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资源说明:Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: Enter the Third Dimension 7 Getting to grips with 3D 7 Coordinates 8 Local space versus world space 9 Vectors 11 Cameras 11 Projection mode—3D versus 2D 11 Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes 12 Materials, textures, and shaders 14 Rigidbody physics 15 Collision detection 16 Essential Unity concepts 17 The Unity way—an example 18 Assets 19 Scenes 19 GameObjects 19 Components 20 Scripts 20 Prefabs 21 The interface 22 The Scene view and Hierarchy 23 Control tools 23 Flythrough Scene navigation 24 Control bar 24 Search box 25 Create button 25 The Inspector 25 The Project window 26 Table of Contents [ ii ] The Game view 27 Summary 28 Chapter 2: Prototyping and Scripting Basics 29 Your first Unity project 29 A basic prototyping environment 31 Setting the scene 32 Adding simple lighting 33 Another brick in the wall 34 Building the master brick 34 And snap!—It's a row 36 Grouping and duplicating with empty objects 38 Build it up, knock it down! 39 Setting the viewpoint 39 Introducing scripting 39 A new behaviour script or 'class' 40 What's inside a new C# behaviour 41 Basic functions 42 Variables in C# 42 What's inside a new Javascript behaviour 43 Variables in Javascript 43 Comments 44 Wall attack 44 Declaring public variables 45 Assigning scripts to objects 46 Moving the camera 47 Local, private, and public variables 49 Understanding Translate 50 Implementing Translate 51 Testing the game so far 52 Making a projectile 53 Creating the projectile prefab 53 Creating and applying a material 54 Adding physics with a Rigidbody 55 Storing with prefabs 55 Firing the projectile 56 Using Instantiate() to spawn objects 56 Adding a force to the Rigidbody 57 Summary 59 Chapter 3: Creating the Environment 61 Designing the game 61 Using the terrain editor 63 Terrain menu features 64 Importing and exporting heightmaps 64 Table of Contents [ iii ] Setting the resolution 64 Mass place trees 66 Flatten Heightmap 66 Refresh tree and detail prototypes 66 The terrain toolset 66 Terrain Script 66 Raise height 67 Paint height 68 Smooth Height 69 Paint Texture 70 Place Trees 70 Paint Details 71 Terrain Settings 71 Creating the island—sun, sea, and sand 72 Step 1—Setting up the terrain 72 Step 2—Creating the Island outline 73 Step 3—Volcano! 74 Step 4—Adding textures 76 Step 5—Tree time 80 Step 6—The grass is always greener 81 Step 7—Let there be lights! 83 Step 8—What's that sound? 84 Step 9—Look, there! Up in the skybox! 87 Step 10—Open water 88 Step 11—Going walkabout 88 Step 12—Final tweaks 90 Summary 91 Chapter 4: Player Characters and Further Scripting 93 Working with the Inspector 94 Tags 95 Layers 96 Prefabs and the Inspector 97 Anatomy of a character 97 Deconstructing the First Person Controller object 99 Parent-child issues 99 First Person Controller object 100 Object 1: First Person Controller (parent) 100 Object 2: Graphics (child) 105 Object 3: Main Camera (child) 106 Further scripting 109 Commands 110 Variables 111 Variable data types 111 Using variables 112 Full example 114 Functions 115 Table of Contents [ iv ] Update() 115 OnMouseDown() 116 Writing custom functions 116 Return type 116 Arguments 117 Declaring a custom function 118 Calling a custom function 119 If else statements 121 Multiple conditions 123 For loops 124 Inter-script communication and Dot Syntax 125 Accessing other objects 125 Find() and FindWithTag() 126 SendMessage 126 GetComponent 127 Comments 130 Further reading 131 Scripting for character movement 131 Deconstructing the script 131 Full script (Javascript) 131 Variable declaration 132 Storing movement information 133 Moving the character 135 Checking grounded 136 @Script commands 137 Summary 137 Chapter 5: Interactions 139 External modeling applications 139 Common settings for models 140 Meshes 140 Normals and Tangents 141 Materials 142 Animations 142 Animation Compression 142 Setting up the outpost model 143 Adding the outpost 144 Positioning 144 Rotation 145 Adding colliders 145 Adding the Rigidbody 148 Adding audio 148 Disabling automatic animation 149 Table of Contents [ v ] Collisions and triggers 150 Ray casting 153 The frame miss 153 Predictive collision detection 154 Opening the outpost 156 Approach 1—Collision detection 156 Creating new assets 156 Scripting for character collision detection 157 Approach 2—Ray casting 172 Disabling collision detection with comments 172 Migrating code—writing a DoorManager script 173 Tidying PlayerCollisions 175 Casting the ray 176 Resetting the collider 178 Approach 3—Trigger collision detection 179 Creating and scaling the trigger zone 179 Scripting for trigger collisions 182 Summary 184 Chapter 6: Collection, Inventory, and HUD 185 Creating the power cell prefab 187 Downloading, importing, and placing 188 Tagging the power cell 188 Collider scaling and rotation 189 Enlarging the power cell 189 Adding a trigger collider 189 Collider scale 189 Adding the Rigidbody 190 Creating the power cell script 190 Adding rotation 191 Adding Trigger Collision Detection 192 Saving as a prefab 193 Scattering power cells 193 Writing the Player Inventory 195 Saving the charge value 195 Setting the variable start value 196 Audio feedback 196 Adding the CellPickup() function 196 Adding the Inventory to the player 197 Restricting outpost access 198 Restricting door access with a cell counter 199 Displaying the power cell HUD 200 Import settings for GUI textures 201 Creating the GUITexture object 201 Positioning the