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  • qpsksystem_SJSU_mdl.rar QPSK modulation system with recover loops
  • AM-FM-modulation.rar matlab 调频调幅模拟实现,有例程非常好!
  • mpsk.rar simulation of mpsk modulation technick and demonstation of constellation in noisy arean and non-noisy
  • QPSK_TEST.rar this is one of the QPSK modulation
  • practisereport.rar OFDM(正交频分复用)技术实际上是MCM(Multi-Carrier Modulation,多载波调制)的一种。其主要思想是,将信道分成若干正交子信道,将高速数据信号转换成并行的低速子数据流,调制到在每个子信道上进行传输。正交信号可以通过在接收端采用相关技术来分开,这样可以减少子信道之间的相互干扰(ICI)。每个子信道上的信号带宽小于信道的相关带宽,因此每个子信道上的可以看成平坦性衰落,从而可以消除符号间干扰。而且由于每个子信道的带宽仅仅是原信道带宽的一小部分,信道均衡变得相对容
  • 3.zip Word file for AM Modulation
  • Desktop.rar code for delta modulation
  • Digital_Modulation.zip Modulation ASK, OOK, BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK Digital modulation techniques
  • AM_and_FM_modulation.rar Very good code for AM and FM modulation. For beginner
  • proiect3.rar This is an analog signal communication simulator, usign frequency modulation. It is designed in MATLAB-Simulink. The communications channel beetween the transmitter and the reciever is supposed to be affected by additive white Gaussian noise.