ONVIF Test Tool v 12.12
文件大小: 15785k
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资源说明:Change Log, version v12.12 1. Incorporates ONVIF Test Specification version v12.12. This version contains increased functionality coverage of ONVIF Core Specification v2.3 and Profile S. In addition, all Change Requests, Errata’s and interpretations done for later versions of ONVIF Core Specification apply. 2. Introduces test cases for the Recording Control, Receiver, Replay and Search services of ONVIF Core Specification v2.3 in prevision of introduction of Profile G. 3. Improved the usability of the ONVIF Device Test Tool including the possibility of running the tool as if every feature was supported, the ability to save and load configuration files and to expand/contract the test tree using the right-click contextual menu