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  • Lab06.rar program that reads an integer value from the terminal and distributes the value to all of the MPI processes. Each process should print out its rank and the value it received. Values should be read until a negative integer is given as input. You may find ...
  • MPI_QuickSort.rar 并行快速排序算法,基于MPI 2.0 c语言实现,注释很清楚明确。
  • FFT.c.rar Fast Fourier Transform using MPI libraries (Source Code)
  • bubblesort.rar Bubble Sorting using MPI libraries
  • mergesort.rar Merge SOrting using MPI libraries
  • Quick.c.rar Quick Sorting using MPI libraries
  • Num5.c.rar Numerical Integration using MPI libraries
  • kkk.rar simple calculate area in MPI
  • MPI.c.tar.gz Multiple two matrices
  • parallel.c.tar.gz Example code for MPI