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  • DynomicMANDELBRAT.rar code mandelbart with mpi ,platform is visual c++
  • Sumationwithbitbit.rar this program calculate sumation n number with mpi tree
  • allGatherANDallReduce.rar this program is example about Allreduce and Allgather with mpi
  • broadcast.rar this program is example Broadcast with mpi
  • 1.rar MPI并行程序设计完整的一本书籍很好用的
  • 14parallel_bucket_sort.rar Parallel Bucket Sort with MPI
  • parallelgenetic.rar 使用并行遗传算法解决TSP问题,使用MPI函数库进行通信。
  • sorting.zip ... Ck log2 k Programming assignment (Due 4/20) Write a short program to estimate  on the Linux Lab machines. (This requires no parallelism) Programming assignment (Due 4/20) Write a short program using MPI to estimate  and in the Linux Lab.
  • mpitest.rar MPI在VS2008上测试运行程序,可以在MPICH2上运行,简单的多线程代码。
  • mylab_mul_send_rcv_nonblocking20101022.c.tar.gz MPI source code: all the nodes broadcast a message, the zero nod receives messages. Nonblocking sending.