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  • nagademo-webmud Source Code for my NaGaDeMo attempt to write an HTML5 Web Sockets MUD in node.js nagademo-webmud =============== Source Code for my NaGaDeMo attempt to write an HTML5 Web Sockets MUD in node.js
  • RueMUD ... for CMSC 23310 at the University of Chicago. RueMUD: A P2P MUD Based on Chord and MOPAR Massively-multiplayer online games are ... to think smaller. Thus, we turned to using SocketMUD, a simpler MUD with less implementation finished, and aim to expand it as ...
  • beastmud BeastMUD - A basic MUD framework in C# beastmud ======== BeastMUD - A basic MUD framework in C#
  • pasn ... --------- Lackaff, D. (2012). [New opportunities in personal data collection](http://www.springerlink.com/content/a757l157945u3852/?MUD=MP). In M. Zacarias & J. de Oliviera (Eds.) Human-computer interaction: The agency perspective. Frankfurt, Germany: ...
  • fbmuck ... format. Documentation exists in several files, read Documentation to find out what's what. I recommend that non-MUF programmers read MUD.doc and MUCK.doc, and MUF programers read MUF-tutorial, MUF.Manual and forth.ref. technical.doc should be read by ...
  • emud trying to build a MUD with Erlang
  • wordpress ... escolheu (ou com os que lhe foram atribuidos) durante a instalação. Se foi gerada uma password poderá clicar em 'Perfil' para mudá-la.
  • Actualização

    Actualização Automática

    Se está a actualizar uma versão 2.7 ou superior, ...

  • easymud A MUD framework. Ostensibly, it's really easy to use. easymud ======= A MUD framework. Ostensibly, it's really easy to use.
  • NodeMudTry Try to create a mud game in node.js NodeMudTry ========== Try to create a mud game in node.js
  • tkMOO-lite ... -announce' is a low volume mailing list intended only as an alerting service to carry announcements of new versions of the MUD client 'tkMOO-light' and related bulletins. To subscribe to 'client-announce' send an email message to: