file.
180. [fem\_to\_medit](fem_to_medit/fem_to_medit.html), a program which reads a pair of FEM files defining node coordinates and elements, of a 2D mesh, namely a file of node coordinates and a file of elements defined by node indices, and creates a corresponding MEDIT mesh file.
181. [fem\_to\_triangle](fem_to_triangle/fem_to_triangle.html), a program which reads FEM files defining a 2D mesh of triangles, namely a file of node coordinates and a file of elements defined by node indices, and creates a corresponding pair of node and element files for use by Jonathan Shewchuk's triangle program.
182. [fem\_to\_xml](fem_to_xml/fem_to_xml.html), reads a pair of FEM files defining node coordinates and elements, of a 1D, 2D or 3D mesh, namely a file of node coordinates and a file of elements defined by node indices, and creates a corresponding XML file for input to DOLFIN or FENICS.
183. [fem1d](fem1d/fem1d.html), a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), using piecewise linear basis functions, to a linear two point boundary value problem (BVP) in 1D;
184. [fem1d\_adaptive](fem1d_adaptive/fem1d_adaptive.html), a program which uses an adaptive mesh when applying the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise linear basis functions, to a linear two point boundary value problem (BVP) in 1D;
185. [fem1d\_bvp\_linear](fem1d_bvp_linear/fem1d_bvp_linear.html), a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise linear elements, to a two point boundary value problem (BVP) in one spatial dimension, and compares the computed and exact solutions with the L2 and seminorm errors.
186. [fem1d\_bvp\_quadratic](fem1d_bvp_quadratic/fem1d_bvp_quadratic.html), a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise quadratic elements, to a two point boundary value problem (BVP) in one spatial dimension, and compares the computed and exact solutions with the L2 and seminorm errors.
187. [fem1d\_heat\_steady](fem1d_heat_steady/fem1d_heat_steady.html), a program which implements the finite element method (FEM) for the steady (time independent) 1D heat equation;
188. [fem1d\_lagrange](fem1d_lagrange/fem1d_lagrange.html), a library which sets up the matrices and vectors associated with the finite element method (FEM) solution of a boundary value problem (BVP) -u''+u=f(x), using Lagrange basis polynomials.
189. [fem1d\_nonlinear](fem1d_nonlinear/fem1d_nonlinear.html), a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise linear basis functions, to a nonlinear two point boundary value problem (BVP) in 1D;
190. [fem1d\_pack](fem1d_pack/fem1d_pack.html), a library which contains utilities for 1D finite element method (FEM) calculations.
191. [fem1d\_pmethod](fem1d_pmethod/fem1d_pmethod.html), a program which applies the p-method version of the finite element method (FEM) to a linear two point boundary value problem (BVP) in 1D;
192. [fem1d\_project](fem1d_project/fem1d_project.html), a program which projects data into a finite element space, including the least squares approximation of data, or the projection of a finite element solution from one mesh to another.
193. [fem1d\_sample](fem1d_sample/fem1d_sample.html), a program which samples a scalar or vector finite element function of one variable, defined by FEM files, returning interpolated values at the sample points.
194. [fem2d\_bvp\_linear](fem2d_bvp_linear/fem2d_bvp_linear.html), a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise linear elements, to a 2D boundary value problem (BVP) in a rectangle, and compares the computed and exact solutions with the L2 and seminorm errors.
195. [fem2d\_bvp\_quadratic](fem2d_bvp_quadratic/fem2d_bvp_quadratic.html), a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise quadratic elements, to a 2D boundary value problem (BVP) in a rectangle, and compares the computed and exact solutions with the L2 and seminorm errors.
196. [fem2d\_bvp\_serene](fem2d_bvp_serene/fem2d_bvp_serene.html), a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with serendipity elements, to a 2D boundary value problem (BVP) in a rectangle, and compares the computed and exact solutions with the L2 and seminorm errors.
197. [fem2d\_heat](fem2d_heat/fem2d_heat.html), a program which applies the finite element method (FEM) to solve the time-dependent heat equation in an arbitrary triangulated region in 2D;
198. [fem2d\_heat\_rectangle](fem2d_heat_rectangle/fem2d_heat_rectangle.html), a program which applies the finite element method (FEM) to solve the time dependent heat equation on a square in 2D;
199. [fem2d\_heat\_square](fem2d_heat_square/fem2d_heat_square.html), a library which defines the geometry of a square region, as well as boundary and initial conditions for a given heat problem, and is called by fem2d\_heat as part of a solution procedure.
