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资源说明:对coolpad云服务详细的分析,告诉你为什么你的酷派手机总是收到广告,告诉你为什么你的酷派手机总是莫名其妙的多了新的应用。 你的通知栏总是会有各种提示,而且还看不到到底是哪个应用发的通知。 此分析报告揭示了这一切。 PALO ALTO NETWORKS发布的报告。 目录如下: Executive Summary 3 Coolpad Background 4 User Reporting for this Threat 4 Coolpad Global Expansion 5 CoolReaper: The CoolPad Backdoor 6 CoolReaper Files and Versions 7 Origin 8 CoolReaper Analysis 9 System Application with System User ID 9 User Interface 10 Code Structure 10 Component Functionalities 11 Command and Control Servers and the Coolyun Service 13 CoolReaper Back-End 17 Hiding CoolReaper From Users 21 Hidden From List of Installed Packages 21 Disable Notifications Menu 22 Evading Pre-Installed Antivirus Program 23 CoolReaper Reach and Impact 23 Customer Reports 23 Geographic Range of Impact 25 Detection and Protection 28 Conclusions and Risks 29 Acknowledgements 30 Appendix A: Significant Malicious Behaviors 30