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  • 深入浅出MFC ... 器 VERSIONINFO资源编辑器 String Table编辑器 Menu 编辑器 Accelerator 编辑器 Dialog 编辑器 Console ... time)的处理:OnIdle/176 Dialog 与 Control/178 通用对话框(Common Controls)/178 ... ComTest 程序内容 /409 使用ActiveX Controls /411 ActiveX Control 基础观念:Properties、Methods、Events/411 ...
  • EhLib 6.3 Build 6.3.176 Russian version. Full source included. ... or can works as non data-aware edit control. TPropStorageEh, TIniPropStorageManEh, TRegPropStorageManEh components Components realize technology to ... 'Vcl.EhLibXX.Dll' and select "Build" menu to compile package. After that, open and compile ...
  • 三种版本的图片裁剪 ... amp;avatartype=virtual" /> <param name="menu" value="false" /> <embed ... 图片文件内容 处理程序为: center\control\user.php : onuploadavatar() 程序返回的内容为 ... ...<small> 处理程序为: center\control\user.php : onrectavatar() 程序的返回内容为 ...
  • PT80-NEAT开发指南v1.1 ...  对话框模式:开发人员可以将图形控件从 Visual Studio 中‖Control Toolbar‖中拖放到 PT80 可视化对话框界面,不 需要使用 ... Icon)资源,资源数据为一个资源 ID 及对应图标文件。 4. 菜单(Menu)资源。 5. 版本信息(Version)资源。 用到了几个将资源 ... & res = NEATAPPNAME) 函数 3. 对话框创建: 首先将 Picture Control 控件拖到模板上 \image html 9.2-static1.JPG 添加图标: ...
  • DevExpress VCL 13.2.5 D7-DXE6 FullSource ... Suite •ExpressEditors Library •Resolved Issues •ExpressBars Suite •ExpressDocking Library •ExpressLayout Control •ExpressPageControl •ExpressPrinting System •ExpressQuantumGrid Suite •ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite •ExpressScheduler Suite •ExpressSkins ...
  • EGit用户指南 ... 1.2 Basic Tutorial: Adding a project to version control 1.2.1 Configuration Identifying ... Local Branch From the team menu From the Repositories View ... Starting merge from the Team menu Starting merge from the ...
  • VISUAL_C++MFC编程实例 ... , ClassName, WindowName, Style, x, y, Width, Height, Parent, Menu, P a r a m ) ; 第一行代码创建 ... , ClassName, WindowName, Style, x, y, Width, Height, Parent, Menu, Instance, Param); 因为C W n d类 ... M e n u )句柄或控件(Control )ID,这要依赖于创建的 ... x是应用程序资源里面的菜单ID(Menu ID)。 可以用C W n d ...
  • In-plan操作手册 1. Login Server & Open InPlan 2. InPlan base menu instruction 3. Create new job or Open Job 4. Run Order ... -up 10. Run Process tree & Save 11. Add additional tools using control.bat 12. Review & update Matrix 13. Run MRP naming 14. Edit ...
  • Windows_API_宝典(完整) ... 1 1.2 Win32 API 简介 .......................................................... 1 第二章 窗口管理函数(Window Control Function)..................................... 14 2.1 易用特性函数(Accessibility Features) ................................. 14 2.2 按钮 ...
  • C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity 3D - 2014 ... 259 11.7.1 Script Breakdown.........................................260 11.8 Wave Spawning and Control........................................261 11.8.1 Script Breakdown.........................................263 11.9 Wave Properties ...