200. [fem2d\_mesh\_display\_opengl](fem2d_mesh_display_opengl/fem2d_mesh_display_opengl.html), a program which reads a pair of FEM files defining node coordinates and elements, of a 2D mesh, and displays it using OpenGL.
201. [fem2d\_pack](fem2d_pack/fem2d_pack.html), a library which implements various 2D finite element method (FEM) calculations;
202. [fem2d\_poisson](fem2d_poisson/fem2d_poisson.html), a program which applies the finite element method (FEM) to solve Poisson's equation in an arbitrary triangulated region in 2D;
203. [fem2d\_poisson\_cg](fem2d_poisson_cg/fem2d_poisson_cg.html), a program which solves Poisson's equation on a triangulated region, using the finite element method (FEM), sparse storage, and a conjugate gradient solver.
204. [fem2d\_poisson\_cg\_baffle](fem2d_poisson_cg_baffle/fem2d_poisson_cg_baffle.html), a library which defines the geometry of a channel with 13 hexagonal baffles, as well as boundary conditions for a given Poisson problem, and is called by fem2d\_poisson\_cg as part of a solution procedure.
205. [fem2d\_poisson\_cg\_ell](fem2d_poisson_cg_ell/fem2d_poisson_cg_ell.html), a library which defines the geometry of an L-shaped region, as well as boundary conditions for a given Poisson problem, and is called by fem2d\_poisson\_cg as part of a solution procedure.
206. [fem2d\_poisson\_cg\_lake](fem2d_poisson_cg_lake/fem2d_poisson_cg_lake.html), a library which defines the geometry of a lake-shaped region, as well as boundary conditions for a given Poisson problem, and is called by fem2d\_poisson\_cg as part of a solution procedure.
207. [fem2d\_poisson\_ell](fem2d_poisson_ell/fem2d_poisson_ell.html), a library which defines the geometry of an L-shaped region, as well as boundary conditions for a given Poisson problem, and is called by fem2d\_poisson as part of a solution procedure.
208. [fem2d\_poisson\_lake](fem2d_poisson_lake/fem2d_poisson_lake.html), a library which defines the geometry of a lake-shaped region, as well as boundary conditions for a given Poisson problem, and is called by fem2d\_poisson as part of a solution procedure.
209. [fem2d\_poisson\_rectangle](fem2d_poisson_rectangle/fem2d_poisson_rectangle.html), a program which solves the 2D Poisson equation on a rectangle, using the finite element method (FEM), and piecewise quadratic triangular elements.
210. [fem2d\_poisson\_rectangle\_linear](fem2d_poisson_rectangle_linear/fem2d_poisson_rectangle_linear.html), a program which solves the 2D Poisson equation on a rectangle, using the finite element method (FEM), and piecewise linear triangular elements.
211. [fem2d\_poisson\_sparse](fem2d_poisson_sparse/fem2d_poisson_sparse.html), a program which uses the finite element method to solve Poisson's equation on an arbitrary triangulated region in 2D; (This is a version of fem2d\_poisson which replaces the banded storage and direct solver by a sparse storage format and an iterative solver.)
212. [fem2d\_poisson\_sparse\_baffle](fem2d_poisson_sparse_baffle/fem2d_poisson_sparse_baffle.html), a library which defines the geometry of a rectangular channel with 13 baffles, as well as boundary conditions for a given Poisson problem, and is called by fem2d\_poisson\_sparse as part of a solution procedure.
213. [fem2d\_poisson\_sparse\_ell](fem2d_poisson_sparse_ell/fem2d_poisson_sparse_ell.html), a library which defines the geometry of an L-shaped region, as well as boundary conditions for a given Poisson problem, and is called by fem2d\_poisson\_sparse as part of a solution procedure.
214. [fem2d\_poisson\_sparse\_lake](fem2d_poisson_sparse_lake/fem2d_poisson_sparse_lake.html), a library which defines the geometry of a lake-shaped region, as well as boundary conditions for a given Poisson problem, and is called by fem2d\_poisson\_sparse as part of a solution procedure.
215. [fem2d\_project](fem2d_project/fem2d_project.html), a program which projects a function f(x,y), given as data, into a given finite element space of piecewise linear triangular elements.
216. [fem2d\_project\_function](fem2d_project_function/fem2d_project_function.html), a program which projects a function f(x,y), given as a formula, into a given finite element space of piecewise linear triangular elements.
217. [fem2d\_sample](fem2d_sample/fem2d_sample.html), a program which samples a finite element function, defined by FEM files, (three text files describing the nodes, triangles, and coefficients); at arbitrary points.
218. [fem3d\_pack](fem3d_pack/fem3d_pack.html), a library which contains utilities for 3D finite element method (FEM) calculations.
219. [fem3d\_project](fem3d_project/fem3d_project.html), a program which projects a function f(x,y,z), given as a data, into a given space of piecewise linear tetrahedrons associated with the finite element method (FEM).
220. [fem3d\_sample](fem3d_sample/fem3d_sample.html), a program library which evaluates a finite element function defined on a 3D tetrahedral mesh.
221. [fern\_opengl](fern_opengl/fern_opengl.html), a program which uses OpenGL to display the Barnsley fractal fern.
222. [feynman\_kac\_1d](feynman_kac_1d/feynman_kac_1d.html), a program which demonstrates the use of the Feynman-Kac algorithm to solve Poisson's equation in a 1D interval by averaging stochastic paths to the boundary.
223. [feynman\_kac\_2d](feynman_kac_2d/feynman_kac_2d.html), a program which demonstrates the use of the Feynman-Kac algorithm to solve Poisson's equation in a 2D ellipse by averaging stochastic paths to the boundary.
224. [feynman\_kac\_3d](feynman_kac_3d/feynman_kac_3d.html), a program which demonstrates the use of the Feynman-Kac algorithm to solve Poisson's equation in a 3D ellipsoid by averaging stochastic paths to the boundary.
225. [fft\_openmp](fft_openmp/fft_openmp.html), a program which demonstrates the computation of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in parallel, using OpenMP.
226. [fft\_serial](fft_serial/fft_serial.html), a program which computes a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and is intended as a starting point for implementing an OpenMP parallel version.
227. [file\_name\_sequence](file_name_sequence/file_name_sequence.html), a program which demonstrates ways to generate a sequence of filenames, which can be useful when generating a sequence of still snapshots to be animated later.
228. [files\_multiple](files_multiple/files_multiple.html), a program which demonstrates how a program can open multiple output files at one time, and write data to any one specific file it chooses.
229. [filon](filon/filon.html), a library which can approximate integrals in which the integrand includes an oscillatory factor of sin(k\*x) or cos(k\*x).
230. [filum](filum/filum.html), a library which performs various operations with files;
231. [fire\_serial](fire_serial/fire_serial.html), a program which simulates a forest fire over a rectangular array of trees, starting at a single random location. It is intended as a starting point for the development of a parallel version.
232. [floyd](floyd/floyd.html), a library which implements Floyd's algorithm for finding the shortest distance between pairs of nodes on a directed graph.
233. [fn](fn/fn.html), a library which evaluates elementary and special functions using Chebyshev polynomials; functions include Airy, Bessel I, J, K and Y, beta, confluent hypergeometric, error, gamma, log gamma, Pochhammer, Spence; integrals include hyperbolic cosine, cosine, Dawson, exponential, logarithmic, hyperbolic sine, sine; by Wayne Fullerton.
234. [freefem++\_msh\_io](freefem++_msh_io/freefem++_msh_io.html), a library which can read and write files used by the FreeFem++ finite element program to store mesh information.
235. [g++\_intrinsics](g++_intrinsics/g++_intrinsics.html), a program which tests or demonstrates some of the intrinsic functions provided by the Gnu G++ compiler for C++.
236. [g++\_quadmath](g++_quadmath/g++_quadmath.html), a program which illustrates the use of quadruple precision real arithmetic, as provided on some systems by the Gnu g++ compiler for C++.
237. [gegenbauer\_rule](gegenbauer_rule/gegenbauer_rule.html), a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Gegenbauer quadrature rule of given order.
238. [gen\_hermite\_rule](gen_hermite_rule/gen_hermite_rule.html), a program which computes and writes out a generalized Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule of given order and parameter value.
239. [gen\_laguerre\_rule](gen_laguerre_rule/gen_laguerre_rule.html), a program which computes and writes out a generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule of given order and parameter value.
