Go To English Version 超过100万源码资源,1000万源码文件免费下载
  • GayteOfkgfdife1_0.rar 一个Game Of Life 的并行程序源码在MPI的下设计的C语言程序源码。
  • concurrent-computation.rar 多线程计算pi,多线程计算3PCF,MPI实现jacobi迭代,3PCF优化!天津大学计算机学院并行计算课程作业。
  • calc_pi.zip Calculate pi using MPI and C
  • Siemens_MPI.rar 西门子MPI协议分析,用于S7-300/400等PLC上
  • kursak.rar MPI program to illustrate paralel computation of two matrix multiplying on ikosaedr
  • ParallelFortranP95PusingPOpenMP.rar 多核并行fortran计算很好的书籍,openmp,不是mpi
  • bucket.zip bucket sort example that works in parallel that works on windows system with open mpi. Input is hard coded, no real interface for input, you will need to extend the program.
  • helloworld.zip Hello World Using MPI
  • bucket1.rar a version of the bucket sort for mpi c++
  • bubblesort.rar a version of the bubblesort for linux mpi