PowerGUI texture 202 Table of Contents [ vi ] Scripting for texture swap 203 Understanding arrays 203 Adding the HUD array 205 Assigning textures to the array 206 Disabling the HUD for game start 207 Enabling the HUD during runtime 208 Adding the power generator 210 Signifying door unlock 214 Adding the locked light 214 Switching lights and removing the HUD 215 Hints for the player 217 Writing on screen with GUIText 217 Scripting for GUIText control 218 Adjusting hints to show progress 221 Using fonts 222 Summary 224 Chapter 7: Instantiation and Rigidbodies 225 Utilizing instantiation 226 Rigidbodies 227 Forces 227 The Rigidbody component 228 Making the mini-game 229 Creating the coconut prefab 230 Creating the textured coconut 230 Adding physics 231 Saving as a prefab 231 Creating the Launcher object 232 Scripting to throw coconuts 234 Checking for player input 236 Playing feedback sound 236 Instantiating the coconut 237 Naming instances 238 Assigning velocity 239 Adding development safeguards 240 Final checks 245 Instantiate restriction and object tidying 246 Activating coconut throw 247 Adding the coconut shy shack 250 Import settings 250 Removing coconuts 252 Placement 256 Disabling automatic animation 256 Adding Rigidbodies to moving parts 257 Writing the Coconut collision detection script 257 Assigning the script 264 Creating more targets 265 Table of Contents [ vii ] Winning the game 266 Setting up variables 266 Checking for a win 267 Script assignment 269 Incrementing and decrementing target count 269 Finishing touches 271 Adding the crosshair 271 Informing the player 272 Summary 275 Chapter 8: Particle Systems 277 What is a particle system? 277 Particle Emitter 278 Particle Animator 278 Particle Renderer 279 Creating the task 280 Assets involved 280 Adding the log pile 281 Creating the campfire particle systems 283 Creating fire 283 Blowing smoke! 288 Adding audio to the fire 291 Lighting the fire 293 Adding the matches 293 Creating the matches GUI 296 Collecting the matches 296 Starting the fire 299 Testing and confirming 304 So, what's the problem? 304 Safeguarding with additional conditions 305 Summary 306 Chapter 9: Designing Menus 307 Interfaces and menus 308 Creating the scene 310 Duplicating the island 310 Preparing textures for GUI usage 312 Adding the game title 313 Creating the menu with GUITextures and mouse events 315 Adding the play button 315 GUITexture button script 315 Loading scenes 318 Assigning public variables 319 Testing the button 319 Adding the instructions button 320 Table of Contents [ viii ] Adding the quit button 321 Checking scripts with Debug commands 324 Creating the menu with the Unity GUI class and GUI skins 325 Disabling game objects 326 Creating the menu 326 Creating public variables 327 The OnGUI() function 328 Positioning for GUIs 328 Styling GUI buttons with a GUI skin 332 Using textures for GUI button backgrounds 333 Choosing font size for GUI buttons 335 Scripting button actions 340 Adding the Instructions page 344 Summary 350 Chapter 10: Animation Basics 351 Game win sequence 351 Win sequence approach 353 Triggering the win 354 Creating the game win messages 354 Positioning win sequence GUI elements 355 Grouping GUITextures for optimized instantiation 355 Animating with linear interpolation (Lerp) 355 Adjusting animations 358 Storing the win sequence 358 Creating the win object 358 Creating the Fader and using the Animation panel 360 Scaling for various resolutions 361 Starting the Fader from invisibility 362 Animation panel overview 363 Creating an animation clip 364 Creating keyframes 364 Using animation curves 367 Adding animation events 368 Creating and animating the Loading GUI 370 Loading scenes with animation events 372 Storing and instantiating the Loading GUI 373 Loading the win sequence 373 Layering GUITextures 375 Challenge—fading in the Island scene 375 Summary 376 Chapter 11: Performance Tweaks and Finishing Touches 377 Terrain tweaks and player position 378 Tweaking the terrain 378 Positioning trees 378 Table of Contents [ ix ] Hills, troughs, and texture blending 379 Life's a beach 380 Keep on the right path 380 Positioning the player 382 Optimizing performance 382 Camera Clip Planes and Fog 383 Lightmapping 384 Lighting and baking the island 384 Preparing for lightmapping 384 Baking the lightmap 389 Restoring dynamic objects 394 Finishing touches 394 Volcano! 394 Positioning the particle system 395 Making the smoke material 397 Particle system settings 397 Adding audio to the volcano 398 Volcano testing 399 Coconut trails 400 Editing the Prefab 400 Trail Renderer component 401 Updating the prefab 402 Summary 404 Chapter 12: Building and Sharing 405 Build options 406 Web Player 407 Web Player Streamed 407 PC or Mac standalone 408 OSX Dashboard Widget 408 Build Settings 409 Player Settings 410 Cross-Platform Settings 410 Per-Platform Settings 411 Quality Settings 415 Player Input settings 418 Building the game 419 Adapting for web build 419 Quit button platform automation 419 Preparing for streaming 421 First Build 427 Building the Standalone 427 Free versus Pro 428 Building for the Web 429 Embedding web player builds in your own site 430 Table of Contents [ x ] Sharing your work 434 Sharing on Kongregate.com 434 Summary 435 Chapter 13: Testing and Further Study 437 Learn by doing 438 Testing and finalizing 438 Public testing 439 Frame rate feedback 439 Optimizing performance 442 Approaches to learning 443 Cover as many bases as possible 443 Don't reinvent the wheel 444 If you don't know, just ask! 444 Summary 445