240. [geometry](geometry/geometry.html), a library which performs geometric calculations in 2, 3 and M dimensional space, including the computation of angles, areas, containment, distances, intersections, lengths, and volumes.
241. [gmsh\_io](gmsh_io/gmsh_io.html), a library which can read or write some of the files created by the Gmsh program for 1D, 2D or 3D meshes used by the finite element method (FEM).
242. [gmsh\_to\_fem](gmsh_to_fem/gmsh_to_fem.html), a program which reads a mesh data file created by the GMSH program and writes a pair of node and element files that correspond to the FEM format.
243. [gnuplot](gnuplot/gnuplot.html), programs which illustrate how a program can write data and command files so that gnuplot can create plots of the program results.
244. [gnuplot\_i\_examples](gnuplot_i_examples/gnuplot_i_examples.html), programs which demonstrate the use of the gnuplot\_i library for interactive runtime gnuplot graphics.
245. [gprof](gprof/gprof.html), programs which illustrate the use of the gprof program performance monitor;
246. [graphics\_examples](graphics_examples/graphics_examples.html), programs which illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed graphically.
247. [grf\_display\_opengl](grf_display_opengl/grf_display_opengl.html), a program which reads a GRF file defining a mathematical graph and displays it in the OpenGL graphics window.
248. [grf\_io](grf_io/grf_io.html), a library which reads or writes a GRF file;
249. [grid\_to\_bmp](grid_to_bmp/grid_to_bmp.html), a program which reads a text file of data on a rectangular grid and creates a BMP file containing a color image of the data.
250. [gsl](gsl/gsl.html), programs which illustrate the use of the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL);
251. [haar](haar/haar.html), a library which computes the Haar transform of data.
252. [halton](halton/halton.html), a library which computes elements of the Halton M-dimensional quasirandom sequence;
253. [halton\_dataset](halton_dataset/halton_dataset.html), a program which creates a Halton quasirandom sequence;
254. [hammersley](hammersley/hammersley.html), a library which computes a Hammersley M-dimensional quasirandom sequence;
255. [hammersley\_dataset](hammersley_dataset/hammersley_dataset.html), a program which creates a Hammersley quasirandom sequence;
256. [hb\_io](hb_io/hb_io.html), a library which reads and writes matrices in the Harwell Boeing (HB) sparse matrix format;
257. [heat\_mpi](heat_mpi/heat_mpi.html), a program which demonstrates the use of MPI, by solving the 1D time dependent heat equation.
258. [heated\_plate](heated_plate/heated_plate.html), a program which solves the steady state heat equation in a 2D rectangular region, and is intended as a starting point for implementing an OpenMP parallel version.
259. [heated\_plate\_openmp](heated_plate_openmp/heated_plate_openmp.html), a program which solves the steady (time independent) heat equation in a 2D rectangular region, using OpenMP to run in parallel.
260. [hello](hello/hello.html), a program which prints out "Hello, world!".
261. [hello\_mpi](hello_mpi/hello_mpi.html), a program which prints out "Hello, world!" using MPI for parallel programming.
262. [hello\_openmp](hello_openmp/hello_openmp.html), a program which prints out "Hello, world!" within the OpenMP parallel programming environment.
263. [hermite](hermite/hermite.html), a library which computes the Hermite interpolant, a polynomial that matches function values and derivatives.
264. [hermite\_cubic](hermite_cubic/hermite_cubic.html), a library which can compute the value, derivatives or integral of a Hermite cubic polynomial, or manipulate an interpolating function made up of piecewise Hermite cubic polynomials.
265. [hermite\_exactness](hermite_exactness/hermite_exactness.html), a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Hermite quadrature rules for approximating the integral of a function with density exp(-x^2) over the interval (-oo,+oo).
266. [hermite\_polynomial](hermite_polynomial/hermite_polynomial.html), a library which evaluates the physicist's Hermite polynomial, the probabilist's Hermite polynomial, the Hermite function, and related functions.
267. [hermite\_product\_polynomial](hermite_product_polynomial/hermite_product_polynomial.html), a library which defines Hermite product polynomials, creating a multivariate polynomial as the product of univariate Hermite polynomials.
268. [hermite\_rule](hermite_rule/hermite_rule.html), a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule for approximating the integral of a function with density exp(-x^2) over the interval (-oo,+oo).
269. [hermite\_test\_int](hermite_test_int/hermite_test_int.html), a library which defines test integrands for Hermite integrals with density exp(-x^2) over the interval (-oo,+oo).
270. [hexdump](hexdump/hexdump.html), a program which produces a hexadecimal dump of a file;
271. [high\_card\_simulation](high_card_simulation/high_card_simulation.html), a program which simulates a situation in which you see the cards in a deck one by one, and must select the one you think is the highest and stop; the program uses GNUPLOT to create a graph of the results.
272. [htmlindex](htmlindex/htmlindex.html), a program which creates a skeleton HTML page for a marked-up C, C++ or FORTRAN file;
273. [hyperball\_integrals](hyperball_integrals/hyperball_integrals.html), a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit hyperball in M dimensions.
274. [hyperball\_monte\_carlo](hyperball_monte_carlo/hyperball_monte_carlo.html), a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function over the interior of the unit ball in M dimensions;
275. [hyperball\_volume\_monte\_carlo](hyperball_volume_monte_carlo/hyperball_volume_monte_carlo.html), a program which applies a Monte Carlo procedure to estimate the volume of the unit ball in M dimensions;
276. [hypercube\_exactness](hypercube_exactness/hypercube_exactness.html), a program which tests the polynomial exactness of a quadrature rule over the interior of the unit hypercube in M dimensions.
277. [hypercube\_grid](hypercube_grid/hypercube_grid.html), a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of a hypercube in M dimensions.
278. [hypercube\_integrals](hypercube_integrals/hypercube_integrals.html), a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit hypercube in M dimensions.
279. [hypercube\_monte\_carlo](hypercube_monte_carlo/hypercube_monte_carlo.html), a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function over the interior of the unit hypercube in M dimensions.
280. [hypersphere\_integrals](hypersphere_integrals/hypersphere_integrals.html), a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the surface of the unit hypersphere in M dimensions.
281. [hypersphere\_monte\_carlo](hypersphere_monte_carlo/hypersphere_monte_carlo.html), a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function on the surface of the unit sphere in M dimensions;
282. [hypersphere\_properties](hypersphere_properties/hypersphere_properties.html), a library which carries out various operations for an M dimensional hypersphere, including converting between Cartesian and spherical coordinates, stereographic projection, sampling the surface of the sphere, and computing the surface area and volume.
283. [i2\_binary\_to\_ascii](i2_binary_to_ascii/i2_binary_to_ascii.html), a program which converts a file of short int (I2) data from binary to ASCII format.
284. [i4lib](i4lib/i4lib.html), a library which contains many utility routines, using single precision integer (I4) arithmetic.
285. [i8lib](i8lib/i8lib.html), a library which contains many utility routines, using double precision integer (I8) arithmetic.
286. [ihs](ihs/ihs.html), a library which computes elements of the Improved Hypercube Sampling (IHS) M-dimensional quasirandom sequence;
287. [ihs\_dataset](ihs_dataset/ihs_dataset.html), a program which creates an Improved Hypercube Sampling (IHS) dataset;
288. [image\_components](image_components/image_components.html), a library which seeks the connected nonzero or nonblack components of an image or integer array.
289. [image\_denoise](image_denoise/image_denoise.html), a library which applies simple filtering operations to a noisy image.
290. [image\_edge](image_edge/image_edge.html), a library which demonstrates a simple procedure for edge detection in images.
291. [index](index/index.html), a library which converts a M-dimensional vector index to a one-dimensional vector index; it can handle zero and one based indexing schemes, as well as column major and row major conventions.
292. [int\_exactness](int_exactness/int_exactness.html), a program which tests the polynomial exactness of a 1D quadrature rule for a finite interval;
293. [int\_exactness\_chebyshev1](int_exactness_chebyshev1/int_exactness_chebyshev1.html), a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Chebyshev type 1 quadrature rules.
294. [int\_exactness\_chebyshev2](int_exactness_chebyshev2/int_exactness_chebyshev2.html), a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Chebyshev type 2 quadrature rules.
295. [int\_exactness\_gegenbauer](int_exactness_gegenbauer/int_exactness_gegenbauer.html), a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Gegenbauer quadrature rules.
296. [int\_exactness\_gen\_hermite](int_exactness_gen_hermite/int_exactness_gen_hermite.html), a program which tests the polynomial exactness of generalized Gauss-Hermite quadrature rules.
297. [int\_exactness\_gen\_laguerre](int_exactness_gen_laguerre/int_exactness_gen_laguerre.html), a program which tests the polynomial exactness of generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rules.
298. [int\_exactness\_jacobi](int_exactness_jacobi/int_exactness_jacobi.html), a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rules.
299. [interp](interp/interp.html), a library which can be used for parameterizing and interpolating data;
300. [ising\_2d\_simulation](ising_2d_simulation/ising_2d_simulation.html), a program which simulates the evolution of a 2D array of positive and negative charges, each of which is likely to flip to be in agreement with neighbors, using gnuplot to display the initial and final configurations.
301. [ivcon](ivcon/ivcon.html), a program which converts between various 3D graphic file formats;
302. [jacobi](jacobi/jacobi.html), a program which implements the Jacobi iteration for linear systems.
303. [jacobi\_eigenvalue](jacobi_eigenvalue/jacobi_eigenvalue.html), a library which implements the Jacobi iteration for the iterative determination of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix.
304. [jacobi\_polynomial](jacobi_polynomial/jacobi_polynomial.html), a library which evaluates the Jacobi polynomial and associated functions.
305. [jacobi\_rule](jacobi_rule/jacobi_rule.html), a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rule of given order.
306. [kmeans](kmeans/kmeans.html), a library which handles the K-Means problem, which organizes a set of N points in M dimensions into K clusters;
307. [knapsack\_01](knapsack_01/knapsack_01.html), a library which uses brute force to solve small versions of the 0/1 knapsack problem;
308. [kronrod](kronrod/kronrod.html), a library which can compute a Gauss and Gauss-Kronrod pair of quadrature rules of arbitrary order, by Robert Piessens, Maria Branders.
309. [lagrange\_approx\_1d](lagrange_approx_1d/lagrange_approx_1d.html), a library which defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x) of degree m which approximates a set of nd data points (x(i),y(i)).
310. [lagrange\_interp\_1d](lagrange_interp_1d/lagrange_interp_1d.html), a library which defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x) which interpolates a set of data depending on a 1D argument, so that p(x(i)) = y(i).
311. [lagrange\_interp\_2d](lagrange_interp_2d/lagrange_interp_2d.html), a library which defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x,y) which interpolates a set of data depending on a 2D argument that was evaluated on a product grid, so that p(x(i),y(j)) = z(i,j).
312. [lagrange\_interp\_nd](lagrange_interp_nd/lagrange_interp_nd.html), a library which defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x) which interpolates a set of data depending on a M-dimensional argument that was evaluated on a product grid, so that p(x(i)) = z(i).
313. [lagrange\_nd](lagrange_nd/lagrange_nd.html), a library which implements several multivariate Lagrange interpolation schemes developed by Tomas Sauer.
314. [laguerre\_exactness](laguerre_exactness/laguerre_exactness.html), a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rules for integrating functions with density exp(-x) over \[0,+oo).
315. [laguerre\_polynomial](laguerre_polynomial/laguerre_polynomial.html), a library which evaluates the Laguerre polynomial, the generalized Laguerre polynomials, and the Laguerre function.
316. [laguerre\_rule](laguerre_rule/laguerre_rule.html), a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule for approximating the integral of a function with density exp(-x) over the interval \[0,+oo).
317. [laguerre\_test\_int](laguerre_test_int/laguerre_test_int.html), a library which implements test problems for for Gauss-Laguerre type quadrature rules for approximating the integral of a function with density exp(-x) over the interval \[0,+oo).
318. [latin\_center](latin_center/latin_center.html), a library which computes Latin Center Squares of N points in M dimensions;
319. [latin\_center\_dataset](latin_center_dataset/latin_center_dataset.html), a program which creates a Latin Center Hypercube dataset;
320. [latin\_cover](latin_cover/latin_cover.html), a library which produces N Latin squares which cover an NxN square, or NxN Latin cubes which cover an NxNxN cube.
321. [latin\_edge](latin_edge/latin_edge.html), a library which computes Latin Edge Squares of N points in M dimensions;
322. [latin\_edge\_dataset](latin_edge_dataset/latin_edge_dataset.html), a program which creates a Latin Edge Hypercube dataset;
323. [latin\_random](latin_random/latin_random.html), a library which computes Latin Random Squares of N points in M dimensions;
324. [latin\_random\_dataset](latin_random_dataset/latin_random_dataset.html), a program which creates a Latin Random Hypercube dataset;
325. [latinize](latinize/latinize.html), a library which adjusts N points in M dimensions to form a Latin Hypercube;
326. [lattice\_rule](lattice_rule/lattice_rule.html), a library which returns lattice rules for M-dimensional integration;
327. [lcvt](lcvt/lcvt.html), a library which creates a Latinized Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT);
328. [lcvt\_dataset](lcvt_dataset/lcvt_dataset.html), a program which creates a Latinized Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT);
329. [lebesgue](lebesgue/lebesgue.html), a library which is given a set of nodes in 1D, and plots the Lebesgue function, and estimates the Lebesgue constant, which measures the maximum magnitude of the potential error of Lagrange polynomial interpolation.
330. [legendre\_exactness](legendre_exactness/legendre_exactness.html), a program which tests the monomial exactness of quadrature rules for the Legendre problem of integrating a function with density 1 over the interval \[-1,+1\].
331. [legendre\_polynomial](legendre_polynomial/legendre_polynomial.html), a library which evaluates the Legendre polynomial and associated functions.
332. [legendre\_product\_polynomial](legendre_product_polynomial/legendre_product_polynomial.html), a library which defines Legendre product polynomials, creating a multivariate polynomial as the product of univariate Legendre polynomials.
333. [legendre\_rule](legendre_rule/legendre_rule.html), a program which writes out a Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule of given order.
334. [legendre\_rule\_fast](legendre_rule_fast/legendre_rule_fast.html), a program which uses a fast (order N) algorithm to compute a Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule of given order.
335. [lf2cr](lf2cr/lf2cr.html), a program which converts linefeeds to carriage returns in a file;
336. [lf2crlf](lf2crlf/lf2crlf.html), a program which converts linefeeds to carriage return + linefeeds in a file;
337. [lfrm](lfrm/lfrm.html), a program which removes all linefeed characters from a file;
338. [life\_opengl](life_opengl/life_opengl.html), a program which uses OpenGL to display the evolution of John Conway's Game of Life.
339. [life\_serial](life_serial/life_serial.html), a program which computes a few steps of the evolution of John Conway's Game of Life, intended as a starting point for implementing a parallel version.
340. [lights\_out\_opengl](lights_out_opengl/lights_out_opengl.html), a program which sets up a Lights Out game and allows the user to solve it, using the OpenGL graphics window.
341. [line\_cvt\_lloyd](line_cvt_lloyd/line_cvt_lloyd.html), a library which applies Lloyd's iteration repeatedly to a set of N points, to compute a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
342. [line\_fekete\_rule](line_fekete_rule/line_fekete_rule.html), a library which estimates the location of N Fekete points, for polynomial interpolation or quadrature, over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
343. [line\_felippa\_rule](line_felippa_rule/line_felippa_rule.html), a library which returns Felippa's quadratures rules for approximating integrals over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
344. [line\_grid](line_grid/line_grid.html), a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
345. [line\_integrals](line_integrals/line_integrals.html), a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the length of the unit line in 1D.
346. [line\_monte\_carlo](line_monte_carlo/line_monte_carlo.html), a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function over the length of the unit line in 1D.
347. [line\_ncc\_rule](line_ncc_rule/line_ncc_rule.html), a library which computes a Newton Cotes (Closed) quadrature rule, using equally spaced points, over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
348. [line\_nco\_rule](line_nco_rule/line_nco_rule.html), a library which computes a Newton Cotes Open (NCO) quadrature rule, using equally spaced points, over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
349. [linpack](linpack/linpack.html), a library which solves linear systems for a variety of matrix storage schemes, real or complex arithmetic, and single or double precision, by Jack Dongarra, Cleve Moler, Jim Bunch, Pete Stewart.
350. [linpack\_bench](linpack_bench/linpack_bench.html), a program which is a version of the LINPACK benchmark program;
351. [linpack\_c](linpack_c/linpack_c.html), a library which factors matrices in a variety of formats, and solving the associated linear systems, using single precision complex arithmetic; it includes a function for the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular matrix, by Jack Dongarra, Cleve Moler, Jim
